zzz authored
- Add exception to enforce max # of leases = 6, should be plenty - Rewrite TunnelPool.locked_buildNewLeaseSet() so it doesn't add lots of leases and then immediately remove them again, triggering the new leaseSet size exception - Remove the now unused LeaseSet.removeLease(lease) and LeaseSet.removeLease(index) - Store first and last expiration for efficiency
zzz authored- Add exception to enforce max # of leases = 6, should be plenty - Rewrite TunnelPool.locked_buildNewLeaseSet() so it doesn't add lots of leases and then immediately remove them again, triggering the new leaseSet size exception - Remove the now unused LeaseSet.removeLease(lease) and LeaseSet.removeLease(index) - Store first and last expiration for efficiency
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