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str4d's avatar
str4d committed
2017-06-03 str4d
 * Console:
   - Add spans to /stats page to avoid summary info breaking mid-sentence, and
     to aid presentation
   - Adjust /stats CSS so information isn't over-dense
   - Set graph size for generated graphs on /stats to 600x200
   - Fix netdb leaseset tables
     - Ensure we only iconify add to addressbook links and not b32 dests
   - Individual icons for I2PSnark and I2P Plugins on /home
   - Add div to upnpstatus on peers to comply with layout
   - Fix various unclosed/erroneous tags
str4d's avatar
str4d committed
 * SusiDNS:
   - Rework SVG image
     - Now features interactive feedback when mouseover objects and hotlinks
   - Update fallback images for en and fr
   - Update overview text
   - added tabindex="0" to destination addresses, highlighted on :focus
str4d's avatar
str4d committed
 * i2psnark:
   - Reorder .snarkCommentInfo sections so my rating / average rating is located
     directly above posted comments/ratings in .snarkComments
   - If author name for comments is configured, display it in .snarkCommentInfo
     table header
   - Full status tooltips for status icons in .snarkTorrents
   - Rework td/th classes for .snarkTorrents so each column (both th + td) now
     belongs to a given class
   - Stop .snarkTorrentStatus class being incorrectly applied to .peerinfo
   - Spans for DHT peers / Dest in #totals, .snarkTorrentInfo info hash
   - Delete icon for delete comments td
   - Overhaul .snarkTorrents column widths
   - CSS tidyups
 * Compress some of the larger image files by 40-60%
str4d's avatar
str4d committed
 * UI feedback:
   * Console:
     - Increase contrast of table rows on profile/tunnels/peers tables
     - Changed pink font to magenta in /logs to increase legibility
     - Soften H3 headings in sidebar
     - Single click to select I2P Version and Running Environment table text,
       with table:hover color change and text cursor to better reflect selection
       - Modify text above to indicate what exactly needs to be included in logs
     - Reduce size of monospace dests in peers/profiles/tunnels, add additional
       spacing (responsive)
     - Fix resizing of sidebar reseed button
     - De-emphasise siderbar app icons with background-blend-mode: luminosity
     - Change sidebar snark icon to match homepage icon
     - Bump div.main text color from #222 to #333 (reduce contrast)
str4d's avatar
str4d committed
   * i2ptunnel:
     - Remove redundant labels and spans for keyaccess
     - Edit Server:
       - Shift Local Destination / Private Key file to share table row
       - Move "Use SSL to connect to target" to Target Port column
     - Add translation tagging for title tags
     - Remove redundant title tags and provide enhanced strings for features
       that benefit from clarification
     - Move title tags to <label> where applicable
     - Fixed Cancel button on registration so it now jumps back to the list page
     - textareas for registration page and local destination on edit server page
       changed to divs
       - Scrollbars hidden until mouseover, 1 click to select content
       - Responsive width, tabindex="0"
     - Fix overflow issue on select dropdowns (edit server/client -> tunnel
       options) in Chrome / Blink
     - More generous vertical padding for th (responsive)
     - Larger h2/h3s (responsive)
     - Increase spacing between panels in iframe mode
str4d's avatar
str4d committed
   * SusiDNS: Change address helper icon to add book icon
   * i2psnark:
     - Remove font-adjust-size (ubergine/vanilla)
     - Add extra spacing to screenlogger bullets (ubergine)
str4d's avatar
str4d committed
     - (ubergine) speed up tr:hover events by optimizing css (remove latency)
     - (all) remove fade activation delay for download bars, speed up fade-in /
     - Fix i2psnark link in navbar overflow issue in Arabic (ubergine/vanilla)
     - (ubergine) change default font for screenlog from Noto Mono to Droid Sans
       Mono to soften text/slightly reduce text size
str4d's avatar
str4d committed

2017-05-25 zzz
 * Crypto: Fix AES NPE on 4-core RPi 2nd try (ticket #1989)

2017-05-24 zzz
 * GeoIP: Fix NPE

2017-05-21 zzz
 * i2psnark: Fix bencoded scrape response for zzzot (ticket #1994)

2017-05-21 str4d
 * i2psnark: Integrate ratings and comments into themes

str4d's avatar
str4d committed
2017-05-20 str4d
   - Clarify choices on address helper save page (ticket #1940)
   - Add router.hideFloodfillParticipant to advanced settings help
str4d's avatar
str4d committed
 * i2psnark:
   - Make DHT debug section collapsible
   - Tooltips for downloading/finished torrents
   - Download bars for torrents, torrent parts and peer downloads
   - Friendlier date format (with completed: <date> tooltip for finished torrents)

2017-05-19 zzz
 * Console: Move /peers page rendering from router to console (ticket #1879)
 * i2psnark: Add ut_comment UI and per-torrent configuration
str4d's avatar
str4d committed
2017-05-18 str4d
Prop from i2p.i2p.str4d.ui:
 * Backend HTML changes to routerconsole and apps:
   - IDs, classes and <span>s for styling
   - <label>s to extend touch targets
   - Table layouts where it makes sense
   - Tooltips
   - Move most of the hard-coded styles to CSS
 * Overhaul all themes:
   - Responsive layouts
   - Standardisation of UI elements, configuration labels, etc.
   - Consistent layouts, spacing, font sizes, etc.
   - Routerconsole themes now present for all bundled plugins
   - HiDPI images
   - Accessibility and localisation improvements
   - Testing on a wide array of browsers and screen sizes
 * Console:
   - /home:
     - Move console links above hidden service links
     - Link are now full touch button targets
     - Add tabindex ="-1" to icon links
   - Sidebar:
     - Include bandwidth in minimal sidebar
     - Optional Advanced section
   - /graphs:
     - Graph image updates
       - Improve contrast
       - Custom fonts with fallback
       - Left-align legend
       - Thinner restart and graph lines for clarity
       - Separate legend and display period date
       - Text tidyups
     - Tweak layout and text of configuration options
     - Default width to 400px to avoid info truncation
     - 15s and 30s refresh options
   - /help:
     - Collate help topics from various routerconsole pages
     - Document various router.config settings
     - Add mini-FAQ
   - /peers: CSS sort buttons, with new icons to avoid conflation of
     tunnel direction and sort direction
   - /profiles: Add definitions for capabilities
   - Limit file inputs to accepted extensions
   - Fix bug in /configui lang selector when not in advanced mode
 * i2psnark:
   - Collapsible "Add Torrent" and "Create Torrent" sections
   - Disable theme selector when "universal theming" enabled
   - Debug info styling
   - <noscript> fallbacks:
     - Use meta-refresh
     - Hide JavaScript-dependent buttons
 * SusiDNS:
   - Disable spellcheck on config editor
   - Additional column on hostname list page for helper address with icon, and
     iconfication of b32 addresses
   - Add minified identicon to hostname column
   - Consolidation of Hostname/host name/name referenced: now all "Hostname"

 * Crypto: Fix AES NPE on 4-core RPi (ticket #1989)
 * i2psnark: Fix HTML double-escape (ticket #1992)
 * Router: New method to get bandwidth class

2017-05-12 zzz
 * i2psnark: Better handling of read-only i2psnark dir (ticket #1990)

2017-05-10 zzz
 * Debian: Fix apparmor profile (ticket #1986)
 * SusiDNS: Fix display of default subscription

2017-05-05 zzz
 * Blockfile: Move from i2p.jar to addressbook.jar
 * i2psnark: Initial support for ut_comment, no UI yet
 * Jetty: New default servlet for eepsite, with
   locale-independent directory listing (ticket #1965)
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
* 2017-05-03 0.9.30 released

2017-04-30 zzz
 * Jetty: Rollover log files at midnight, not noon

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2017-04-29 zzz
 * Build: Fix failing release tests
 * Jetty:
   - Revert previous checkin, unrelated to the Jetty Timer bug
   - Add patch to fix Jetty Timer bug, backported from Jetty 9.4
 * Translations update

2017-04-27 zzz
 * Console: Disable Jetty timer thread consolidation
   causing log file rollover to stop (ticket #1068)

2017-04-26 zzz
 * HTTP Proxy: Add delay before jump page

2017-04-14 zzz
 * SSU:
   - Reuse previous introducer expiration if available,
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