- Mar 22, 2015
- Mar 21, 2015
zzz authored
easy since we have multipart in console now Better status feedback from update manager to console
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
doing mostly direct lookups now, and delay adding them at startup to give client tunnels a chance
zzz authored
str4d authored
and '7e72459b27feb5176e98c5efc843f63e46e8f63d'
str4d authored
str4d authored
- Mar 20, 2015
kytv authored
kytv authored
zzz authored
we're accepting tunnels sooner.
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
- Move multipart form support from susimail to jetty-i2p.jar so console can use it - Add multipart form support to formhandler.jsi and FormHandler.java Reseed: - Fix zip magic number - Finish manual reseed from local file package.html files for jetty-i2p.jar
zzz authored
- Mar 19, 2015
zzz authored
- Add form to manually reseed from zip or su3 URL (result status not yet working) - Add form to manually reseed from local zip or su3 file (not yet working, needs multipart/form-date moved from susimail) - Add form to create reseed zip file to share (working) - Backend support and refactoring in reseed code
zzz authored
- Mar 18, 2015
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
Prop from i2p.i2p.zzz.upnp, containing: Cyberlink for Java v3.0 + (2015-02-15) from github See branch revs for more info and fixups. Previous was Cyberlink for Java v2.1 (2011-09-16) from SVN. From a scan of the 2.1-to-3.0 diff, it's mostly formatting changes, getting rid of DOS line endings, and a couple of new features we don't need. I see very few fixes. And the Device.getAbsoluteURL() "fixes" did not work in my testing, I had to fix them again. Unlikely to fix any of the open UPnP tickets #481 #725 #728 #1194 #1480. But now we're current.
zzz authored
to branch 'i2p.i2p' (head 5ae9785903c4b9452f4241758e8ddc1338e94574)
zzz authored
- Send exploratory lookups directly to the floodfill if we are already connected to him - Don't encrypt RI lookups when overloaded - Don't explore when overloaded - SearchJob cleanups Tunnels: Drop instead of reject requests on high job lag
- Mar 17, 2015
zzz authored
addCapabilities() tweaks
zzz authored
- New fix Device.getAbsoluteURL() once again after merge - Don't load local files in Service.getSCPDNode()
zzz authored
zzz authored
to branch 'i2p.i2p.zzz.upnp' (head e508f71db90f382080b98d11efbdb4d88c1bc406)
zzz authored
and 'fbd68f812db1e891f96e212b3a5938beec0233b5'
zzz authored
Unmodified cybergarage-upnp from github rev 9499b03 2015-02-05 https://github.com/cybergarage/cybergarage-upnp/commits/master which is the same as rev 3ed1af9 2014-07-28 except for the addition of README.md which we aren't using. This is post-version 3.0. Omitted files: router/java/src/org/cybergarage/xml/parser/XercesParser.java router/java/src/org/cybergarage/xml/parser/XmlPullParser.java router/java/src/org/cybergarage/xml/parser/kXML2Parser.java chmod all files back to 644. Diverging from 2.1 checkin rev 59eae97dbb470d8c4a1e4dba3a9763e134bb0c53 in prep for merging. License unchanged. Compile tested only.
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
Indonesian, Finnish, Malagasy, Albanian, Korean, Ukrainian, Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch Note broken translations in TX config file
- Mar 16, 2015