- Mar 19, 2006
- Mar 18, 2006
- Mar 17, 2006
* Add support for graphing the event count as well as the average stat value (done by adding &showEvents=true to the URL). Also supports hiding the legend (&hideLegend=true), the grid (&hideGrid=true), and the title (&hideTitle=true). * Removed an unnecessary arbitrary filter on the profile organizer so we can pick high capacity and fast peers more appropriately
- Mar 16, 2006
* Integrate basic hooks for jrobin (http://jrobin.org) into the router console. Selected stats can be harvested automatically and fed into in-memory RRD databases, and those databases can be served up either as PNG images or as RRDtool compatible XML dumps (see oldstats.jsp for details). A base set of stats are harvested by default, but an alternate list can be specified by setting the 'stat.summaries' list on the advanced config. For instance: stat.summaries=bw.recvRate.60000,bw.sendRate.60000 * HTML tweaking for the general config page (thanks void!) * Odd NPE fix (thanks Complication!)