I2P Address: [http://git.idk.i2p]

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  • jrandom's avatar
    2006-02-16 jrandom · 79f934fe
    jrandom authored and zzz's avatar zzz committed
        * Bugfix to the I2PTunnel web config to properly accept i2cp port settings
        * Initial sucker refactoring to simplify reuse of the html parsing
        * Beginnings of hooks to push imported rss/atom out to remote syndie
          archives automatically (though not enabled currently)
        * Further SSU peer test cleanup
    2006-02-16 jrandom
    jrandom authored and zzz's avatar zzz committed
        * Bugfix to the I2PTunnel web config to properly accept i2cp port settings
        * Initial sucker refactoring to simplify reuse of the html parsing
        * Beginnings of hooks to push imported rss/atom out to remote syndie
          archives automatically (though not enabled currently)
        * Further SSU peer test cleanup
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.