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2008-09-06 zzz
    * EepGet command line: Fix byte counts after a failed resume
    * NTCP: Mark unreachable on outbound connection timeout
    * Shitlist: Fix partial shitlisting (still unused though)
    * Summary Bar: Warn if firewalled and floodfill
    * Throttle: Combine current and last bw measurement,
      reduce default max tunnels to 2500 (was 3000)
    * Tunnel BuildHandler: Logging cleanup
    * UpdateHandler: Cleanup, clarify failure message
    * DataHelper: Prepare for 999 day uptime :)

2008-08-29 zzz
    * Tunnel BuildExecutor: Debug cleanup
    * Profiles: Penalize capacity when tunnel build request times out
    * Shutdown: Call the shutdown hooks before the router shutdown
      rather than after
    * Stats: Remove tunnel.Bps.* stats when the tunnel pool is closed

2008-08-27 zzz
    * Floodfill Peer Selector: Prefer already-connected floodfill
      peer for direct RouterInfo stores, to mimimize floodfill
    * Peer Profiles: Classify connected peers as "active",
      which will help improve the fast pool
    * Transport Manager: Add isEstablished(Hash)
    * NTCP: Reduce max idle time from 20m to 15m
    * NetDb stats: Post-0.6.3 clean up

* 2008-08-24  0.6.3 released

2008-08-24 Complication
    * Update versions, package release

2008-08-20 zzz
    * Blocklists: Handle blank lines and \r\n in blocklist.txt
    * NTCP: Add connection limit, set by i2np.ntcp.maxConnections,
      default is 500 (very high for now)
    * Persistent data store: Increase write limit from 300 to 600
      so floodfill routers don't get backed up
2008-08-13 zzz
    * i2psnark: Fix OOM vulnerability by checking incoming message length
      (thanks devzero!)

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-08-04 zzz
    * Floodfill Peer Selector:
      - Avoid peers whose netdb is old, or have a recent failed store,
        or are forever-shitlisted

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-07-30 zzz
    * Blocklists:
      - New, disabled by default, except for blocking of
        forever-shitlisted peers. See source for instructions
        and file format.
    * Transport - Reject peers from inbound connections:
      - Check IP against blocklist
      - Check router hash against forever-shitlist, then block IP

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-07-16 zzz
    * configpeer.jsp: New
    * i2psnark: Open completed files read-only the first time
    * profiles.jsp: Show bonuses, link to configpeer.jsp
    * PRNG: Move logging from wrapper to router log
    * SSU:
        Don't proactively reconnect until 30m idle, so
        we don't lose introducer tags prematurely

2008-07-16 Oldaris
    * Imports cleanup

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-07-07 zzz
    * i2psnark:
      - Repair corrupted files with wrong length rather than die
      - Register shutdown hook to properly shutdown torrents when
        the router shuts down, hopefully will reduce corruption
      - Add Galen tracker
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
      - Add a note about how to change directory
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * HTTP Proxy: Don't show jump links for unknown jump hosts
    * KeyManager:
      - Don't write router key backup when leaseSet keys are updated
      - Synchronize to prevent concurrent writes (thanks Galen!)
      - Backup keys every 7 days instead of every 5 minutes
    * LoadTestManager: Don't instantiate, it's disabled 
    * Router console: Flag placeholder pages as noncacheable
    * Streaming lib:
      - Change some logging from WARN to INFO
      - Clean up toString()
    * SSU:
      - Try to pick better introducers by checking shitlist,
        wasUnreachable list, failing list, and idle times
      - To keep introducer connections up and valid,
        periodically send a "ping" (a data packet with no data and no acks)
        to everybody that has been an introducer in the last two hours
      - Add a stat udp.receiveRelayRequestBadTag, make udp.receiveRelayRequest only for good ones
      - Remove some 60s and 5m stats, leave only the 10m ones
      - Narrow the range for the retransmit time after an allocation fail
      - Adjust some logging

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-06-30 zzz
    * configstats.jsp: Fix NPE when no stats checked (thanks nothome27!)
    * i2psnark:
      - Fix NPE caused by race (thanks echelon!)
      - Add mastertracker, remove de-ebook
    * NTCP:
      - Try to fix 100% CPU, caused perhaps by JVM NIO bug...
      - Fix failsafe stats
    * PersistentDataStore: More leaseSet code cleanup
    * SimpleTimer: Change congestion message from error to warn

2008-06-24 zzz
    * FloodfillMonitorJob: Change range from 5-7 to 4-6
    * NTCP: Remove getIsInbound(), duplicate of isInbound()
    * PersistentDataStore: Don't try to remove nonexistent leaseSet files
    * Router console: add placeholder pages for i2psnark, i2ptunnel,
      susidns, and susimail for use when the .wars are not running
    * Streaming lib: Increase max window size to 128

2008-06-22 welterde
    * Optimize I2PDatagramDissector

2008-06-20 zzz
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * configclients.jsp: Add start button for clients and webapps.
    * PRNG: Add two stats
    * Summary bar:
      - Display Warning for TCP private IP address
      - Display PRNG stats
    * OutNetMessage: Change cache logging from WARN to INFO

2008-06-17 zzz
    * Comm System: Add new STATUS_HOSED for use when UDP bind fails
    * Summary bar: Display helpful errror message when UDP bind fails
    * UDP: Don't bid when UDP bind fails
    * configclients.jsp: Implement saves for clients and webapps.

2008-06-16 zzz
    * UDP: Prevent 100% CPU when UDP bind fails;
      change bind fail message from ERROR to CRIT
    * Refactor LoadClientAppsJob.java, move some functions to new
      ClientAppConfig.java, to make them easily available to
      new configclients.jsp
    * RouterConsoleRunner: Use a new config file, webapps.config,
      to control which .wars in webapps/ get run. Apps are enabled
      by default; disable by (e.g.) webapps.syndie.startOnLoad=false
      Config file is written if it does not exist.
      Implement methods for use by new configclients.jsp.
    * configclients.jsp: New. For both clients and webapps.
      Saves are not yet implemented.

2008-06-10 zzz
    * Floodfill: Add new FloodfillMonitorJob, which tracks active
      floodfills, and automatically enables/disables floodfill on
      Class O routers to maintain 5-7 total active floodfills
    * NetDb Stats:
      - Remove several more stats
      - Don't publish bw stats in first hour of uptime
      - Publish floodfill stats even if other stats are disabled
      - Changes not effective until to provide cover.
    * Throttle: Use BANDWIDTH rather than CRIT as the rejection reason at
      startup, so peers don't list us as failing.
    * graphs.jsp: Fix a bug where it tries to display the combined
      bandwidth graph when it isn't available

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-06-09 zzz
    * Propagate i2.i2p.i2p- branch to i2p.i2p

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-06-09 zzz
    * Reachability: Restrict peers with no SSU address at all from inbound tunnels
    * News:
      - Add display of last updated and last checked time
        on index.jsp and configupdate.jsp
      - Add a function to get update version (unused for now)
    * config.jsp: Add another warning

2008-06-07 zzz
    * NetDb: Tweak some logging on lease problems
    * Shitlist:
      - Add shitlistForever() and isShitlistedForever(), unused for now
      - Sort the HTML output by router hash
    * netdb.jsp:
      - Sort the lease HTML output by dest hash, local first
      - Sort the router HTML output by router hash

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-06-06 zzz
    * LeaseSet:
      - Sort the leases by expiration date in TunnelPool.locked_buildNewLeaseSet()
        to make later LeaseSet comparisons reliable. This cleans up the code too.
      - Fix broken old vs. new LeaseSet comparison
        in ClientConnectionRunner.requestLeaseSet(),
        so that we only sign and publish a new LeaseSet when it's really new.
        Should reduce outbound overhead both in LeaseSet publishing and LeaseSet bundling,
        and floodfill router load, since locked_buildNewLeaseSet() generates
        the same LeaseSet as before quite frequently, often just seconds apart.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-06-05 zzz
    * LeaseSet - code cleanup:
      - Add exception to enforce max # of leases = 6, should be plenty
      - Rewrite TunnelPool.locked_buildNewLeaseSet() so it doesn't add lots of
        leases and then immediately remove them again, triggering
        the new leaseSet size exception
      - Remove the now unused LeaseSet.removeLease(lease) and
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