I2P website
To run locally (for testing purposes):
Install proxychains, configure it for Tor
Pull in the dependencies:
$ proxychains ./setup_venv.sh
(you can also pull them non-anon by leaving out proxychains)
Compile translations (if you want to see them):
$ ./compile-messages.sh
Start the webserver:
$ ./runserver.py
Open the site at http://localhost:5000/
Running a mirror
If you want to mirror the I2P website, thanks! Here is a checklist:
- Do not edit any of the files in
- In particular, do not change the
variable ini2p2www/__init__.py
, it needs to point to the official site for SEO.
- In particular, do not change the
- If you need to edit variables in
, copy the file toetc/update.vars.custom
and edit appropriately. The only variable you may need to edit isMTNURL
(if your Monotone client tunnel is listening on a different port). - If you want to enable caching, copy
and edit appropriately. - Add
to your crontab. This will keep the site updated, recompile the translations when necessary, and touch a file in/tmp/
(look inetc/update.vars
for the filename, your webserver should restart WSGI when the timestamp of this file changes).
Configuration files for the various scripts are in etc/
. Environment variables
in etc/translation.vars
can be overridden by creating the file
and re-defining the environment variables there.
Pulling updated translations from Transifex:
Pull new and updated translations from Transifex:
$ tx pull -a
Correctly format the translations: Do NOT forget this step!
$ ./update-existing-po.sh
Look for errors in po files:
$ ./checkpo.sh
Find which po files have new strings:
$ ./findpochanges.sh
Check in the updated translations:
$ mtn ci `cat newtranslations.txt` -m "Updated translations"
Check in any new translations: First, look to see which translations are supported in i2pwww/init.py. For any new translations that are NOT in init.py, either delete the po directory i2p2www/translations/xx (if it's not translated enough to add it to the website), or add the language to the table in init.py (if it's translated enough to add it to the website).
$ mtn add -R i2p2www/translations/ && mtn ci i2p2www/translations/ -m "New translations"
Pushing updated translation source (.pot) files to Transifex:
Update the .pot files with any changes to the website text:
$ ./extract-messages.sh
Check in any changes to the .pot files (optional):
$ mtn ci pots/ -m "Updated translation strings"
Push pots file changes to Transifex:
$ tx push -s
Updating spec tags:
ctags is used to generate references to the specifications. The tags file is i2p2www/spec/spectags. When the specifications are changed, the file should be regenerated and checked in.
Command to generate the file:
$ cd i2p2www/spec && ctags -f spectags --langdef=rst --langmap=rst:.rst --regex-rst=/_type-\([a-zA-Z0-9]+\)/\\1/t,type/ --regex-rst=/_struct-\([a-zA-Z0-9]+\)/\\1/s,struct/ --regex-rst=/_msg-\([a-zA-Z]+\)/\\1/m,msg/ -R -n *.rst