- Dec 30, 2005
- Dec 27, 2005
* Add a new Status: line on the router console - "ERR-ClockSkew", in case the clock is too skewed to do anything useful (check the year and month, not just the hour and minute). * Fixed the read/write timeouts in the streaming lib (so that it actually honors them now) * Minor I2PSnark cleanups (no read timeout, more careful shutdown and torrent closing) * Handle an oddball tunnel creation failure (thanks Xunk)
* Fix some integer typecasting in I2PSnark (caused >2GB torrents to fail) * HTML readability cosmetics on "Peers" page
- Dec 23, 2005
- Dec 22, 2005
2005-12-22 jrandom * Bundle the standalone I2PSnark launcher in the installer and update process (launch as "java -jar launch-i2psnark.jar", viewing the interface on http://localhost:8002/) * Don't autostart swarming torrents by default so that you can run a standalone I2PSnark from the I2P install dir and not have the embedded I2PSnark autolaunch the torrents that the standalone instance is running * Fixed a rare streaming lib bug that could let a blocking call wait forever.
- Dec 21, 2005
- Dec 20, 2005
- Dec 19, 2005
* I2PSnark logging, disconnect old inactive peers rather than new ones, memory usage reduction, better OOM handling, and a shared connection acceptor. * Cleaned up the Syndie blog page and the resulting filters (viewing a blog from the blog page shows threads started by the selected author, not those that they merely participate in)
- Dec 18, 2005
* Added a standalone runner for the I2PSnark web ui (build with the command "ant i2psnark", unzip i2psnark-standalone.zip somewhere, run with "java -jar launch-i2psnark.jar", and go to http://localhost:8002/). * Further I2PSnark error handling 2005-12-17 jrandom * Let multiuser accounts authorize themselves to access the remote functionality again (thanks Ch0Hag!) * Adjust the JVM heap size to 128MB for new installs (existing users can accomplish this by editing wrapper.config, adding the line "wrapper.java.maxmemory=128", and then doing a full shutdown and startup of the router). This is relevent for heavy usage of I2PSnark in the router console.
* Added a standalone runner for the I2PSnark web ui (build with the command "ant i2psnark", unzip i2psnark-standalone.zip somewhere, run with "java -jar launch-i2psnark.jar", and go to http://localhost:8002/). * Further I2PSnark error handling
- Dec 17, 2005
- Dec 16, 2005
- Dec 15, 2005
* Added multitorrent support to I2PSnark, accessible currently by running "i2psnark.jar --config i2psnark.config" (which may or may not exist). It then joins the swarm for any torrents in ./i2psnark/*.torrent, saving their data in that directory as well. Removing the .torrent file stops participation, and it is currently set to seed indefinitely. Completion is logged to the logger and standard output, with further UI interaction left to the (work in progress) web UI.
- Dec 14, 2005
- Dec 13, 2005
- Dec 09, 2005
* Create different strategies for exploratory tunnels (which are difficult to create) and client tunnels (which are much easier) * Gradually increase number of parallel build attempts as tunnel expiry nears. * Temporarily shorten attempted build tunnel length if builds using configured tunnel length are unsuccessful * React more aggressively to tunnel failure than routine tunnel replacement * Make tunnel creation times randomized - there is existing code to randomize the tunnels but it isn't effective due to the tunnel creation strategy. Currently, most tunnels get built all at once, at about 2 1/2 to 3 minutes before expiration. The patch fixes this by fixing the randomization, and by changing the overlap time (with old tunnels) to a range of 2 to 4 minutes. * Reduce number of excess tunnels. Lots of excess tunnels get created due to overlapping calls. Just about anything generated a call which could build many tunnels all at once, even if tunnel building was already in process. * Miscellaneous router console enhancements
- Dec 08, 2005
- Dec 07, 2005
- Dec 05, 2005
- Dec 04, 2005
Adding a schema for [link] to handle if you want to display links directly to your attachments within the context of the blog itself. Some redundant code here (3 files modified with cut & paste) so we may want to further abstract the External links: HTML generation code.
- Dec 03, 2005