I2P Address: [http://git.idk.i2p]

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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 0.8.14-beta2
    4eb4dc6a · 0.8.14-beta2 ·
  • 0.8.14-beta1
    16b6c8e4 · 0.8.14-beta1 ·
  • seedbox-core-0.1.0
    core fixes for MuWire Seedbox Daemon 0.1.0
  • muwire-0.8.13
    b76cf432 · muwire 0.8.13 ·
    MuWire 0.8.13
  • 0.8.13-beta5
    e2c1b92e · 0.8.13-beta5 ·
  • 0.8.13-beta4
    e690a2f1 · 0.8.13-beta4 ·
  • 0.8.13-beta3
    b5aa3d5b · 0.8.13-beta3 ·
    make sure the tag exists in gitlab as well
  • muwire-0.8.12
    f2b2c203 · MuWire 0.8.12 ·
    MuWire 0.8.12 featuring:
    * Support for regular expression queries, see https://muwire.com/search-phrases.html
    * Ability to configure watched folders from the Library tab
    * Color non-shared folders gray
    * Publishing files preview panel
    * Tooltips
    * Ability drop or block queries based on rules
    * I2P router 1.7.0
    * Latest Java 18
    * Auto-update functionality
    * Chat/message notifications on Windows and LInux taskbars
    * Repeat search button
    * Favorite chat servers address book
    * Ability to select external I2P router
    * Automatic reconnect if external router is lost
    * New “Rejected” state for downloads rejected due to slot limit
    * Ability to choose external router in setup wizard
    * Fix bug in persisting downloads, GitHub issue 124
    * Keyboard shortcuts for some actions, see https://i2pforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=1066
    * Use background priority on Windows, GitHub issue 126
    * More efficient updating of GUI when grouping by sender, GiHub issue 129
    * Center all frames correctly, GitHub issues 130 and 133
    * Color the cryptographic part of the nicknames gray
    * Speed up startup by postponing connection to I2P
    * Sort result tree alphabetically, GitHub issue 134
    * many other small fixes
  • plugin-0.8.11-b0
    89e4cf7a · fix plugin build ·
    Fix tag for building plugin 0.8.11-b0
  • muwire-0.8.11
    a6f6e781 · Release 0.8.11 ·
    Release 0.8.11 featuring:
    * Library refresh improvements on uploads and results
    * Symlink support in library
    * JTattoo LnFs
    * Apply theme settings without a restart
    * Tabs on group-by-file view
    * “File Details” frame for group-by-sender view
    * I2P router 1.6.1
    * Build fixes for JDK 17
    * Remember hopeless hosts longer
    * Fallback to locale en instead of the system default one
    * Add German low-high quotes to split pattern
    * plumbing for future regex queries
  • muwire-0.8.10
    2b3c08d6 · Release 0.8.10 ·
    Release 0.8.10 featuring:
    * Search in the names of shared folders
    * Display search results as Tree or as Table
    * Optimizations in library and result filtering
    * Optimizations in shared file and result display
    * Show checkmark on results for files present locally
    * Filter ability in group-by-file view
    * Allow multiple selection in group-by-file and download tables
    * Fix connecting only to trusted contacts and issuing 0-hop queries
    * Copy local files if user tries to download them again
    * Fix sanitization of apostrophe
  • muwire-0.8.9
    5cd06bc5 · Release 0.8.9 ·
    Release 0.8.9 featuring:
    * I2P router 1.5.0
    * My Feed view
    * Default chat rooms
    * Updated Groovy and Gradle libraries
    * Fixes for un-sharing directories
    * Filtering in Browse tab
    * Various small UI tweaks
    * Fixed bandwidth limiting when using embedded router
  • muwire-0.8.8
    5f229d90 · Release 0.8.8 ·
    Release 0.8.8 featuring:
    * Big increase in shared file capacity
    * Ability to filter library
    * Fix for unsharing directories inside other shared directories
    * Add HEAD request for downloaders
    * Reduction in background traffic via binary pongs
    * More aggressive connecting on startup
    * Ability to configure the number of CPU cores used for hashing
    * Sanitization of HTML for components that may contain it
  • muwire-0.8.7
    c3e1a8fa · Release 0.8.7 ·
    Release 0.8.7 featuring:
    * Redesign contacts pane
    * Message folders
    * Keyboard navigation in wizard
    * Switch to ECIES-only connections
    * Multiply probability of routing by 2
    * Avoid slower routers depending on speed-vs-anon7mity setting
    * Fix for memory leak in Groovy.SQL object
    * Upgrade to Gradle 7
    * Reproducible .zip distribution
    * More translations
  • muwire-0.8.6
    91aac95c · Release 0.8.6 ·
    Release 0.8.6 featuring:
    * I2P Router 0.9.49
    * Darcula theme
    * Change units from KB to KiB
    * Various small fixes
  • muwire-0.8.5
    26561a1b · Release 0.8.5 ·
    Release 0.8.5 for router 0.9.48 and systray notifications
  • muwire-0.8.4
    2cc474ee · Release 0.8.4 ·
    Release 0.8.4
    * Small messaging fixes
    * UI improvements and fixes related to messaging and collections
    * "Copy Full ID" context menus
  • muwire-0.8.3
    5643f7ab · Release 0.8.3 ·
    Release 0.8.3 featuring
    * File collections
    * Messaging functionality
  • muwire-0.8.2
    0654fb26 · Release 0.8.2 ·
    Release 0.8.2 featuring:
    * Changes to Markov chain logic
    * Speed up of file hashing by using up to half available cores
    * Speed up and fixes to shared file loading, especially on plugin
  • muwire-0.8.1
    b01d8708 · Release 0.8.1 ·
    Release 0.8.1 fixing BigDecimal parsing on non-US locales