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  1. Mar 22, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * Tunnel Testing: · 9500a555
      zzz authored
            - Fix counting so it really takes 4 consecutive failures
              rather than 4 total to remove a tunnel
            - Credit or blame goes to the exploratory tunnel as well
              as the tunnel being tested
            - Adjust tunnel test timeout based on tunnel length
          * ExploratoryPeerSelector: Tweak logging
          * ProfileOrganizer: Adjust integration calculation again
          * build.xml: Add to help
          * checklist.txt: Tweak
          * readme.html: Fix forum links
          * netDb: Remove tunnel.testFailedTime
  2. Mar 21, 2008
  3. Mar 19, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * ExploratoryPeerSelector: · 6e981874
      zzz authored
            - Exclude floodfill peers
            - Tweak the HighCap vs. NonFailing decision
          * i2psnark: Increase retries for .torrent fetch
          * IRC Proxy: Prevent mIRC from sending an alternate DCC request
            containing an IP
          * readme.html: Reorder some items
          * Stats: Add some more required stats
          * Streaming lib: Fix slow start to be exponential growth,
            fix congestion avoidance to be linear growth.
            Should speed up local connections a lot, and remote
            connections a little.
  4. Mar 16, 2008
  5. Mar 14, 2008
  6. Mar 13, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * ProfileOrganizer: · e7cdb965
      zzz authored
             - Use more recent stats to calculate integrationory.txt
             - Show that fast peers are also high-capacity on profiles.jsp
          * readme.html: Update Syndie link
          * TunnelPool: Update comments
          * netDb: Report 1-2h uptime as 90m to further frustrate tracking,
            get rid of the 60s tunnel stats
            (effective as of .33 to provide cover)
    • zzz's avatar
      * Floodfill Search: · 4fa4357b
      zzz authored
             - Fix a bug that caused a single FloodfillOnlySearchJob
               instance to be run multiple times, with unpredictable
             - Select ff peers randomly to improve reliability
             - Add some bulletproofing
  7. Mar 11, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * ProfileOrganizer: · 46307c60
      zzz authored
             - Don't require a peer to be high-capacity to be
               well-integrated (not used for anything right now,
               but want to get it right for possible floodfill verification)
             - Don't fall back to median for high-capacity threshold
               if the mean is higher than the median, this prevents
               frequent large high-capacity counts
             - Fix high-capacity selector that picked one too many
          * Console: put well-integrated count back in the summary
  8. Mar 10, 2008
  9. Mar 09, 2008
  10. Mar 08, 2008
    • complication's avatar
      2008-03-09 Complication · 6606c83c
      complication authored
          * Give the Jetty build file ability to ask permission
            before downloading the Jetty archive from the web,
            and to verify its SHA1 + MD5 hashes. Adjust the main build file
            in accordance with this change.
          * Improve the release checklist.
  11. Mar 07, 2008
  12. Mar 06, 2008
  13. Mar 05, 2008
  14. Mar 01, 2008
  15. Feb 29, 2008
  16. Feb 27, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * i2ptunnel: Add 3-hop option to edit.jsp to match configtunnels.jsp · c68977ca
      zzz authored
          * i2psnark: Remove orion and gaytorrents from default tracker list
          * Remove orion from jump list and from eepsite_index.html
          * Jbigi: Change jbigi version to 4.2.2 in build scripts - tested by amiga
          * Capitalize OutboundMessageDistributor job name
          * TunnelPool: Add a warning if all tunnels are backlogged
  17. Feb 26, 2008
  18. Feb 21, 2008
  19. Feb 19, 2008
  20. Feb 16, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * Fix race in TunnelDispatcher which caused · 19089bd6
      zzz authored
            participating tunnel count to seesaw -
            should increase network capacity
          * Leave participating tunnels in 10s batches for efficiency
          * Update participating tunnel ratestat when leaving a tunnel too,
            to generate a smoother graph
          * Fix tunnel.participatingMessageCount stat to include all
            participating tunnels, not just outbound endpoints
          * Simplify Expire Tunnel job name
  21. Feb 13, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * PersistentDataStore: Write out 300 records every 10 min · 69cc0afd
      zzz authored
            rather than 1 every 10 sec;
            Don't store leasesets to disk or read them in
          * Combine rates for pools with the same length setting
            in the new tunnel build algorithm
          * Clarify a log message in the UpdateHandler