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- Jan 12, 2006
* Only create the loadtest.log if requested to do so (thanks zzz!) * Make sure we cleanly take into consideration the appropriate data points when filtering out duplicate messages in the message validator, and report the right bloom filter false positives rate (not used for anything except debugging)
- Jan 11, 2006
- Jan 05, 2006
* Rather than profile individual tunnels for throughput over their lifetime, do so at 1 minute intervals (allowing less frequently active tunnels to be more fairly measured). * Run the live tunnel load test across two tunnels at a time, by default. The load test runs for a random period from 90s to the tunnel lifetime, self paced. This should help gathering data for profiling peers that are in exploratory tunnels. 2006-01-03 jrandom * Calculate the overall peer throughput across the 3 fastest one minute tunnel throughput values, rather than the single fastest throughput. * Degrade the profiled throughput data over time (cutting the profiled peaks in half once a day, on average) * Enable yet another new speed calculation for profiling peers, using the peak throughput from individual tunnels that a peer is participating in, rather than across all tunnels they are participating in. This helps gather a fairer peer throughput measurement, since it won't allow a slow high capacity peer seem to have a higher throughput (pushing a little data across many tunnels at once, as opposed to lots of data across a single tunnel). This degrades over time like the other. * Add basic OS/2 support to the jbigi code (though we do not bundle a precompiled OS/2 library)
- Dec 30, 2005
- Dec 29, 2005
- Dec 27, 2005
* Add a new Status: line on the router console - "ERR-ClockSkew", in case the clock is too skewed to do anything useful (check the year and month, not just the hour and minute). * Fixed the read/write timeouts in the streaming lib (so that it actually honors them now) * Minor I2PSnark cleanups (no read timeout, more careful shutdown and torrent closing) * Handle an oddball tunnel creation failure (thanks Xunk)
- Dec 22, 2005
2005-12-22 jrandom * Bundle the standalone I2PSnark launcher in the installer and update process (launch as "java -jar launch-i2psnark.jar", viewing the interface on http://localhost:8002/) * Don't autostart swarming torrents by default so that you can run a standalone I2PSnark from the I2P install dir and not have the embedded I2PSnark autolaunch the torrents that the standalone instance is running * Fixed a rare streaming lib bug that could let a blocking call wait forever.
- Dec 20, 2005
- Dec 01, 2005
- Nov 28, 2005
* Inlined the Syndie CSS to reduce the number of HTTP requests (and because firefox [and others?] delay rendering until they fetch the css). * Make sure we fire the shutdown tasks when regenerating a new identity (thanks picsou!) * Cleaned up some of the things I b0rked in the 'dynamic keys' mode * Don't drop SSU sessions if they're still transmitting data successfully, even if there are transmission failures * Adjusted the time summarization to display hours after 119m, not 90m * Further EepGet cleanup (grr)
- Nov 26, 2005
* Added support for 'dynamic keys' mode, where the router creates a new router identity whenever it detects a substantial change in its public address (read: SSU IP or port). This only offers minimal additional protection against trivial attackers, but should provide functional improvement for people who have periodic IP changes, since their new router address would not be shitlisted while their old one would be. * Added further infrastructure for restricted route operation, but its use is not recommended.
- Nov 21, 2005
* IE doesn't strip SPAN from <button> form fields, so add in a workaround within I2PTunnel. * Increase the maximum SSU retransmission timeout to accomodate slower or more congested links (though SSU's RTO calculation will usually use a much lower timeout) * Moved the streaming lib timed events off the main timer queues and onto a streaming lib specific set of timer queues. Streaming lib timed events are more likely to have lock contention on the I2CP socket while other timed events in the router are (largely) independent. * Fixed a case sensitive lookup bug (thanks tino!) * Syndie cleanup - new edit form on the preview page, and fixed some blog links (thanks tino!)
* IE doesn't strip SPAN from <button> form fields, so add in a workaround within I2PTunnel. * Increase the maximum SSU retransmission timeout to accomodate slower or more congested links (though SSU's RTO calculation will usually use a much lower timeout) * Moved the streaming lib timed events off the main timer queues and onto a streaming lib specific set of timer queues. Streaming lib timed events are more likely to have lock contention on the I2CP socket while other timed events in the router are (largely) independent. * Fixed a case sensitive lookup bug (thanks tino!) * Syndie cleanup - new edit form on the preview page, and fixed some blog links (thanks tino!)
- Nov 16, 2005
- Nov 13, 2005
- Nov 12, 2005
* Add filtering threads by author to Syndie, populated with authors in the user's addressbook * When creating the default user, add "http://syndiemedia.i2p/archive/archive.txt" to their addressbook, configured to automatically pull updates. (what other archives should be included?) * Tiny servlet to help dole out the new routerconsole themes, and bundle the installer/resources/themes/** into ./docs/themes/** on both install and update.
- Nov 11, 2005
- Oct 30, 2005
- Oct 29, 2005
- Oct 25, 2005
* Defer netDb searches for newly referenced peers until we actually want them * Ignore netDb references to peers on our shitlist * Set the timeout for end to end client messages to the max delay after finding the leaseSet, so we don't have as many expired messages floating around. * Add a floor to the streaming lib window size * When we need to send a streaming lib ACK, try to retransmit one of the unacked packets instead (with updated ACK/NACK fields, of course). The bandwidth cost of an unnecessary retransmission should be minor as compared to both an ACK packet (rounded up to 1KB in the tunnels) and the probability of a necessary retransmission. * Adjust the streaming lib cwin algorithm to allow growth after a full cwin messages if the rtt is trending downwards. If it is not, use the existing algorithm. * Increased the maximum rto size in the streaming lib. * Load balancing bugfix on end to end messages to distribute across tunnels more evenly.
- Oct 24, 2005
* Instantiate new RemoteArchiveBean for each archive fetched by the updater, to prevent weirdness if the index fetch for archive n+1 fails. * Add a blocking fetch to EepGetScheduler and RemoteArchiveBean and use them from the updater, to prevent race conditions with multiple archive fetches.
- Oct 22, 2005
* Integrated GNU-Crypto's Fortuna PRNG, seeding it off /dev/urandom and ./prngseed.rnd (if they exist), and reseeding it with data out of various crypto operations (unused bits in a DH exchange, intermediary bits in a DSA signature generation, extra bits in an ElGamal decrypt). The Fortuna implementation under gnu.crypto.prng has been modified to use BouncyCastle's SHA256 and Cryptix's AES (since those are the ones I2P uses), and the resulting gnu.crypto.prng.* are therefor available under GPL+Classpath's linking exception (~= LGPL). I2P's SecureRandom wrapper around it is, of course, public domain.
- Oct 20, 2005
- Oct 19, 2005
* Ported the snark bittorrent client to I2P such that it is compatible with i2p-bt and azneti2p. For usage information, grab an update and run "java -jar lib/i2psnark.jar". It isn't currently multitorrent capable, but adding in support would be fairly easy (see * Don't allow leaseSets expiring too far in the future (thanks postman)
* Bugfix for the auto-update code to handle different usage patterns * Decreased the addressbook recheck frequency to once every 12 hours instead of hourly. * Handle dynamically changing the HMAC size (again, unless your nym is toad or jrandom, ignore this ;) * Cleaned up some synchronization/locking code
- Oct 18, 2005
* Allow an env prop to configure whether we want to use the backwards compatible (but not standards compliant) HMAC-MD5, or whether we want to use the not-backwards compatible (but standards compliant) one. No one should touch this setting, unless your name is toad or jrandom ;) * Added some new dummy facades * Be more aggressive on loading up the router.config before building the router context * Added new hooks for apps to deal with previously undefined I2NP message types without having to modify any code. * Demo code for using a castrated router for SSU comm (
- Oct 14, 2005
- Oct 10, 2005
* Implemented a new I2PTunnelIRCClient which locally filters inbound and outbound IRC commands for anonymity and security purposes, removing all CTCP messages except ACTION, as well as stripping the hostname from the USER message (while leaving the nick and 'full name'). The IRC proxy doesn't use this by default, but you can enable it by creating a new "IRC proxy" tunnel on the web interface, or by changing the tunnel type to "ircclient" in i2ptunnel.config. 2005-10-10 jrandom * I2PTunnel http client config cleanup and stats * Minor SSU congestion tweaks and stats * Reduced netDb exploration period
- Oct 09, 2005
- Oct 08, 2005
- Oct 07, 2005
- Oct 01, 2005
- Sep 30, 2005
- Sep 29, 2005
2005-09-29 jrandom * Let syndie users modify their metadata. * Reseed the router on startup if there aren't enough peer references known locally. This can be disabled by creating the file .i2pnoreseed in your home directory, and the existing detection and reseed handling on the web interface is unchanged.