To run locally (for testing purposes): - Install proxychains, configure it for Tor - Pull in the dependencies: $ proxychains ./ (you can also pull them non-anon by leaving out proxychains) - Compile translations (if you want to see them): $ ./ - Start the webserver: $ ./ - Open the site at http://localhost:5000/ # MIRROR OPERATORS # If you want to mirror the I2P website, thanks! Here is a checklist: - Do not edit any of the files in i2p2www/ - In particular, do not change the CANONICAL_DOMAIN variable in i2p2www/, it needs to point to the official site for SEO. - If you need to edit variables in etc/update.vars, copy the file to etc/update.vars.custom and edit appropriately. The only variable you may need to edit is MTNURL in etc/update.vars (if your Monotone client tunnel is listening on a different port). - If you want to enable caching, copy i2p2www/ to i2p2www/ and edit appropriately. - Add ./ to your crontab. This will keep the site updated, recompile the translations when necessary, and touch a file in /tmp/ (look in etc/update.vars for the filename, your webserver should restart WSGI when the timestamp of this file changes).