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  • str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
    2017-06-03 str4d
     * Console:
       - Add spans to /stats page to avoid summary info breaking mid-sentence, and
         to aid presentation
       - Adjust /stats CSS so information isn't over-dense
       - Set graph size for generated graphs on /stats to 600x200
       - Fix netdb leaseset tables
         - Ensure we only iconify add to addressbook links and not b32 dests
       - Individual icons for I2PSnark and I2P Plugins on /home
       - Add div to upnpstatus on peers to comply with layout
       - Fix various unclosed/erroneous tags
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
     * SusiDNS:
       - Rework SVG image
         - Now features interactive feedback when mouseover objects and hotlinks
       - Update fallback images for en and fr
       - Update overview text
       - added tabindex="0" to destination addresses, highlighted on :focus
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
     * i2psnark:
       - Reorder .snarkCommentInfo sections so my rating / average rating is located
         directly above posted comments/ratings in .snarkComments
       - If author name for comments is configured, display it in .snarkCommentInfo
         table header
       - Full status tooltips for status icons in .snarkTorrents
       - Rework td/th classes for .snarkTorrents so each column (both th + td) now
         belongs to a given class
       - Stop .snarkTorrentStatus class being incorrectly applied to .peerinfo
       - Spans for DHT peers / Dest in #totals, .snarkTorrentInfo info hash
       - Delete icon for delete comments td
       - Overhaul .snarkTorrents column widths
       - CSS tidyups
     * Compress some of the larger image files by 40-60%
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
     * UI feedback:
       * Console:
         - Increase contrast of table rows on profile/tunnels/peers tables
         - Changed pink font to magenta in /logs to increase legibility
         - Soften H3 headings in sidebar
         - Single click to select I2P Version and Running Environment table text,
           with table:hover color change and text cursor to better reflect selection
           - Modify text above to indicate what exactly needs to be included in logs
         - Reduce size of monospace dests in peers/profiles/tunnels, add additional
           spacing (responsive)
         - Fix resizing of sidebar reseed button
         - De-emphasise siderbar app icons with background-blend-mode: luminosity
         - Change sidebar snark icon to match homepage icon
         - Bump div.main text color from #222 to #333 (reduce contrast)
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
       * i2ptunnel:
         - Remove redundant labels and spans for keyaccess
         - Edit Server:
           - Shift Local Destination / Private Key file to share table row
           - Move "Use SSL to connect to target" to Target Port column
         - Add translation tagging for title tags
         - Remove redundant title tags and provide enhanced strings for features
           that benefit from clarification
         - Move title tags to <label> where applicable
         - Fixed Cancel button on registration so it now jumps back to the list page
         - textareas for registration page and local destination on edit server page
           changed to divs
           - Scrollbars hidden until mouseover, 1 click to select content
           - Responsive width, tabindex="0"
         - Fix overflow issue on select dropdowns (edit server/client -> tunnel
           options) in Chrome / Blink
         - More generous vertical padding for th (responsive)
         - Larger h2/h3s (responsive)
         - Increase spacing between panels in iframe mode
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
       * SusiDNS: Change address helper icon to add book icon
       * i2psnark:
         - Remove font-adjust-size (ubergine/vanilla)
         - Add extra spacing to screenlogger bullets (ubergine)
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
         - (ubergine) speed up tr:hover events by optimizing css (remove latency)
         - (all) remove fade activation delay for download bars, speed up fade-in /
         - Fix i2psnark link in navbar overflow issue in Arabic (ubergine/vanilla)
         - (ubergine) change default font for screenlog from Noto Mono to Droid Sans
           Mono to soften text/slightly reduce text size
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
    2017-05-25 zzz
     * Crypto: Fix AES NPE on 4-core RPi 2nd try (ticket #1989)
    2017-05-24 zzz
     * GeoIP: Fix NPE
    2017-05-21 zzz
     * i2psnark: Fix bencoded scrape response for zzzot (ticket #1994)
    2017-05-21 str4d
     * i2psnark: Integrate ratings and comments into themes
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
    2017-05-20 str4d
       - Clarify choices on address helper save page (ticket #1940)
       - Add router.hideFloodfillParticipant to advanced settings help
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
     * i2psnark:
       - Make DHT debug section collapsible
       - Tooltips for downloading/finished torrents
       - Download bars for torrents, torrent parts and peer downloads
       - Friendlier date format (with completed: <date> tooltip for finished torrents)
    2017-05-19 zzz
     * Console: Move /peers page rendering from router to console (ticket #1879)
     * i2psnark: Add ut_comment UI and per-torrent configuration
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
    2017-05-18 str4d
    Prop from i2p.i2p.str4d.ui:
     * Backend HTML changes to routerconsole and apps:
       - IDs, classes and <span>s for styling
       - <label>s to extend touch targets
       - Table layouts where it makes sense
       - Tooltips
       - Move most of the hard-coded styles to CSS
     * Overhaul all themes:
       - Responsive layouts
       - Standardisation of UI elements, configuration labels, etc.
       - Consistent layouts, spacing, font sizes, etc.
       - Routerconsole themes now present for all bundled plugins
       - HiDPI images
       - Accessibility and localisation improvements
       - Testing on a wide array of browsers and screen sizes
     * Console:
       - /home:
         - Move console links above hidden service links
         - Link are now full touch button targets
         - Add tabindex ="-1" to icon links
       - Sidebar:
         - Include bandwidth in minimal sidebar
         - Optional Advanced section
       - /graphs:
         - Graph image updates
           - Improve contrast
           - Custom fonts with fallback
           - Left-align legend
           - Thinner restart and graph lines for clarity
           - Separate legend and display period date
           - Text tidyups
         - Tweak layout and text of configuration options
         - Default width to 400px to avoid info truncation
         - 15s and 30s refresh options
       - /help:
         - Collate help topics from various routerconsole pages
         - Document various router.config settings
         - Add mini-FAQ
       - /peers: CSS sort buttons, with new icons to avoid conflation of
         tunnel direction and sort direction
       - /profiles: Add definitions for capabilities
       - Limit file inputs to accepted extensions
       - Fix bug in /configui lang selector when not in advanced mode
     * i2psnark:
       - Collapsible "Add Torrent" and "Create Torrent" sections
       - Disable theme selector when "universal theming" enabled
       - Debug info styling
       - <noscript> fallbacks:
         - Use meta-refresh
         - Hide JavaScript-dependent buttons
     * SusiDNS:
       - Disable spellcheck on config editor
       - Additional column on hostname list page for helper address with icon, and
         iconfication of b32 addresses
       - Add minified identicon to hostname column
       - Consolidation of Hostname/host name/name referenced: now all "Hostname"
     * Crypto: Fix AES NPE on 4-core RPi (ticket #1989)
     * i2psnark: Fix HTML double-escape (ticket #1992)
     * Router: New method to get bandwidth class
    2017-05-12 zzz
     * i2psnark: Better handling of read-only i2psnark dir (ticket #1990)
    2017-05-10 zzz
     * Debian: Fix apparmor profile (ticket #1986)
     * SusiDNS: Fix display of default subscription
    2017-05-05 zzz
     * Blockfile: Move from i2p.jar to addressbook.jar
     * i2psnark: Initial support for ut_comment, no UI yet
     * Jetty: New default servlet for eepsite, with
       locale-independent directory listing (ticket #1965)
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    * 2017-05-03 0.9.30 released
    2017-04-30 zzz
     * Jetty: Rollover log files at midnight, not noon
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    2017-04-29 zzz
     * Build: Fix failing release tests
     * Jetty:
       - Revert previous checkin, unrelated to the Jetty Timer bug
       - Add patch to fix Jetty Timer bug, backported from Jetty 9.4
     * Translations update
    2017-04-27 zzz
     * Console: Disable Jetty timer thread consolidation
       causing log file rollover to stop (ticket #1068)
    2017-04-26 zzz
     * HTTP Proxy: Add delay before jump page
    2017-04-14 zzz
     * SSU:
       - Reuse previous introducer expiration if available,
         so we don't force a republish
       - Don't run peer test if configured to force firewalled
    2017-04-13 zzz
     * SSU: Publish introducer expiration (proposal 133)
    2017-04-06 zzz
     * Debian: Add bash-completion scripts
    2017-04-04 zzz
     * Router: Fix config dir location in Gentoo
    2017-04-02 zzz
     * Context: Fix ClientAppManagerImpl in AppContext
     * i2psnark: Fix standalone configuration for Jetty 9
    2017-04-01 zzz
     * Console: Fix stopping of webapps when console stops (ticket #1893)
     * i2psnark: Only rewrite torrent config file if changed (ticket #1893)
     * KeyStoreUtil: Reduce log level of expired cert error
     * Util: Don't sync config writes on Android/ARM (ticket #1893)
    2017-03-31 zzz
     * SSU:
       - When a IPv6 peer connects, trigger a IPv6 peer test, not a IPv4 one
       - Require two consecutive peer test results for some state transitions,
         to prevent frequent transitions to firewalled and back
    2017-03-29 zzz
     * SSU: Refactor PeerTestEvent out of UDPTransport
     * Throttle: Reduce threshold for probabalistic throttling
       on slow platforms (ticket #1964)
    2017-03-27 zzz
     * Blockfile: Include authentication strings in exports
     * Build: Suppress JarScanner warning during Debian build (ticket #1975)
     * Debian: Add missing addressbook.jar to package (ticket #1973)
     * SusiDNS: Add addressbook.jar to classpath, don't fail
       to start if it's still not found (ticket #1973)
     * Time: Fix crashes on old Androids (ticket #1976)
    2017-03-25 zzz
     * Blockfile: Upgrade to Blockfile format 4 on non-Android ARM
     * i2ptunnel: Allow alt priv key file to be added without restarting I2P
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    2017-03-24 zzz
     * Addressbook: Remove static reference, hide implementation
     * CPUID: Recognize Ryzen
    2017-03-23 zzz
     * Plugins:
       - Blacklist i2pbote and BwSchedule
       - Translate exceptions thrown from PluginStarter
       - Add version number to console messages when installing/starting
    2017-03-21 zzz
     * i2psnark: Enhancement to support RPC plugin
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
     * Context: New ClientAppManagerImpl in AppContext, so registration works
    2017-03-20 zzz
     * i2psnark: Enhancements to support RPC plugin
     * SSU: More work on introducer expiration (proposal 133)
    2017-03-18 zzz
     * Addressbook (ticket #1966):
       - Build as jar, not war
       - Put empty war in updater
       - Move Servlet starter to SusiDNS
       - Skip war in RouterConsoleRunner
    2017-03-14 zzz
     * Blockfile: Fix specified-destination deletion from the correct book
     * i2ptunnel:
       - New form to enter private key file for alternate destination
       - Use alt destination for registration if set
     * NBI: Adjust info logging at startup
     * SusiDNS:
       - New button for adding alternate destination
       - Fix nonces on details page with multiple destinations
       - Fix single dest deletion on details page with multiple destinations
       - Set book in all forms to ensure correct book
    2017-03-13 zzz
     * i2ptunnel:
       - Add subsession support to servers
       - Reset I2P socket on TCP socket errors
     * SAM: Reset I2P socket on handler errors
     * Streaming: Add reset() to I2PSocket API
    2017-03-11 zzz
    Prop from i2p.i2p.zzz.jetty9:
     * Console: Fix RouterConsoleRunner for Jetty 9
     * Debian packages:
       - Remove libjetty8-java and ant-optional dependencies
       - Add libjetty9-java and libtomcat8-java dependencies
         Fixes stretch/sid package (ticket #1902)
       - Fix up build files for package builds
     * Eepsite: Update initial configuration files for Jetty 9
     * Jetty:
       - Update to Jetty 9.2.21.v20170120 and Tomcat 8.0.33 (tickets #1512, #1935)
         Fixes jsp compilation on Java 9 (ticket #1870)
         Fixes InstanceManager warning (ticket #1818)
         We now support servlet API 3.1, JSP API 2.3, and EL API 3.0.
         Breaks the following plugins: bwschedule, i2pbote, i2pcontrol, zzzot
     * Startup: Add migration code for eepsite Jetty 8 configuration files
    2017-03-09 zzz
     * i2psnark: Prevent RuntimeException caused by corrupt i2psnark.dht.dat file
     * Router: Set default sig type to EdDSA for non-Android ARM
     * Streaming: Don't change buffer size when max message size is adjusted
    2017-03-06 zzz
     * CPUID:
       - Fix saving of libjcpuid.jnifile on Macs,
         was incorrectly saving as libjcpuid.so (tickets #1865, #1900)
       - Try to load libjcpuid-x86_64-osx.jnilib for 32-bit Macs,
         because as of 0.9.26 it's a 'fat binary' with 32-bit in it also.
       - Add library search path logging to main()
     * NBI:
       - Try to load the "none" architecture for x86, even if
         CPUID loading fails (tickets #1865, #1900)
       - Add library search path logging to main()
     * Throttle: Fix disable of probabalistic throttling
       (ticket #1963) (thx mysterious)
    2017-03-03 zzz
     * Utils: Fix crash in Windows installer
    2017-03-02 zzz
     * SSU:
       - Initial work on introducer expiration (proposal 133)
       - Fix bug in error handling for introduction parameters in RI
    2017-03-01 zzz
     * Servlet: Catch OOM in MultiPartRequest
    2017-02-27 zzz
     * i2psnark: Fix disappearing start button
     * addressbook: Add date parameter to authentication strings
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    * 2017-02-27 0.9.29 released
    2017-02-27 zzz
     * i2ptunnel: Fix generation of advanced authentication strings
    2017-02-23 zzz
     * HostTxtParser: Add -q command line option, enhance return codes
     * PrivateKeyFile: Add option to generate addressbook authentication
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    2017-02-20 zzz
     * GeoIP and blocklist update
     * Build: Fix calls to Class.newInstance() deprecated in Java 9
     * I2CP: Return null on decompression failure instead of
       throwing exception (ticket #1915)
     * Utils: Disable caching of ResettableGZIPOutputStreams,
       add more checks for compression failure,
       fix output for zero-length input (ticket #1915)
    2017-02-10 zzz
     * Test: Add random delays and drops to LocalClientManager
     * Streaming: Fix optional delay and choking (tickets #1046, #1939)
    2017-02-08 zzz
     * I2CP: Return local delivery failure on queue overflow (ticket #1939)
    2017-02-05 zzz
     * Console: Consolidate timer threads (ticket #1068)
     * NTCP: Don't write to an inbound connection before
       fully established, causing NPE (ticket #996)
     * Streaming:
       - Don't always send optional delay (ticket #1046)
       - Don't hard fail on expired message error (ticket #1748)
    2017-02-04 zzz
     * HTTP proxies:
       - Pass through relative referer URIs, convert same-origin
         absolute referer URIs to relative (ticket #1862)
     * NTP: Enable IPv6 support (ticket #1896)
    2017-01-30 zzz
     * Router: Run shutdown tasks in parallel,
       increase max time for shutdown tasks (ticket #1893)
       i2psnark: Remove most delay between announces at shutdown
    2017-01-29 zzz
     * i2ptunnel CONNECT proxy:
       - Add support for outproxy plugin (tickets #1364, #1895)
       - Add support for ports
    2017-01-28 zzz
     * Utils: Detect when running as service on Gentoo
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    2017-01-26 zzz
     * Build: Set up translations for man pages
     * Javadoc: Fixes (ticket #1894)
    2017-01-24 zzz
     * i2prouter: Add root check to restart and condrestart (ticket #1770)
    2017-01-17 zzz
     * Utils: Java 9 yakkety workarounds
    2017-01-12 zzz
     * DTG: Don't try to start if headless (ticket #1924)
    2017-01-07 zzz
     * i2ptunnel: Fix NPE on proxy.i2p/add when no params
    2017-01-06 zzz
     * EepGet: Recognize more status codes
    2017-01-04 zzz
     * Crypto: Enforce correct seed and hash lengths in EdDSAPrivateKeySpec
     * Data: No longer sort addresses in an RI by SHA256
     * Router: Replace random tunnel keys when rekeying
    2016-12-24 zzz
     * Utils: Add RKG command line tool
    2016-12-23 zzz
     * Console: Add Referrer-Policy header
    2016-12-22 zzz
     * Blocklist:
       - More efficiently check blocklist when receiving new RI
       - Check blocklist when loading RIs
       - Ensure blocklist is initialized before netdb
     * Clock: Fix duplicate notification of clock shift listeners
     * Console: Limit age of news entries displayed
     * Update: Fix JVM crash and i2p.jar corruption when updating from -1
    2016-12-21 zzz
     * NTP:
       - Verify source address and port
       - Add to command line
       - Add KoD support (ticket #1897)
       - Add initial IPv6 support (ticket #1896)
    2016-12-20 zzz
     * Build: Fix installer compile failure
    2016-12-16 zzz
     * Router: Synchronize graceful exit code access
     * Update: Save blocklist version in UpdateManager
    2016-12-16 zzz
    Prop from i2p.i2p.zzz.test2:
     * BOB:
       - Refactor NamedDB implementation to HashMap
       - Refactor NamedDB locks to ReentrantReadWriteLock
       - All unlocks in finally blocks, remove redundant unlocking
       - Remove throw declaration from methods that don't
       - Read under write lock when that's simpler
       - Use Boolean fields rather than valueOf()
       - Fix unlock order inversion in I2PtoTCP and MUXlisten
       - Remove unused locking in TCPtoI2P
       - Add missing locking in status command
       - Remove redundant locking
       - Remove unnecessary catch-and-rethrows
       - Spelling fix in error message
       - Make some methods static
     * Console: Sort banlist and floodfills in true binary order, not by base64 string
     * Utils:
       - Consolidate stream copy code
       - Consolidate base64 alphabet string
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    * 2016-12-12 0.9.28 released
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    2016-12-09 zzz
     * Translation updates
    2016-12-06 zzz
     * GeoIP: Update from Maxmind 2016-12-06
    2016-12-05 zzz
     * Router:
       - Revert default family sig type back to ECDSA
       - Update blocklist
    2016-12-02 zzz
     * Cleanup: Single char indexOf()
     * Console: Version the css links
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    2016-12-01 zzz
     * NetDb: Peer selection tweaks
    2016-11-27 zzz
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
     * NetDb:
       - Add same-port check in peer selector
       - Add MTU, SSU caps, IPv6 prefix, and cost lookups
    2016-11-26 zzz
     * NetDb:
       - Add advanced lookup form
       - Add port and sig type lookups
       - Fix /16 and /8 lookup
       - Fix tab highlighted for all lookups
       - Add sybil points for banlist
    2016-11-25 zzz
     * SU3File: Add types for blocklist (proposal #130)
    2016-11-24 zzz
     * Sybil tool enhancements
     * Blocklist feed tweaks
    2016-11-23 zzz
     * Console: Support RI lookup by caps or IP
     * NetDB: Penalize new and slow peers
     * News: Add command line utility support
     * Router: Support blocklist in the news feed (proposal #129)
    2016-11-21 zzz
     * NetDB: Fix detection of bandwidth class with multiple values specified
    2016-11-20 zzz
     * NetDB: When doing lookups, don't use floodfills too close
     * Router: Change default family sig type to EdDSA
    2016-11-17 zzz
     * Build: Add attributes for java version to all jars and wars
     * Blocklist: Add support for IPv6 in blocklist.txt
     * Console: Add netdb lookup by family
     * NetDB: When verifying store, don't use floodfills too close
     * Tomcat 6.0.48
    2016-11-16 zzz
     * Console: Remove dead home page links (ticket #1882)
     * Profiles: Pull same-IP detection into a utility class
     * Router: Add methods to verify and track members of our family
    2016-11-15 zzz
     * Certs: Add Let's Encrypt ISRG Root X1 cert
    2016-11-14 zzz
     * Logs: Fix output of dup message after 30 minutes
    2016-11-13 zzz
     * Console: Add initial news to bottom of news page (ticket #1153)
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
     * i2psnark: Periodically save DHT nodes (ticket #1328)
     * UPnP:
       - Prevent exception on bad HTTP header (ticket #1480)
       - Prevent NPE on socket creation fail (tickets #728, #1681)
    2016-11-12 zzz
     * Console:
       - Fix inadvertent config save when clicking sidebar
         buttons on /configstats
       - Add IPv6 firewalled setting on /confignet
     * I2CP: Reduce error level on session closed while signing LS (ticket #1606)
     * JRobin: Move DeallocationHelper logging from wrapper log to router log
     * Profiles: Periodically save, delete old ones after saving (ticket #1328)
     * Susimail:
       - Add logout button to more pages (ticket #1374)
       - Fix nonce error on login after logout
       - Fix internal error after cancel button on settings form when not logged in
    2016-11-11 zzz
     * Build: Truncate history.txt bundled in installers
    2016-11-10 zzz
     * Transport: Use NTCP for some outbound connections even before
       SSU minimums are met (ticket #1835)
    2016-11-09 zzz
     * Transport: Add stats for inbound v4/v6 connections (ticket #1854)
     * Tunnels: Reduce default VTBM records from 5 to 4
    2016-11-08 zzz
     * Build: Fix minimum Java version for Windows
     * Install: Add max memory option to runplain.sh
     * Crypto: Change serial number in selfsigned certs from int to long
     * Router: Fix low-memory log messages for non-wrapper (ticket #1795)
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
     * Transport: Improve IPv6 address selection logic
    2016-11-06 zzz
     * Console: Add Java 9 log warning (ticket #1870)
     * Security: Consistently log authentication failures for all interfaces
     * Util: Consolidate linux service detection code
    2016-11-05 zzz
     * Build: Add support for using libtomcat8-java package
     * Console: Add message to ignore InstanceManager warning (ticket #1818)
     * SusiDNS: Fix jsp EL syntax error with EL 3.0 (Tomcat 8) (ticket #1870)
    2016-11-04 zzz
     * Console: Improve handling and logging of webapps that fail to start
     * i2psnark: Add launch-i2psnark.bat (ticket #1871)
     * Transports:
       - New config i2np.allowLocal, fixes test networks (ticket #1875)
       - New configs i2np.udp.minpeers and i2np.udp.minv6peers, for testing (ticket #1876)
    2016-10-29 zzz
     * Console: Java 9 fixes for classloader (ticket #1870)
    2016-10-28 zzz
     * Build: Fix typo in jcpuid build.sh for Mac (ticket #1865)
     * Crypto:
       - Generate more-conforming selfsigned certs (ticket #1853)
       - Remove deprecated Sha256Standalone as scheduled
     * Utils:
       - Fix Java version detection for Java 9 (ticket #1870)
       - Add Addresses methods for multiple DNS results (ticket #1050)
    2016-10-26 zzz
     * Build: Mac jbigi/jcpuid improvements and docs (ticket #1865)
     * JRobin 1.6.0-1
     * Systray: Remove old 32-bit Windows implementation, replaced by DTG
    2016-10-25 zzz
     * i2psnark: Better calculation of total upload limit
     * SSU: Increase max IPv6 MTU (proposal #127)
     * Zxing 3.3.0
    2016-10-23 zzz
     * Crypto: Create keystore directory when making SSL keys (ticket #1866)
    2016-10-22 zzz
     * Build: Fix jbigi build in Arch Linux and others for Java 8 (ticket #1863)
     * Console:
       - New Korean translation
       - New Chinese (Taiwan) translations for susidns, susimail, debian
       - New initial news translations: Czech, Greek
     * Jetty 8.1.21.v20160908
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    2016-10-21 zzz
     * Console:
       - New Galician translation
       - Remove calls to deprecated two-arg setStatus()
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
     * Crypto: Actually use a random nonzero byte in ElGamal
     * Data: Cache serialized leasesets on floodfills
     * NetDB: Disallow RSA for RI or LS
     * Tomcat 6.0.47
     * Utils: Add MTU to command line utils
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
     * Wrapper 3.5.30
    2016-10-20 zzz
     * Build: Add library jars to i2p.jar classpath for Debian builds
     * Console: Fix HTML error on /configservice
     * Debian: Update package descriptions, allow Java 9
     * i2psnark: Add ids to rows, add to per-torrent show peers link
     * SSU: Fix minimum version check for IPv6 peer test (tickets #1829, #1861)
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    * 2016-10-17 0.9.27 released
    2016-10-16 zzz
     * Fix test for IPv6 firewalled configuration
    2016-10-14 zzz
     * Translations: Update from Transifex
    2016-10-10 zzz
     * Debian: Don't use glassfish-javaee.jar for jstl.jar (ticket #1793)
    2016-10-06 zzz
     * GeoIP: Update from Maxmind 2016-10-04
    2016-10-02 zzz
     * Crypto: Add EdDSA private key spec constructor for hash
     * i2psnark: Add standalone shutdown method
     * i2ptunnel: Registration page layout fixes
     * SusiMail:
       - Show settings button even if no messages
       - Add nonce to forms (thx Kevin Froman)
    2016-09-24 zzz
     * DesktopGUI: Enable by default on Windows
     * i2ptunnel:
       - Don't accept default 'mysite.i2p' as a valid spoof host
       - Don't wrap destination in status message box
     * Reseed: Remove user.mx24.eu as requested
     * Utils: Move SipHashInline from util to crypto
    2016-09-22 zzz
     * Crypto: Don't NPE in encoding when field not set
     * DataHelper: Fix read() for nonzero offset
     * i2ptunnel: Whitelist IRC AWAY inbound
    2016-08-21 zzz
     * Console: Add jsps to view entire router.log and wrapper.log files
    2016-08-19 zzz
     * CPUID: Add IDs for Kaby Lake
     * JettyStart: Fix main()
     * Router: Fix return code in getShutdownTimeRemaining()
     * Tunnels:
       - Enable tunnel testing when in hidden mode (ticket #1192)
       - Enable tunnel testing when without addresses (ticket #1835)
       - Use fast peers for inbound tunnels when without addresses (ticket #1835)
    2016-08-14 zzz
     * i2ptunnel:
       - Register actual listen host with port mapper
       - Register POP and SMTP ports with port mapper
     * Reseed: Add new 'atomike' reseed
    2016-08-12 zzz
     * i2ptunnel:
       - Add outproxy plugin support to SOCKS (ticket #1824)
       - Use preferred sigtype for new SOCKS tunnels
    2016-08-09 zzz
     * Console: Fix UPnP NPE on /peers (ticket #1830)
    2016-08-02 zzz
     * i2psnark: Fix SIOOBE on bad announce URL (ticket #1823)
     * SSU: Fix peer test stuck when IPv6-only (ticket #1819)
     * Streaming: Fix debug NPE (ticket #1821)
    2016-07-20 zzz
     * SSU:
       - Increase minimum peers if we have a IPv6 address
       - Check for 'B' cap for peer test
       - Fix peer test IP length check
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
     * i2ptunnel: Block 'Proxy' header
     * SU3File: Also look in config dir for signer certificate
    2016-07-16 zzz
     * I2CP Client: Handle disconnect properly if received before first LS
     * Streaming: Kill accept() when session disconnects
    2016-06-25 zzz
     * SSU peer testing: Add IPv6 implementation (ticket #1752; proposal #126)
     * Utils: Improve random seed initialization
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    2016-06-22 zzz
     * SSU peer testing:
       - Forget the test and don't keep retransmitting to Charlie
         if we receive the Bob reply after the 2nd Charlie reply
       - Only fire a peer test on connection if address has changed
    2016-06-16 zzz
     * Console: Split up configclients, add configi2cp,
       configplugins, configwebapps (ticket #1804)
    2016-06-15 zzz
     * Utils: Add method to set language in standalone app context
     * i2psnark:
       - Add form to set language in standalone context
       - Add Ukrainian and Japanese translations
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    2016-06-11 zzz
    Prop from i2p.i2p.zzz.test2:
     * CPUID: Add CLI output for new AMD tests
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
     * i2psnark standalone (ticket #1191):
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
       - Cherry-pick fixes from psi's github i2psnark_rpc branch
       - Fix up Jetty XML file for Jetty 8
       - Start with JettyStart
       - Add UrlLauncher to launch browser
       - Fix up paths in CSS files during build
       - Force startup delay to 0
       - Fix theme selection
       - Adjust CSS and image paths
       - Add shutdown hook to delete temp dir
     * i2ptunnel CLI: Don't set the listen host to the I2CP host
     * jbigi:
       - Fix GMP version reporting for shared library (ticket #1800)
       - mbuild-all script fixes
     * NetDB: Improve handling of deferred search result jobs
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    * 2016-06-07 0.9.26 released
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    2016-06-03 zzz
     * Update translations from Transifex
    2016-06-01 zzz
     * Build: Fix Debian build on ARM (ticket #1801)
    2016-05-29 zzz
     * Console: Fix /configfamily form (ticket #1797)
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
    2016-05-29 str4d
     * CertUtil: Dynamically load javax.naming classes to avoid
       VerifyErrors on some Androids
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
     * LogWriter: Dynamically load Android writer
    2016-05-26 zzz
     * Build: Launchpad build fixes
    2016-05-25 zzz
     * DesktopGui: Add monochrome icons for Windows and Mac
     * Reseed:
       - Require two sources minimum (ticket #1794)
       - Update list of sources requiring SNI
     * Translations: Update English po files
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
    2016-05-22 str4d
     * I2CP: Dynamically load Android domain socket code
    2016-05-20 zzz
     * DesktopGui:
       - Fix systray menu redraw on Mac;
       - Switch to AWT by default on Mac;
       - Hide DTG enable on Mac until we fix dock
    2016-05-19 zzz
     * Config files, eepsite help: Add path information for OS X
       and Windows as a service. (ticket #1495)
    2016-05-12 zzz
     * NTP:
       - Don't put random data in zeroed fields
       - Increase random data in originate timestamp from 1 byte to 2 bytes
       - Verify originate timestamp to prevent injection
       - Verify received packet size
     * SSU:
       - If configured with a hostname, bind to all v4/v6
         addresses found for that hostname.
       - Fix binding if more than one IP or host was configured.
    2016-05-09 zzz
     * Console:
       - Fix escaping of search URLs on /confighome
       - Fix HTML error on /configui
     * DesktopGui: Add 9 new translations
     * i2psnark: Limit cases when we display tracker errors;
       include host name of tracker when we do
    2016-05-08 zzz
     * Console: Fix UTF-8 passwords, partial fix for usernames
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    2016-05-07 zzz
     * Build:
       - Add DTG to updater
       - Fix and bundle DTG license info
       - Remove jstl.jar and standard.jar from updater,
         last changed in 0.9
       - Fix bundling of Tomcat license info
       - Add back the old way to build bundles for gettext < 0.19
     * Console:
       - Change to new DTG constructor
       - Don't attempt to start systray or DTG when running as a service
       - Show systray controls for all OSes on /configservice
       - Implement backend for systray control
     * DesktopGui:
       - Implement second TrayManager menu implementation in Swing.
       - Use Swing except on Windows
       - Hide restart menu items if no wrapper
       - Add graceful restart and shutdown menu items
       - Add basic adjustment of menu based on shutdown state
       - Disable wrapper notification for now
       - Remove Swing DesktopguiConfigurationFrame,
         move to a submenu.
       - Remove LookAndFeel setting
       - Make Main class a RouterApp
       - Remove all static log, context, and instance fields
       - Remove unused ConfigurationManager class
       - Translate tooltip, disable tooltip on linux
       - Use safer exec call to start i2p
       - Remove all images, use itoopie
       - Don't start spinner thread in router context
       - Handle various startup errors better
       - Synchs, finals, javadocs, cleanups
    2016-05-04 zzz
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
     * i2prouter: Set JAVA_HOME correctly on Mac OS X 10.5 and later (ticket #1783)
     * Utils: Fix bug in periodic timers triggered by
       a backwards clock shift, caused graphs to be blank
       and various router, streaming, and i2ptunnel
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
       degradations over time (tickets #1702, #1776)
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
     * Wrapper: Update to wrapper 3.5.29, except for Windows.
       Fixes wrapper failure on FreeBSD 10 (ticket #1118)
    2016-05-01 zzz
     * Build: Compile resource bundles from ant, not msgfmt,
       speeding up builds with translations by 20x
     * Debian: Back out libhttpclient-java dependency,
       requires 4.4 which is too recent for most distros
    2016-04-30 zzz
     * Blocklist: Add RFC 6598 addresses
     * Console:
       - Only display cpuid information on x86
       - Readme page link fixes (tickets #1789, #1790)
     * Data: Fix NPE calculating the hash of a RI of unknown sig type
     * Debian:
       - Add runtime dependency on libhttpclient-java,
         link to /usr/share/java/httpclient.jar and httpcore.jar
     * Eepsite: comment out gzip filtering in cgi context,
       causes hung threads, root cause unknown
     * Router: Reduce log level of RI sig failure
     * SAM: Log tweaks (ticket #1778)
    2016-04-29 zzz
     * Debian:
       - Add runtime dependency on gettext-base,
         link to /usr/share/java/libintl.jar
       - Add runtime dependency on libgetopt-java,
         link to /usr/share/java/gnu-getopt.jar
     * SysTray:
       - Remove systray4j.jar from linux installers
       - Move SysTray.java to SysTrayImpl.java
       - New SysTray.java that instantiates SysTrayImpl
         by reflection, so the SysTrayImpl.java source is optional
       - Remove systray4j.jar, systray4j.dll, and SysTrayImpl.java
         from Debian source packages
       - Remove systray4j.jar from Debian binary packages
     * Update: Enable libjbigi update for ARM
    2016-04-28 zzz
     * News: Parse and store CRLs in news feed
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    2016-04-28 zzz
    Prop from i2p.i2p.zzz.gmp6-prop:
     * CPUID:
       - Added source of CPUID information
       - Made CPUIDCPUInfo non-abstract to support looking for
         CPU features during CPU identification
       - Add support for extended feature registers EBX/ECX
       - No such thing as EBX for 0x80000001 call; remove getExtendedEBXCPUFlags(),
         replaced with getExtendedEBXFeatureFlags()
       - Check for support of 6 required Core i3/i5/i7 instructions to enable Haswell,
         since GMP Haswell requires Core i3/i5/i7 support.
         There are Pentium/Celeron Haswells that do not support these instructions.
       - Added AVX, AVX2, AVX512, TBM, ADX, BMI1, BMI2, MOVBE, FMA3 feature detection
       - More diagnostic output in CPUID.main()
       - More javadocs
       - Only call getCPUVendorID() once in getInfo()
       - Recognize Skylake
       - Do the same checks for Broadwell and Skylake that we do for
         Haswell, and check ADX as well, which will be used in GMP 6.1
     * Crypto:
       - Use constant time modPow() for signing and decryption
       - Use native modInverse()
     * libjbigi:
       - Added nativeJbigiVersion(), nativeGMPMajorVersion(),
         nativeGMPMinorVersion(), nativeGMPPatchVersion(),
         nativeModInverse(), nativeModPowCT()
       - Support negative vaules in conversion functions
       - Support negative base value in modPow()
       - Throw ArithmeticException for bad arguments rather than crashing
       - New build targets
       - Drop 32-bit corei libs where they are identical to the
         core2 lib, since we now have a generic fallback in NBI:
         libjbigi-freebsd-corei.so, libjbigi-linux-corei.so,
       - Revamped downloading of gmp files
       - Revamped cross-compilation support
       - Added 'osx' alias for darwin
       - Added FreeBSD cross-compilation instructions
       - Removed NetBSD, kFreeBSD, Solaris, OpenBSD binaries
       - Added coreihwl, coreisbr, bulldozer, steamroller,
         cortex a9, and cortex a15 support
       - Rebuilt all binaries with GMP 6.0.0a
     * libjcpuid:
       - Add nativeJcpuidVersion()
       - Clear ECX register to ensure it will work with EAX=7
       - Added jcpuid build instructions for linux/osx/freebsd/windows
       - Improved build script
       - Imported Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 project files.
       - Fixed OSX include search path
       - Rebuilt all binaries
     * NativeBigInteger:
       - Version reporting
       - Total redesign of fallback code
       - core2 is always a fallback for corei, and
         core2_64 is always a fallback for corei_64
       - Remove special case for core2/corei in getMiddleName2()
         since it's now a fallback in getResourceList()
       - Added support for new CPUs:
         Intel Sandy Bridge, Haswell and Broadwell;
         AMD Bulldozer, Piledriver, Steamroller, Excavator and Jaguar;
         ARM Cortex A5/A7/A8/A9/A15; ARM A12/A17 using the A15 libs
       - Test improvements:
         Output versions; Only warmup crypto once;
         Add -n option to test native only;
         Reduce output if only native or only Java tested;
         Try to prevent not-coprime errors
    2016-04-26 zzz
     * Addressbook:
       - Finish implementation of signed actions
       - Move HostTxtEntry to net.i2p.client.naming for use by i2ptunnel
       - Add tests for Daemon to read local subscription file
       - Store last-modified date
       - Logging cleanups and consolidation
     * Blockfile: Remove unused code and classes
     * BlockfileNamingService:
       - Implementation and fixes for new API methods
       - Add support for long property values, backward compatbile, no version bump
     * DataHelper: Properties methods cleanup
     * i2ptunnel:
       - New page for registration authentication
       - Remove old, unused hostname signature generation
     * NamingService: Add new API methods for reverseLookupAll()
     * PrivateKeyFile:
       - Add InputStream constructor for i2ptunnel
       - Ensure initialization before returning private keys
     * SusiDNS:
       - Display signature validation on details page
       - Add support for multiple dests per hostname
    2016-04-20 zzz
     * Addressbook: