- Apr 14, 2006
- Apr 13, 2006
- Apr 09, 2006
- Apr 05, 2006
- Mar 26, 2006
- Mar 20, 2006
- Mar 16, 2006
* Integrate basic hooks for jrobin (http://jrobin.org) into the router console. Selected stats can be harvested automatically and fed into in-memory RRD databases, and those databases can be served up either as PNG images or as RRDtool compatible XML dumps (see oldstats.jsp for details). A base set of stats are harvested by default, but an alternate list can be specified by setting the 'stat.summaries' list on the advanced config. For instance: stat.summaries=bw.recvRate.60000,bw.sendRate.60000 * HTML tweaking for the general config page (thanks void!) * Odd NPE fix (thanks Complication!)
* Integrate basic hooks for jrobin (http://jrobin.org) into the router console. Selected stats can be harvested automatically and fed into in-memory RRD databases, and those databases can be served up either as PNG images or as RRDtool compatible XML dumps (see oldstats.jsp for details). A base set of stats are harvested by default, but an alternate list can be specified by setting the 'stat.summaries' list on the advanced config. For instance: stat.summaries=bw.recvRate.60000,bw.sendRate.60000 * HTML tweaking for the general config page (thanks void!) * Odd NPE fix (thanks Complication!)
- Mar 15, 2006
* Further stat cleanup * Keep track of how many peers we are actively trying to communicate with, beyond those who are just trying to communicate with us. * Further router tunnel participation throttle revisions to avoid spurious rejections * Rate stat display cleanup (thanks ripple!) * Don't even try to send messages that have been queued too long
- Feb 27, 2006
- Feb 26, 2006
- Feb 24, 2006
* Rounding calculation cleanup in the stats, and avoid an uncontested mutex (thanks ripple!) * SSU handshake cleanup to help force incompatible peers to stop nagging us by both not giving them an updated reference to us and by dropping future handshake packets from them.
- Feb 21, 2006
* Throttle the outbound SSU establishment queue, so it doesn't fill up the heap when backlogged (and so that the messages queued up on it don't sit there forever) * Further SSU memory cleanup * Clean up the address regeneration code so it knows when to rebuild the local info more precisely.
- Feb 20, 2006
* Major SSU and router tuning to reduce contention, memory usage, and GC churn. There are still issues to be worked out, but this should be a substantial improvement. * Modified the optional netDb harvester task to support choosing whether to use (non-anonymous) direct connections or (anonymous) exploratory tunnels to do the harvesting. Harvesting itself is enabled via the advanced config "netDb.shouldHarvest=true" (default is false) and the connection type can be chosen via "netDb.harvestDirectly=false" (default is false).
- Feb 17, 2006
* Disable the message history log file by default (duh - feel free to delete messageHistory.txt after upgrading. thanks deathfatty!) * Limit the size of the inbound tunnel build request queue so we don't get an insane backlog of requests that we're bound to reject, and adjust the queue processing so we keep on churning through them when we've got a backlog. * Small fixes for the multiuser syndie operation (thanks Complication!) * Renamed modified PRNG classes that were imported from gnu-crypto so we don't conflict with JVMs using that as a JCE provider (thanks blx!)
- Feb 16, 2006
* Bugfix to the I2PTunnel web config to properly accept i2cp port settings * Initial sucker refactoring to simplify reuse of the html parsing * Beginnings of hooks to push imported rss/atom out to remote syndie archives automatically (though not enabled currently) * Further SSU peer test cleanup
- Feb 15, 2006
- Jan 26, 2006
* Run the peer profile coalescing/reorganization outside the job queue (on one of the timers), to cut down on some job queue congestion. Also, trim old profiles while running, not just when starting up. * Slightly more sane intra-floodfill-node netDb activity (only flood new entries) * Workaround in the I2PTunnelHTTPServer for some bad requests (though the source of the bug is not yet addressed) * Better I2PSnark reconnection handling * Further cleanup in the new tunnel build process * Make sure we expire old participants properly * Remove much of the transient overload throttling (it wasn't using a good metric)
- Jan 12, 2006
* Only create the loadtest.log if requested to do so (thanks zzz!) * Make sure we cleanly take into consideration the appropriate data points when filtering out duplicate messages in the message validator, and report the right bloom filter false positives rate (not used for anything except debugging)
- Jan 11, 2006
- Jan 05, 2006
* Rather than profile individual tunnels for throughput over their lifetime, do so at 1 minute intervals (allowing less frequently active tunnels to be more fairly measured). * Run the live tunnel load test across two tunnels at a time, by default. The load test runs for a random period from 90s to the tunnel lifetime, self paced. This should help gathering data for profiling peers that are in exploratory tunnels. 2006-01-03 jrandom * Calculate the overall peer throughput across the 3 fastest one minute tunnel throughput values, rather than the single fastest throughput. * Degrade the profiled throughput data over time (cutting the profiled peaks in half once a day, on average) * Enable yet another new speed calculation for profiling peers, using the peak throughput from individual tunnels that a peer is participating in, rather than across all tunnels they are participating in. This helps gather a fairer peer throughput measurement, since it won't allow a slow high capacity peer seem to have a higher throughput (pushing a little data across many tunnels at once, as opposed to lots of data across a single tunnel). This degrades over time like the other. * Add basic OS/2 support to the jbigi code (though we do not bundle a precompiled OS/2 library)
- Dec 30, 2005
- Dec 29, 2005
- Dec 27, 2005
* Add a new Status: line on the router console - "ERR-ClockSkew", in case the clock is too skewed to do anything useful (check the year and month, not just the hour and minute). * Fixed the read/write timeouts in the streaming lib (so that it actually honors them now) * Minor I2PSnark cleanups (no read timeout, more careful shutdown and torrent closing) * Handle an oddball tunnel creation failure (thanks Xunk)
- Dec 22, 2005
2005-12-22 jrandom * Bundle the standalone I2PSnark launcher in the installer and update process (launch as "java -jar launch-i2psnark.jar", viewing the interface on http://localhost:8002/) * Don't autostart swarming torrents by default so that you can run a standalone I2PSnark from the I2P install dir and not have the embedded I2PSnark autolaunch the torrents that the standalone instance is running * Fixed a rare streaming lib bug that could let a blocking call wait forever.
- Dec 20, 2005
- Dec 01, 2005
- Nov 28, 2005
* Inlined the Syndie CSS to reduce the number of HTTP requests (and because firefox [and others?] delay rendering until they fetch the css). * Make sure we fire the shutdown tasks when regenerating a new identity (thanks picsou!) * Cleaned up some of the things I b0rked in the 'dynamic keys' mode * Don't drop SSU sessions if they're still transmitting data successfully, even if there are transmission failures * Adjusted the time summarization to display hours after 119m, not 90m * Further EepGet cleanup (grr)
- Nov 26, 2005
* Added support for 'dynamic keys' mode, where the router creates a new router identity whenever it detects a substantial change in its public address (read: SSU IP or port). This only offers minimal additional protection against trivial attackers, but should provide functional improvement for people who have periodic IP changes, since their new router address would not be shitlisted while their old one would be. * Added further infrastructure for restricted route operation, but its use is not recommended.
- Nov 21, 2005
* IE doesn't strip SPAN from <button> form fields, so add in a workaround within I2PTunnel. * Increase the maximum SSU retransmission timeout to accomodate slower or more congested links (though SSU's RTO calculation will usually use a much lower timeout) * Moved the streaming lib timed events off the main timer queues and onto a streaming lib specific set of timer queues. Streaming lib timed events are more likely to have lock contention on the I2CP socket while other timed events in the router are (largely) independent. * Fixed a case sensitive lookup bug (thanks tino!) * Syndie cleanup - new edit form on the preview page, and fixed some blog links (thanks tino!)
* IE doesn't strip SPAN from <button> form fields, so add in a workaround within I2PTunnel. * Increase the maximum SSU retransmission timeout to accomodate slower or more congested links (though SSU's RTO calculation will usually use a much lower timeout) * Moved the streaming lib timed events off the main timer queues and onto a streaming lib specific set of timer queues. Streaming lib timed events are more likely to have lock contention on the I2CP socket while other timed events in the router are (largely) independent. * Fixed a case sensitive lookup bug (thanks tino!) * Syndie cleanup - new edit form on the preview page, and fixed some blog links (thanks tino!)
- Nov 16, 2005
- Nov 13, 2005
- Nov 12, 2005
* Add filtering threads by author to Syndie, populated with authors in the user's addressbook * When creating the default user, add "http://syndiemedia.i2p/archive/archive.txt" to their addressbook, configured to automatically pull updates. (what other archives should be included?) * Tiny servlet to help dole out the new routerconsole themes, and bundle the installer/resources/themes/** into ./docs/themes/** on both install and update.
- Nov 11, 2005