- Dec 08, 2005
- Dec 07, 2005
- Dec 05, 2005
- Dec 04, 2005
- Dec 03, 2005
* Package up a standalone Syndie install into a "syndie-standalone.zip", buildable with "ant syndie". It extracts into ./syndie/, launches with "java -jar launchsyndie.jar" (or javaw, on windows, to avoid a dos box), running a single user Syndie instance (by default). It also creates a default subscription to syndiemedia without any anonymity (using no proxy). Upgrades can be done by just replacing the syndie.war with the one from I2P.
- Dec 01, 2005
- Nov 30, 2005
* Don't let the TCP transport alone shitlist a peer, since other transports may be working. Also display whether TCP connections are inbound or outbound on the peers page. * Fixed some substantial bugs in the SSU introducers where we wouldn't talk to anyone who didn't expose an IP (even if they had introducers), among other goofy things. * When dealing with SSU introducers, send them all a packet at 3s/6s/9s, rather than sending one a packet at 3s, then another a packet at 6s, and a third a packet at 9s. * Fixed Syndie attachments (oops)
- Nov 29, 2005
* Further Syndie UI cleanup * Bundled our patched MultiPartRequest code from jetty (APL2 licensed), since it hasn't been applied to the jetty CVS yet [1]. Its packaged into syndie.jar and renamed to net.i2p.syndie.web.MultiPartRequest, but will be removed as soon as its integrated into Jetty. This patch allows posting content in various character sets. [1] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.java.jetty.general/6031 * Upgraded new installs to the latest stable jetty (5.1.6), though this isn't pushed as part of the update yet, as there aren't any critical bugs.
* Added back in the OSX jbigi, which was accidentally removed a few revs back (thanks for the bug report stoerte!) New installs will get the full jbigi, or you can pull the jbigi.jar from CVS by going to http://dev.i2p.net/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/i2p/installer/lib/jbigi/jbigi.jar and clicking on the first "download" link, saving that jbigi.jar to lib/jbigi.jar in your I2P installation directory. After restarting your router, it should load up fine.
- Nov 28, 2005
* Inlined the Syndie CSS to reduce the number of HTTP requests (and because firefox [and others?] delay rendering until they fetch the css). * Make sure we fire the shutdown tasks when regenerating a new identity (thanks picsou!) * Cleaned up some of the things I b0rked in the 'dynamic keys' mode * Don't drop SSU sessions if they're still transmitting data successfully, even if there are transmission failures * Adjusted the time summarization to display hours after 119m, not 90m * Further EepGet cleanup (grr)
- Nov 26, 2005
* Update the sorting in Syndie to consider children 'newer' than parents, even if they have the same message ID (duh) * Cleaned up some nav links in Syndie (good idea gloin, spaetz!) * Added a bunch of tooltips to Syndie's fields (thanks polecat!) * Force support for nonvalidating XML in Jetty (so we can handle GCJ/etc better)
* Added support for 'dynamic keys' mode, where the router creates a new router identity whenever it detects a substantial change in its public address (read: SSU IP or port). This only offers minimal additional protection against trivial attackers, but should provide functional improvement for people who have periodic IP changes, since their new router address would not be shitlisted while their old one would be. * Added further infrastructure for restricted route operation, but its use is not recommended.
- Nov 25, 2005
- Nov 24, 2005
- Nov 23, 2005
- Nov 21, 2005
* IE doesn't strip SPAN from <button> form fields, so add in a workaround within I2PTunnel. * Increase the maximum SSU retransmission timeout to accomodate slower or more congested links (though SSU's RTO calculation will usually use a much lower timeout) * Moved the streaming lib timed events off the main timer queues and onto a streaming lib specific set of timer queues. Streaming lib timed events are more likely to have lock contention on the I2CP socket while other timed events in the router are (largely) independent. * Fixed a case sensitive lookup bug (thanks tino!) * Syndie cleanup - new edit form on the preview page, and fixed some blog links (thanks tino!)
- Nov 20, 2005
- Nov 17, 2005
- Nov 16, 2005
* More aggressive I2PTunnel content encoding munging to work around some rare HTTP behavior (ignoring q values on Accept-encoding, using gzip even when only identity is specified, etc). I2PTunnelHTTPServer now sends "Accept-encoding: \r\n" plus "X-Accept-encoding: x-i2p-gzip\r\n", and I2PTunnelHTTPServer handles x-i2p-gzip in either the Accept-encoding or X-Accept-encoding headers. Eepsite operators who do not know to check for X-Accept-encoding will simply use the identity encoding.
- Nov 15, 2005
- Nov 12, 2005
* Add filtering threads by author to Syndie, populated with authors in the user's addressbook * When creating the default user, add "http://syndiemedia.i2p/archive/archive.txt" to their addressbook, configured to automatically pull updates. (what other archives should be included?) * Tiny servlet to help dole out the new routerconsole themes, and bundle the installer/resources/themes/** into ./docs/themes/** on both install and update.
* Initial pass of the routerconsole revamp, starting with I2PTunnel and being progressively rolled out to other sections at later dates. Featuring abstracted W3C strict XHTML1.0 markup, with CSS providing layout and styling. * Implemented console themes. Users can create their own themes by creating css files in: {i2pdir}/docs/themes/console/{themename}/ and activating it using the routerconsole.theme={themename} advanced config property. Look at the example incomplete "defCon1" theme. Note: This is very much a work in progress. Folks might want to hold-off creating their own skins until the markup has solidified. * Added "routerconsole.javascript.disabled=true" to disable console client-side scripting and "routerconsole.css.disabled=true" to remove css styling (only rolled out in the i2ptunnel interface currently) * Fixed long standing bug with i2ptunnel client and server edit screens where tunnel count and depth properties would fail to save. Added backup quantity and variance configuration options. * Added basic accessibility support (key shortcuts, linear markup, alt and title information and form labels). * So far only tested on IE6, Firefox 1.0.6, Opera 8 and lynx.
- Nov 11, 2005
* Default Syndie to single user mode, and automatically log into a default user account (additional accounts can be logged into with the 'switch' or login pages, and new accounts can be created with the register page). * Disable the 'automated' column on the Syndie addressbook unless the user is appropriately authorized (good idea Polecat!)
- Nov 06, 2005
* Include SSU establishment failure in the peer profile as a commError, as we do for TCP establishment failures. * Don't throttle the initial transmission of a message because of ongoing retransmissions to a peer, since the initial transmission of a message is more valuable than a retransmission (since it has less latency). * Cleaned up links to SusiDNS and I2PTunnel (thanks zzz!)
- Nov 05, 2005
* Include the most recent ACKs with packets, rather than only sending an ack exactly once. SSU differs from TCP in this regard, as TCP has ever increasing sequence numbers, while each message ID in SSU is random, so we don't get the benefit of later ACKs implicitly ACKing earlier messages. * Reduced the max retransmission timeout for SSU * Don't try to send messages queued up for a long time waiting for establishment.
- Nov 04, 2005
- Nov 02, 2005
- Oct 31, 2005