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  1. Aug 13, 2008
  2. Aug 04, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * Floodfill Peer Selector: · 719ba3f6
      zzz authored
            - Avoid peers whose netdb is old, or have a recent failed store,
              or are forever-shitlisted
  3. Jul 30, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * Blocklists: · 9652db96
      zzz authored
            - New, disabled by default, except for blocking of
              forever-shitlisted peers. See source for instructions
              and file format.
          * Transport - Reject peers from inbound connections:
            - Check IP against blocklist
            - Check router hash against forever-shitlist, then block IP
  4. Jul 16, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      -9 · 481af00b
      zzz authored
  5. Jul 07, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * SSU: · 52285432
      zzz authored
            - Try to pick better introducers by checking shitlist,
              wasUnreachable list, failing list, and idle times
            - To keep introducer connections up and valid,
              periodically send a "ping" (a data packet with no data and no acks)
              to everybody that has been an introducer in the last two hours
            - Add a stat udp.receiveRelayRequestBadTag, make udp.receiveRelayRequest only for good ones
            - Remove some 60s and 5m stats, leave only the 10m ones
            - Narrow the range for the retransmit time after an allocation fail
            - Adjust some logging
  6. Jun 30, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * NTCP: · 2768bef9
      zzz authored
            - Try to fix 100% CPU, caused perhaps by JVM NIO bug...
            - Fix failsafe stats
  7. Jun 24, 2008
  8. Jun 20, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * PRNG: Add two stats · 49e429c1
      zzz authored
          * Summary bar:
            - Display Warning for TCP private IP address
            - Display PRNG stats
  9. Jun 17, 2008
  10. Jun 16, 2008
  11. Jun 10, 2008
  12. Jun 09, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      0.6.2-1 · 5a69de36
      zzz authored
    • zzz's avatar
      2008-06-09 zzz · 2404078b
      zzz authored
          * Reachability: Restrict peers with no SSU address at all from inbound tunnels
          * News:
            - Add display of last updated and last checked time
              on index.jsp and configupdate.jsp
            - Add a function to get update version (unused for now)
          * config.jsp: Add another warning
  13. Jun 07, 2008
  14. Jun 06, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * LeaseSet: · 88e26224
      zzz authored
            - Sort the leases by expiration date in TunnelPool.locked_buildNewLeaseSet()
              to make later LeaseSet comparisons reliable. This cleans up the code too.
            - Fix broken old vs. new LeaseSet comparison
              in ClientConnectionRunner.requestLeaseSet(),
              so that we only sign and publish a new LeaseSet when it's really new.
              Should reduce outbound overhead both in LeaseSet publishing and LeaseSet bundling,
              and floodfill router load, since locked_buildNewLeaseSet() generates
              the same LeaseSet as before quite frequently, often just seconds apart.
  15. Jun 05, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * LeaseSet - code cleanup: · db9db18b
      zzz authored
            - Add exception to enforce max # of leases = 6, should be plenty
            - Rewrite TunnelPool.locked_buildNewLeaseSet() so it doesn't add lots of
              leases and then immediately remove them again, triggering
              the new leaseSet size exception
            - Remove the now unused LeaseSet.removeLease(lease) and
            - Store first and last expiration for efficiency
  16. Jun 01, 2008
  17. May 27, 2008
  18. May 26, 2008
  19. May 20, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * Reachability: · 7e3800a5
      zzz authored
            - Call the previously unused profile.tunnelTestFailed()
              (redefined to include a probability argument)
              and severely downgrade a peer's capacity upon failures,
              depending on tunnel length and direction.
              This will help push unreachable and malicious peers
              out of the High Capacity tier.
            - Put recent fail rate on profiles.jsp
          * ProfileOrganizer: Logging cleanup
          * eepsite_index.html: Update add-host and jump links
          * HTTP Proxy: Remove trevorreznik jump server from list
    • dev's avatar
      updated history · 6c7691ce
      dev authored
  20. May 18, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * Throttle: Reject tunnels for first 20m uptime (was 10m) · 9b8772a4
      zzz authored
          * TunnelPeerSelectors:
             - Re-enable strict ordering of peers,
               based on XOR distance from a random hash
             - Restrict peers with uptime < 90m from tunnels (was 2h),
               which is really 60m due to rounding in netDb publishing.
          * i2psnark:
             - Limit max pipelined requests from a single peer to 128KB
               (was unlimited; i2p-bt default is 5 * 64KB)
             - Increase max uploaders per torrent to 6 (was 4)
             - Reduce max connections per torrent to 16 (was 24) to increase
               unchoke time and reduce memory consumption
             - Strictly enforce max connections per torrent
             - Choke more gradually when over BW limit
          * help.jsp: Add a link to the FAQ
          * peers.jsp: Fix UDP direction indicators
          * hosts.txt: Add update.postman.i2p
  21. May 12, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * i2psnark: · bc5d87e6
      zzz authored
            - Randomize the PeerCheckerTask start times to make global limiting
              work better
            - Calculate bw limits using 40s rather than 4m averages to make
              bw limiting work better
            - Change default bw limit from uplimit/3 to uplimit/2 due to
              overhead reduction from the leaseset bundling change
  22. May 10, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * Update Handler: · 619b5c0e
      zzz authored
            - Add option to download and verify only
            - Add distinct error message if version check fails
  23. May 07, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * Reachability: · 0bde8a24
      zzz authored
            - Restrict peers requiring introducers from inbound tunnels,
              since it's slow and unreliable... and many of them advertise
              NTCP, which seems unlikely to work
            - Provide warning on summary bar if firewalled with inbound NTCP enabled
          * Stats: Remove the bw.[send,recv]Bps[1,15]s stats unless
            log level net.i2p.router.transport.FIFOBandwidthLimiter >= WARN
            at startup (you didn't get any data unless you set the log level anyway)
          * oldstats.jsp: Don't put 2 decimal places on integer event counts
          * Remove the Internals link from the menu bar
          * i2psnark: Extend startup delay from 1 to 3 minutes
  24. May 05, 2008
  25. Apr 25, 2008
  26. Apr 20, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * Outbound message/Reachability: · 51838ba0
      zzz authored
            - Fix a bug from -19 causing the persistent lease selection
              removed in -17 to be back again
            - Use netDb-listed-unreachable instead of detected-unreachable
              for exclusion of unreachable peers from selected leases,
              as there are potential anonymity problems with using
            - Tweak logging some more
          * NetDb stats: Remove a couple more including the inefficient stat_identities
  27. Apr 17, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * Reachability: · cf50b7ea
      zzz authored
            - Track unreachable peers persistently
              (i.e. separately from shitlist, and not cleared when they contact us)
            - Exclude detected unreachable peers from inbound tunnels
            - Exclude detected unreachable peers from selected leases
            - Exclude detected unreachable floodfill peers from lookups
            - Show unreachable status on profiles.jsp
  28. Apr 16, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * SSU/Reachability: · 2edd84e0
      zzz authored
            - Extend shitlist time from 4-8m to 40-60m
            - Add some shitlist logging
            - Don't shitlist twice when unreachable on all transports
            - Exclude netDb-listed unreachable peers from inbound tunnels;
              this won't help much since there are very few of these now
            - Remove 10s delay on inbound UDP connections used for the
            - Track and display UDP connection direction on peers.jsp
            - Show shitlist status in-line on profiles.jsp
  29. Apr 15, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * SSU Reachability/PeerTestManager: · 5ba1e458
      zzz authored
            - Back out strict peer ordering until we fix SSU
            - Back out persistent lease selection until we fix SSU
            - Fix detection of UDP REJECT_UNSOLICITED by recording status on expiration
            - Increase known Charlie time to 10m; 3m wasn't enough
            - Don't continue retransmitting peer test if we know Charlie
            - Don't run multiple peer tests at once
            - Tighten test frequency range to 6.5-19.5m, was 0-26m
  30. Apr 12, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * Addressbook: Disallow '.-' and '-.' in host names · 0b600669
      zzz authored
          * NTCP: Don't drop a connection unless both directions are idle;
                  Fix idle time for outbound connections
          * Outbound message: Make sure cached lease is in current leaseSet
          * Stats: Put all NetworkDatabase stats in same group
          * TunnelPool: Stop building tunnels and leaseSets after client shutdown
          * i2psnark: Add locking to prevent two I2CP connections
  31. Apr 07, 2008
  32. Mar 30, 2008
    • zzz's avatar
      * ExploratoryPeerSelector: Try NonFailing even more · a7a6c75a
      zzz authored
          * HostsTxtNamingService: Add reverse lookup support
          * Outbound message: Minor cleanup
          * i2psnark TrackerCLient: Minor cleanup
          * checklist.txt: Minor edit
          * hosts.txt: Add perv.i2p, false.i2p, mtn.i2p2.i2p
          * i2ptunnel.config: Change CVS client to mtn
          * netdb.jsp: Show leaseSet destinations using reverse lookup
          * profiles.jsp: First cut at showing floodfill data
  33. Mar 27, 2008