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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jun 03, 2017
    • str4d's avatar
      i2psnark: · 6acca289
      str4d authored
      - (ubergine) Speed up tr:hover events by optimizing css (remove latency)
      - (all) Remove fade activation delay for download bars, speed up fade-in /
      - Fix i2psnark link in navbar overflow issue in Arabic (ubergine/vanilla)
      - (ubergine) Change default font for screenlog from Noto Mono to Droid Sans Mono
        to soften text/slightly reduce text size
    • str4d's avatar
      i2ptunnel: · 017f66a3
      str4d authored
      - Remove redundant labels and spans for keyaccess
      - Edit Server:
        - Shift Local Destination / Private Key file to share table row
          - Reduces spread of Local Destination textarea
        - Move "Use SSL to connect to target" to Target Port column
      - Add translation tagging for title tags
      - Remove redundant title tags and provide enhanced strings for features that
        benefit from clarification
      - Move title tags to <label> where applicable
      - Fixed Cancel button on registration so it now jumps back to the list page
      - textareas for registration page and local destination on edit server page
        changed to divs
        - Scrollbars hidden until mouseover, 1 click to select content
        - Responsive width, tabindex="0"
          - Fixes text breaking out of textarea bounding box issue in chrome/blink
      - Fix overflow issue on select dropdowns (edit server/client -> tunnel options)
        in Chrome / Blink
      - More generous vertical padding for th (responsive)
      - Larger h2/h3s (responsive)
      - Increase spacing between panels in iframe mode
    • str4d's avatar
      UI feedback · ff400c94
      str4d authored
      - Increase contrast of table rows on profile/tunnels/peers tables
      - Changed pink font to magenta in /logs to increase legibility
      - Soften H3 headings in sidebar
      - Single click to select I2P Version and Running Environment table text, with
        table:hover color change and text cursor to better reflect selection
        - Modify text above to indicate what exactly needs to be included in logs
      - Reduce size of monospace dests in peers/profiles/tunnels, add additional
        spacing (responsive)
      - Fix resizing of sidebar reseed button
      - De-emphasise siderbar app icons with background-blend-mode: luminosity
      - Change sidebar snark icon to match homepage icon
      - Bump div.main text color from #222 to #333 (reduce contrast)
      i2ptunnel: Increase vertical spacing of H2/H3's
      SusiDNS: Change address helper icon to add book icon
      - Remove font-adjust-size (ubergine/vanilla)
        - Was probably causing the navbar links to display too large on some setups
      - Add extra spacing to screenlogger bullets (ubergine)
    • str4d's avatar
      Compress some of the larger image files · b28cc94a
      str4d authored
      Space savings of 40-60%. All tested and passed for perceptual differences
    • str4d's avatar
      i2psnark: · 4da95af4
      str4d authored
      - Reorder .snarkCommentInfo sections so my rating / average rating is located
        directly above posted comments/ratings in .snarkComments
        - Allows us to visually join the two tables and provide comment/rating
      - If author name for comments is configured, display it in .snarkCommentInfo
        table header
      - Full status tooltips for status icons in .snarkTorrents
        - This ensures we still retain full info in mini-mode in light/midnight themes
          in addition to providing more descriptive text (for new users)
      - Rework td/th classes for .snarkTorrents so each column (both th + td) now
        belongs to a given class
        - Removes the need to overuse nth-child qualifiers to target columns
        - Allows easier column-alignment/spacing/widths
      - Stop .snarkTorrentStatus class being incorrectly applied to .peerinfo columns
      - Spans for DHT peers / Dest in #totals
        - Ensures they don't break on narrower screens in Russian etc.
      - Span for .snarkTorrentInfo info hash
        - So we can highlight and select with a single click
      - Delete icon for delete comments td
      - Overhaul .snarkTorrents column widths
        - Provides more predictable scaling experience, tidier layout
      - CSS tidyups; deduplicate .snarkTorrents classes and move to their own
        commented section
    • str4d's avatar
      SusiDNS: · a9bf1e29
      str4d authored
      - Rework SVG image
        - Now features interactive feedback when mouseover objects and hotlinks
      - Update fallback images for en and fr
      - Update overview text
      - added tabindex="0" to destination addresses, highlighted on :focus
    • str4d's avatar
      Console: · d50c12dc
      str4d authored
      - Add spans to /stats page to avoid summary info breaking mid-sentence, and to
        aid presentation
      - Adjust /stats CSS so information isn't over-dense
      - Set graph size for generated graphs on /stats to 600x200
      - Fix netdb leaseset tables
        - Ensure we only iconify add to addressbook links and not b32 dests
      - Individual icons for I2PSnark and I2P Plugins on /home
      - Add div to upnpstatus on peers to comply with layout
      - Fix various unclosed/erroneous tags
  2. May 25, 2017
  3. May 24, 2017
  4. May 22, 2017
  5. May 21, 2017
  6. May 20, 2017
  7. May 19, 2017
  8. May 18, 2017
  9. May 17, 2017
  10. May 15, 2017
  11. May 14, 2017