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Commit 488e647c authored by str4d's avatar str4d
Browse files

merge of '815d110b12ab9f27cad1cb3511b3027c8db4d2b3'

     and 'be7a16368a772fa456776fb0576b5a587c6d49e7'
parents 5aff8d2d 135ce35a
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
with 4528 additions and 9 deletions
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ STATIC_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static')
BLOG_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'blog')
MEETINGS_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'meetings')
app = application = Flask(__name__, template_folder=TEMPLATE_DIR, static_url_path='/_static', static_folder=STATIC_DIR)
app = application = Flask('i2p2www', template_folder=TEMPLATE_DIR, static_url_path='/_static', static_folder=STATIC_DIR)
app.debug = bool(os.environ.get('APP_DEBUG', 'False'))
......@@ -52,19 +52,19 @@ def set_lang(endpoint, values):
# Detect and store chosen theme
def detect_theme():
theme = 'light'
theme = 'duck'
if 'style' in request.cookies:
theme = request.cookies['style']
if 'theme' in request.args.keys():
theme = request.args['theme']
if not os.path.isfile(safe_join('static/styles', '%s.css' % theme)):
theme = 'light'
theme = 'duck'
g.theme = theme
def remember_theme(resp):
if g.theme == 'light' and 'style' in request.cookies:
if g.theme == 'duck' and 'style' in request.cookies:
elif g.theme != 'light':
elif g.theme != 'duck':
resp.set_cookie('style', g.theme)
return resp
......@@ -95,6 +95,10 @@ def call_after_request_callbacks(response):
def page_not_found(error):
return render_template('global/error_404.html'), 404
def server_error(error):
return render_template('global/error_500.html'), 500
# General page handlers
......@@ -113,9 +117,13 @@ def site_show(page='index'):
name = 'site/%s.html' % page
page_file = safe_join(TEMPLATE_DIR, name)
# bah! those damn users all the time!
if not os.path.exists(page_file):
# Could be a directory, so try index.html
name = 'site/%s/index.html' % page
page_file = safe_join(TEMPLATE_DIR, name)
if not os.path.exists(page_file):
# bah! those damn users all the time!
# hah!
return render_template(name, page=page)
......@@ -227,6 +235,10 @@ def get_blog_index():
return entries
def get_date_from_slug(slug):
parts = slug.split('/')
return "%s-%s-%s" % (parts[0], parts[1], parts[2])
def render_blog_entry(slug):
Render the blog entry
......@@ -252,8 +264,12 @@ def render_blog_entry(slug):
def blog_index(page=0):
# TODO: implement
entries = get_blog_index()
slugs = get_blog_index()
entries= []
for slug in slugs:
date = get_date_from_slug(slug)
title = slug.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
entries.append((slug, date, title))
return render_template('blog/index.html', entries=entries)
File moved
File moved
This diff is collapsed.
{% extends "_layout.html" %}
{% block title %}I2P Development Meeting 10{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<h3>I2P (invisiblenet) Development Meeting 10</h3>
<div class="irclog">
Courtesy of <a href="http://www.archive.org/">the wayback machine</a>.
--- Log opened Tue Sep 03 23:55:46 2002
23:56 <@mids> test
--- Day changed Wed Sep 04 2002
00:34 < athena> hello :)
00:34 < athena> no specific agenda today?
00:36 -!- mode/#iip-dev [+o nop] by mids
00:36 -!- mode/#iip-dev [+v logger] by mids
00:36 <@mids> not yet atleast
00:55 < athena> OQP... cute :)
00:56 <@mids> what is OQP?
00:56 < athena> occupe', i'm guessing
00:56 <@mids> ic
00:58 < gabierOQP> OQP=occupé in french
00:58 < gabierOQP> busy
00:58 -!- gabierOQP is now known as legabier
00:59 <@mids> compris
01:00 <@mids> Tue Sep 3 23:00:00 UTC 2002
01:00 <@mids> Welcome to the 10th IIP meeting
01:00 <@mids> Agenda:
01:00 <@mids> 1) Welcome
01:00 <@mids> 2) Website status update
01:00 <@mids> 3) ...
01:00 <@mids> a) Questions
01:00 <@mids> .
01:00 <@mids> lets go to point 1
01:00 <@mids> welcome all
01:00 < legabier> why freenet is so slow and iip so fast?
01:01 <@mids> legabier: can we keep that till part a ?
01:01 < legabier> ok
01:01 <@mids> part 2
01:01 <@mids> nop: status update?
01:02 <@mids> hm
01:02 <@mids> the website is in CVS
01:02 <@mids> nop has reviewed the files
01:03 <@mids> but there are some parts without good text
01:03 <@mids> and the support area needs a better layout
01:03 <@mids> appart from that it is done
01:03 <@mids> I wont tell you when the site is up
01:03 <@mids> but you are free to do private bettings on the online time :)
01:04 <@mids> .
01:04 <@mids> nop probably has something to add
01:04 <@mids> lets wait 3 min or something
01:06 < athena> lol
01:06 <@mids> I guess nop is too busy with editing the website to answer
01:06 <@mids> okay well...
01:06 <@mids> before we go to the question round.. any other items we should discuss?
01:08 <@mids> guess not :-)
01:08 <@mids> I like it when everybody agrees :)
01:08 <@mids> .
01:08 <@mids> question from legabier: "why freenet is so slow and iip so fast?"
01:08 <@mids> freenet is a different program, there is no technical relationship between IIP and Freenet
01:08 <@mids> Freenet is completely decentralized.. IIP isn't (yet)
01:08 <@nop> haha
01:09 <@mids> Freenet is intended for file transfer, while IRC over IIP uses short lines
01:09 <@nop> just because freenet is decentralized
01:09 <@nop> is not the reason why IIP is fast
01:09 <@mids> well, enlighten us, o master yoda :)
01:10 <@nop> differences
01:10 <@nop> freenet == high volume, low speed, static (archived) content
01:10 <@nop> iip == low volume, high speed, dynamic content
01:10 <@nop> different concepts all together, centralized or decentralized, IIP will remain fast
01:11 * mids hopes that too
01:11 * nop knows that
01:11 <@mids> ok
01:11 <@mids> does that answer your question legabier ?
01:12 < legabier> yes merci :)
01:13 * mids aims the spotlight in the audience.. searching for the next question and/or comment
01:13 < athena> why are there so few public relays (besides the ones nop runs and mids', i see only 2 or 3 others usually)? do we have no volunteers or does the uptime checker reject a lot of them?
01:13 < Sheige> I got 8 of them.... I guess
01:14 < Sheige> (still a few)
01:14 < athena> how many is that if you don't count mids' and nop's?
01:14 <@mids> 5
01:14 <@mids> source: http://invisiblenet.net/iip/crypto/node.ref
01:15 < athena> hmmm, ok... guess i need to pull down a new one... still, 20 or so public nodes would be nice :)
01:15 <@mids> I _think_ that the uptime checker is a bit too strict
01:16 <@mids> codeshark had to pause it some time ago when the net was down
01:16 <@mids> otherwise it would kick all relays out
01:17 <@nop> the strict checking is a good thing
01:17 <@nop> you'd have more problems if you had a lot of relays not working
01:17 <@nop> it's better to have lower number with solid relay connection
01:17 <@mids> nop: well.. but the reannounces dont seem to work
01:17 <@nop> than a bunch of crappy ones
01:17 <@nop> yes they do
01:17 <@mids> hm
01:17 <@nop> it just takes time
01:17 <@nop> plus if you're a relay you won't see your route
01:17 <@mids> then why do we only have 7 :)
01:17 <@nop> because the stability of the relays
01:18 <@nop> it may take a few more days for them to show up
01:20 <@nop> talk to codeshark about this
01:20 <@nop> he would have more detail
01:20 <@nop> I will test it with him
01:20 <@mids> ok
01:21 <@mids> I think that I have somehow too many nodes connecting to my relay
01:21 <@mids> but maybe there are a lot more users then we know about :)
01:21 < athena> how many connections do you have?
01:22 <@mids> I dont know if I should tell that
01:22 * mids does some back channel talking
01:22 < athena> could be that you're the best reachable relay
01:22 <@mids> heh, I wouldnt say that with the recent lack of stability
01:22 < athena> i often find that i can't connect through half of the hosts in node.ref
01:23 < athena> and when you start with 7 that's not a whole lot of reliable relays
01:23 <@nop> well, most usually are that are on
01:23 < athena> just relating my experience...
01:24 <@nop> maybe it's recent
01:25 <@mids> it would be interesting to measure uptime...
01:25 <@mids> but...
01:25 < athena> you'd have to measure it from topologically diverse sites
01:27 <@mids> nop: would you be against that?
01:27 <@mids> if this whole thing wasn't about anonymity, I would love to see a lot of statistics :)
01:27 <@nop> umm, if it exposes attacking info, yes
01:28 <@nop> maybe we'll set up a non-anonymous weary system later and take stats
01:28 < athena> i would say any publicly available stats SHOULD be published
01:28 <@nop> especially as it gets bigger
01:28 < athena> rely on the security of IIP, not on keeping info secret
01:28 <@nop> well athena, if anyone was taking stats, they should be published
01:28 <@nop> but no one is so far
01:28 <@nop> anyone who is please publish your findings
01:28 <@nop> ;)
01:29 < athena> maybe i will :p
01:29 <@mids> well.. I'll try to collect stats in a 'fair' way
01:29 <@mids> without abusing my public node-powers
01:29 <@mids> what I can collect that way, everybody can
01:29 < athena> that's exactly what i meant, great
01:30 < ArdVark> why not abuse your public node power and show us what that entails too mids?
01:30 <@mids> now if I disappear from the IIP chat system... it is because someone doesnt like me collecting the stats ;)
01:30 <@mids> ArdVark: maybe that is the next step...
01:30 < athena> ArdVark: lol, excellent point! since anyway can become a public node...
01:31 < athena> s/anyway/anyone/
01:31 <@mids> athena: install a public relay and you do it :)
01:31 < ArdVark> I wanna see the failures as well as the successes of this beast reported
01:32 <@mids> would be cool to have 100 'agencies' all running a public relay to log connections, but in the meanwhile helping to boost the anonymity
01:33 < ArdVark> on a different topic, not to end the current one, has there ever been any thought to adding wiki to invisiblnet? or too much trouble?
01:33 <@mids> wiki as in wikiwiki?
01:33 < ArdVark> yes
01:33 <@mids> those $#@&%@ infobots are already some wiki
01:33 < athena> mids: how do you know i don't already run a public relay ;)
01:34 < ArdVark> I love those infobots mids ;)
01:34 <@mids> ArdVark: I know you do
01:34 <@mids> ArdVark: if you put a webserver 'behind' IIP.. then you could install a wiki on it
01:35 < ArdVark> ok, that is reasonable I guess
01:35 <@mids> but running a webserver over irc isnt too great
01:35 < ArdVark> no I meant the website
01:35 <@mids> oh
01:35 <@mids> you mean on the normal website
01:35 < ArdVark> yes
01:36 <@mids> guess you could do that
01:36 <@mids> otoh.. you could use a public wiki too....
01:36 < ArdVark> ok
01:37 <@mids> I think we shouldnt really install the wiki on sourceforge.... not now
01:37 <@mids> since it is some work to install/tweak etc
01:38 <@mids> but someone could run a wiki, and then IIP could point to it
01:38 < ArdVark> fine
01:39 <@mids> ArdVark: but maybe a public wiki for IIP (like freenet has now) is the way to go
01:39 <@mids> .
01:39 < ArdVark> yeah ok
01:41 <@mids> I am going to sleep. feel free to keep chatting here :)
01:41 < athena> night mids
01:49 <@mids> for those who want to play with a wiki: http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~mids/phpwiki/
01:49 <@mids> I dont care what you do with it :)
02:00 -!- mode/#iip-dev [+o codeshark] by Trent
--- Log closed Wed Sep 04 07:03:17 2002
{% endblock %}
{% extends "_layout.html" %}
{% block title %}I2P Development Meeting 100{% endblock %}
{% block content %}<h3>I2P dev meeting, July 27 @ 21:00 GMT</h3>
<div class="irclog">
14:02 < jrandom> 0) hi</p>
14:02 < jrandom> 1) 0.3.3 &amp; current updates</p>
14:02 < jrandom> 2) NativeBigInteger</p>
14:03 < jrandom> 3) ???</p>
14:03 < jrandom> 0) hi</p>
14:03 * jrandom waves</p>
14:03 < jrandom> weekly status notes up @ http://dev.i2p.net/pipermail/i2p/2004-July/000372.html</p>
14:03 < jrandom> (thanks to hypercubus' prodding i got it out before the meeting :)</p>
14:04 < jrandom> ok, jumping on in</p>
14:04 < jrandom> 1) 0.3.3 &amp; current updates</p>
14:06 < jrandom> there's a truckload of info in the email describing whats going on, and there should be a substantial reduction in bandwidth usage coming up</p>
14:07 < jrandom> it won't be backwards compatible because it changes a lot of things, so the next release will be a bumpy upgrade as well, but c'est la vie</p>
14:08 < jrandom> anyone have any questions wrt the 0.3.3 rev or the things posted in the status notes?</p>
14:08 * dm waves</p>
14:08 * jrandom is seeing 23s lag here @ freenode</p>
14:09 * hypercubus sees 0.10 secs lag</p>
14:09 < jrandom> ah back to normal</p>
14:09 < jrandom> ok, if there's nthing, we can just jump in to 2) NativeBigInteger</p>
14:10 < jrandom> Iakin3 has modified some things so it'll be simpler to deploy the crypto code out of the box, which is Good</p>
14:10 < jrandom> every once in a while i look in the netDb and see some people with 2-400ms delays when doing ElGamal encryption, which means some people aren't using jbigi</p>
14:11 < jrandom> (and everyone should use jbigi)</p>
14:12 < deer> &lt;Nightblade&gt; how do you know they are not just on slow computers</p>
14:12 < Sonium> why isn't it use automaticaly?</p>
14:12 < hypercubus> because it must be custom compiled for each platform</p>
14:12 < jrandom> we might be able to get that deployed in this next rev, but we'll see</p>
14:12 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; If the DLL is not present, the program continue using java-only code (needed for cross-platform support)</p>
14:12 < hypercubus> and currently the platform is not detected</p>
14:12 < jrandom> Nightblade: thats possible, of course</p>
14:13 < jrandom> oOo right, we definitely will keep that functionality</p>
14:13 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; Nope, force the existence of the dll an .so files, even if empty or useless</p>
14:13 < jrandom> actually, thats another one of the things we're gaining with some of the current mods i'm working on - we only need to do half as many elGamal encryptions (since the sourceRouteBlock is gone)</p>
14:14 < jrandom> hmm oOo?</p>
14:14 < jrandom> why would we want to do that?</p>
14:15 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; Force a check of the _existence_ of the library files. If they are not use, you most likely aren't on a x86 Win/Linux platform and are forced to use the Java code. Anyway you did your best to force the use of native stuff</p>
14:15 < jrandom> oh, right, we have always checked for libjbigi.so / jbigi.dll, the thing Iakin's code adds is the ability to package up a whole bunch of DLL and .so files into a jar and choose the *right* one at runtime</p>
14:16 < hypercubus> &lt;/obvious&gt;</p>
14:16 < jrandom> (falling back on pure java if none match)</p>
14:17 < jrandom> anyway, thats some good stuff that'll hopefully help new users out a bunch</p>
14:17 < jrandom> (and saves me the time of doing some ugly drop down boxes on the admin interface :)</p>
14:18 < jrandom> ok, if there's nothing more on that, i think thats all i've got</p>
14:18 < jrandom> so moving on to 3) ???</p>
14:18 < jrandom> anyone else have anything they want to bring up?</p>
14:18 < hypercubus> someone should run a spellchecker on the new website ;-)</p>
14:19 < jrandom> you've got cvs access now... :)</p>
14:19 < jrandom> (module: i2pwww)</p>
14:19 < hypercubus> damn</p>
14:19 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; The corruption on big transfer, even local one, is under investigation (like grabbing several Mb from your own eepsite) ?</p>
14:20 < hypercubus> i've had many interrupted downloads of big files, but never a corruption</p>
14:20 < jrandom> hmm, most instances of that issue have been resolved, but i've heard reports recently about it. i haven't gone through the app layer and audited things yet again</p>
14:21 < jrandom> i consider interrupted downloads corrupted</p>
14:21 < jrandom> it must work first time, all the way through</p>
14:21 < hypercubus> well you can't help it, because that's what happens on the real WWW too ;-)</p>
14:21 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; Not when the grabber is on the same computer then the server ^^</p>
14:22 < jrandom> oOo: can you reproduce that?</p>
14:22 < jrandom> (or is it intermittent?)</p>
14:22 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; jrandom: Did twice, was thinking it was knowed, will try again</p>
14:23 < jrandom> thanks. if you can reproduce it, please let me know the details of the test and i'll dig further into it. </p>
14:23 < jrandom> (i've got to audit the app layer again anyway soo)</p>
14:23 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; jrandom: No problem, thanks</p>
14:24 < jrandom> ok, anyone else have anything they want to ask/bring up?</p>
14:25 < cat-a-puss> I'm still interested in talking about how to do myI2P</p>
14:25 < cat-a-puss> I may be able to bring a few people in in a few months</p>
14:25 < jrandom> awesome!</p>
14:26 < hypercubus> a class project? ;-)</p>
14:26 < cat-a-puss> something like that ;-)</p>
14:27 < jrandom> i think once we get 0.4 out there with the new web interface, it should be much easier to put together apps (like myi2p) w/ a web frontend</p>
14:27 < cat-a-puss> so you think that can be done on the purely application layer?</p>
14:27 < jrandom> absolutely</p>
14:28 < jrandom> what else did you have in mind?</p>
14:28 < cat-a-puss> well the network DB could be used to store metadata</p>
14:28 < jrandom> ahh</p>
14:28 < cat-a-puss> would it have access to that?</p>
14:28 < hypercubus> *cough*</p>
14:28 < jrandom> no, nothing has access to the netDb</p>
14:29 < jrandom> we're able to work some magic in the netDb because its quite focused just on serving as our distributed routing table</p>
14:29 < hypercubus> cat-a-puss: what you want is the DHT that Nightblade is working on</p>
14:29 < jrandom> myi2p (et al) could certainly use a DHT on top of i2p though</p>
14:30 < hypercubus> (enclave)</p>
14:30 < jrandom> what sort of metadata were you thinking about?</p>
14:31 < cat-a-puss> well I invesioned doing something like chanels in Frost which runs off of an ssk in freenet</p>
14:31 < cat-a-puss> so you run the ssks on the DHT on top of I2p</p>
14:31 < jrandom> right</p>
14:31 < jrandom> that might be a bit of an overkill for some things though</p>
14:31 < cat-a-puss> but you still need a metakey that lists all the people's ssks that are subscribed to the channel</p>
14:32 < dm> dht over i2p... </p>
14:32 * dm doesn't see that working reliable any time soon.</p>
14:32 < Connelly> a generic DHT library would be nice</p>
14:32 < dm> reliably</p>
14:32 < deer> &lt;Nightblade&gt; what's a dht library</p>
14:32 < cat-a-puss> that needs to work diferently ...</p>
14:33 < jrandom> cat-a-puss: i suppose it depends on what sort of activity would go on, but while frost style boards might be good for some things, fmb style boards might be good for others, and blog aggregators might be good for still others</p>
14:34 < Connelly> well a kademlia implementation or somesuch</p>
14:34 < Connelly> I assume enclave would be something like it</p>
14:34 < deer> &lt;Nightblade&gt; i think i'm going to do some changes on LibSAM first</p>
14:34 < deer> &lt;Nightblade&gt; only two weeks of classes left, for me, counting this week</p>
14:34 < deer> &lt;Nightblade&gt; then I will be able to do some stuff I hope</p>
14:35 < jrandom> w00t! :)</p>
14:37 < cat-a-puss> jrandom: basicly the goal is to be all things to all people. If the network does not do everything, people will use something else. (and it needs to be better at it to attract cover traffic)</p>
14:38 < jrandom> i've worked on too many projects that try to do the 'swiss army knife' style - if you build it, they will come</p>
14:38 < hypercubus> the network is a transport layer, not the application layer ;-)</p>
14:38 < jrandom> it very, very, very rarely works out.</p>
14:38 < jrandom> the i2p transport layer should support all possible point to point comm, definitely</p>
14:38 < jrandom> but applications on top of i2p should be user friendly - meaning they address a specific user need and help them with it</p>
14:39 < jrandom> the masses don't want a comm layer, they want a way to talk to people, to read what people say, and to explore</p>
14:39 < Connelly> naw, we should create an XUL, and all new Gecko system</p>
14:39 < Connelly> then build a conglomerate of Mozilla programs on top of that</p>
14:39 < Connelly> then integrate collaborative systems into Mozilla ;)</p>
14:40 < cat-a-puss> great provided the app has enough control over the comm layer to make it do what it wants.</p>
14:40 < dm> Maxthon &gt; Mozilla</p>
14:40 < jrandom> cat-a-puss: absolutely. all apps using SAM, I2CP, or the SDK can do what every other app can do</p>
14:41 < jrandom> (which should be sufficient [the functionality / API is modelled after JMS and MOMs, which has been battle tested for well over a decade in industry])</p>
14:43 < cat-a-puss> ok, so I've essencialy got: Tcp, datagram, both of those + anonymity if I want it, and a DHT that operates above all that.</p>
14:44 < hypercubus> you have some anonymity, whether you like it or not ;-)</p>
14:44 < cat-a-puss> so the app cannot set the tunnel lenth to 0 even if it wants to?</p>
14:44 < jrandom> right - i2p itself is the TCP/datagram stuff, and the enclave DHT app could be used as a base for the data store</p>
14:44 < jrandom> absolutely</p>
14:45 < jrandom> in fact, with 0 hop tunnels and the defense Connelly outlined last week, it can be pretty anon vs some attackers</p>
14:45 < jrandom> er, i misread what you said. yes the app can set the tunnel length to 0, but in fact, that still provides some degree of anonymity</p>
14:46 < cat-a-puss> ok</p>
14:46 < jrandom> (sufficient for some people, but insufficient vs some statistical attacks)</p>
14:46 < hypercubus> if you wanted no anonymity, you shouldn't be running your traffic over i2p</p>
14:47 < cat-a-puss> and different apps on the same host/port I assume are just handled with seperate keys?</p>
14:47 < jrandom> exactly</p>
14:47 < deer> &lt;DrWoo&gt; low anonymity could be popular for running p2p over I2P ?</p>
14:47 < cat-a-puss> then the only question I have left is some sort of an "answering service"</p>
14:47 < jrandom> right DrWoo - filesharing / etc would probably be able to use 0 hop tunnels</p>
14:48 < deer> &lt;DrWoo&gt; hey soros!</p>
14:48 < hypercubus> i'm thinking BitTorrent-style apps on i2p would likely need 0-1 hop tunnels</p>
14:48 < Connelly> jrandom: which defense for 0 hop tunnels?</p>
14:48 < deer> &lt;soros&gt; hey woo :D</p>
14:48 < deer> &lt;DrWoo&gt; soros: you were hiding hehe</p>
14:48 < cat-a-puss> IE: set something up in the i2p database where my traffic goes to someone else while I am offline, and then when I come back up I contact them and they fill me in on what I missed?</p>
14:48 < cat-a-puss> they needn't be able to decrypt it</p>
14:48 < deer> &lt;soros&gt; gave up on iip for a few months</p>
14:48 < dm> soros and drwoo reunion...</p>
14:48 < dm> TEAR</p>
14:48 < hypercubus> cat-a-puss: again, app layer stuff</p>
14:49 < jrandom> cat-a-puss: i don't know, that sort of functionality i hadn't really envisioned w/ myi2p, but there are a few ways to do it</p>
14:49 < deer> &lt;soros&gt; is this going to freenode automatically ?</p>
14:49 < deer> &lt;soros&gt; oops.. this is i2p sorry</p>
14:49 < jrandom> Connelly: using strict ordering for the peers in the tunnel</p>
14:49 < deer> &lt;DrWoo&gt; soros: it's a little confusing lol</p>
14:50 < Connelly> ok</p>
14:50 < hypercubus> we need to run a poll on the forum to vote for a new name for myI2P ;-)</p>
14:51 < jrandom> betty</p>
14:51 < hypercubus> MyBetty?</p>
14:51 < dm> MY TOOPIE</p>
14:51 < jrandom> heh</p>
14:51 < deer> &lt;Nightblade&gt; how about acropolis....... was that it?</p>
14:51 < hypercubus> Betty Toop?</p>
14:51 < deer> &lt;soros&gt; MOAP2P</p>
14:51 < deer> &lt;DrWoo&gt; I2P H@ME</p>
14:51 < deer> &lt;soros&gt; Mother of all P2P</p>
14:52 < hypercubus> nightblade: yeah, acropolis</p>
14:52 < hypercubus> i like it</p>
14:53 < dm> How about: Pipi in your face</p>
14:53 < hypercubus> dm: you do know this is all going in the meeting log right? ;-)</p>
14:53 < Connelly> man, I got a great idea</p>
14:53 < deer> &lt;DrWoo&gt; Center of the Known I2P</p>
14:53 < dm> hypercubus: pipi in your face</p>
14:53 < Connelly> let's integrate a 3D user-programmable RPG into I2P H@ME</p>
14:53 < deer> &lt;soros&gt; call it HyperCube.</p>
14:54 < Connelly> and use Mozilla technology to do it :)</p>
14:54 < dm> Maxthon pipi on mozilla</p>
14:54 < Connelly> fine, Maxthon</p>
14:54 < hypercubus> you on a xul kick connelly? ;-)</p>
14:54 < Connelly> yeah!</p>
14:55 < Connelly> but we should create a whole XML-based programming language</p>
14:55 < Connelly> it would be more flexible that way</p>
14:55 < jrandom> and then lets build our own hardware too</p>
14:55 < hypercubus> i2p custom wireless mesh routers</p>
14:55 < jrandom> and put together a distribution company with ships and trains to get 'em out there! :)</p>
14:55 < dm> I know CPUs</p>
14:55 < dm> I build one</p>
14:56 < deer> &lt;mule&gt; plus build the chip production facilities ...</p>
14:56 < Connelly> yeah, an anonymous shipping corporation</p>
14:56 < hypercubus> call it WhoEx</p>
14:56 < Connelly> and use reflectors on the moon to beam laser internet traffic to each other!</p>
14:57 < hypercubus> time to boof the meeting i sense</p>
14:57 < jrandom> on that not..</p>
14:57 < jrandom> er, note</p>
14:57 < jrandom> anything else people want to bring up? if not, we've got the forums and the mailing list</p>
14:57 < jrandom> (and we're here all the time ;)</p>
14:57 * jrandom winds up</p>
14:57 < dm> not me, I have a life.</p>
14:57 < dm> LOSERS</p>
14:57 * jrandom *baf*s dm on the head</p>
14:58 < jrandom> (closing the meeting)</p>
{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
{% extends "_layout.html" %}
{% block title %}I2P Development Meeting 101{% endblock %}
{% block content %}<h3>I2P dev meeting, August 3 @ 21:00 GMT</h3>
<div class="irclog">
14:05 <jrandomi2p> 0) hi</p>
14:05 <jrandomi2p> 1) 0.3.4 status</p>
14:05 <hypercubus> i guarantee that on PDforge your project will be confirmed virtually immediately ;-)</p>
14:05 <jrandomi2p> 2) On deck for</p>
14:05 <jrandomi2p> 3) New web console / I2PTunnel controller</p>
14:05 <jrandomi2p> 4) 0.4 stuff</p>
14:05 <jrandomi2p> 5) Other development activities</p>
14:05 <jrandomi2p> 6) ???</p>
14:05 <jrandomi2p> 0) hi</p>
14:05 * jrandomi2p waves</p>
14:05 < mihi> lla ih</p>
14:05 * oOo goof</p>
14:06 <mihi> hi all</p>
14:06 <jrandomi2p> weekly status notes posted up to http://dev.i2p.net/pipermail/i2p/2004-August/000388.html</p>
14:06 <jrandomi2p> jumping right in to 1) 0.3.4 status</p>
14:07 <jrandomi2p> the net seems generally functional, both for irc and eepsites</p>
14:07 <jrandomi2p> what kind of eepsite reliability / failures are y'all seeing?</p>
14:07 * jrandomi2p can see the irc failures here, as i see when people disconnect / etc</p>
14:08 <mule2p> in general good, got out-of-memory after approx 25MBytes</p>
14:08 <mule2p> but that should be fixed in cvs, as you mentioned</p>
14:08 <jrandomi2p> ah ok thats on a single 25MB download right?</p>
14:09 <mule2p> yes</p>
14:09 <jrandomi2p> right</p>
14:10 <jrandomi2p> large file transfers do still seem to have problems (disconnect over time, not corruption though). i think that may be fixed with the mod mentioned, but i'm not sure</p>
14:11 * jrandomi2p forgot to mention that oOo's roundtrip/connections_reliability.php includes both irc servers here, not just i2p, so doesnt really have the right data atm</p>
14:11 <jrandomi2p> oOo - any thoughts on what it'd take to get the bogobot code to ignore @irc.metropipe.net?</p>
14:12 < duck> kicking hypercubus</p>
14:12 < duck> and me to upgrade</p>
14:12 <oOo> Very few coding, a peer review by hypercubus and the update of bogobot by duke</p>
14:13 <jrandomi2p> ok cool</p>
14:13 <hypercubus> duke?</p>
14:13 <oOo> duck, sorry :p</p>
14:13 * jrandomi2p thinks that sort of statistical summary would be very helpful</p>
14:13 <jrandomi2p> duke duck</p>
14:14 <oOo> The stats are made on PHP, could be given to duck, too</p>
14:14 <jrandomi2p> ok, anyone have anything to bring up wrt 0.3.4?</p>
14:14 <jrandomi2p> w3rd</p>
14:15 <jrandomi2p> ok, moving on to 2)</p>
14:15 <jrandomi2p> i dont know what else to mention beyond whats mentioned in the mail</p>
14:16 <jrandomi2p> the StreamSinkServer and StreamSinkClient apps are compact demo apps for ministreaming (for any java devs who want to write streaming over i2p)</p>
14:16 <jrandomi2p> oh, and StreamSinkServer is kind of like aum's dropbox python app (it takes any data anyone sends it and writes it to a file)</p>
14:17 <jrandomi2p> (StreamSinkClient sends a fixed size of random data, so not too useful ;)</p>
14:17 <jrandomi2p> any thoughts / concerns / questions wrt</p>
14:18 * jrandomi2p estimates it'll be out in a day or two</p>
14:19 <jrandomi2p> ok, moving on at a good clip to 3) New web console / I2PTunnel controller</p>
14:20 <jrandomi2p> as mentioned in the mail, we've got the new web console pretty much functional, and a simple web interface to control / edit / create i2ptunnel instances</p>
14:21 < protok0l> where can the protok0l get it</p>
14:22 < protok0l> and what do i do with jetty</p>
14:22 <jrandomi2p> its all in cvs now, but i need to put up some docs on how to set it up</p>
14:22 < protok0l> ok</p>
14:23 * jrandomi2p wrote up and posted a ~5 step process to the channel a few days ago, but we need a simpler proc (or at least a more clear one)</p>
14:23 < protok0l> i heard that CVS sucks</p>
14:23 <mule2p> ok, can tell you once i have the docs :)</p>
14:23 < protok0l> and there was some better CVS thingy</p>
14:23 * oOo logged only the first 2 steps before getting disconnected :p</p>
14:24 < protok0l> same thing with Vi</p>
14:24 < protok0l> lol</p>
14:24 <jrandomi2p> we'll eventually moving to have this new console be the 'standard', but that'll probably wait until we've got everything integrated with hypercubus' new installer</p>
14:26 <jrandomi2p> actually</p>
14:26 <jrandomi2p> for the brave, here's the ugly steps from before:</p>
14:26 <jrandomi2p> 20:19 &lt; jrandom&gt; w3rd hyper - could you pull latest from cvs, 'ant dist', grab build/*jar and toss them into your lib dir, mkdir $instDir/webapps/ ; cp build/routerconsole.war $instDir/webapps/ ; edit your router.config to uncomment the clientApp.3.* lines and update your classpath</p>
14:26 <jrandomi2p> 20:19 &lt; jrandom&gt; (in the classpath, set it to: lib/i2p.jar:lib/router.jar:lib/mstreaming.jar:lib/heartbeat.jar:lib/i2ptunnel.jar:lib/netmonitor.jar:lib/sam.jar:lib/timestamper.jar:lib/ant.jar:lib/jasper-compiler.jar:lib/jasper-runtime.jar:\</p>
14:26 <jrandomi2p> 20:19 &lt; jrandom&gt; lib/jnet.jar:lib/org.mortbay.jetty.jar:lib/routerconsole.jar:lib/xercesImpl.jar:lib/xml-apis.jar:lib/javax.servlet.jar</p>
14:26 < protok0l> ok screw it</p>
14:27 <jrandomi2p> in addition to that, there's a new i2ptunnel.war - take that and drop it into $instDir/webapps/ and go to http://localhost:7657/i2ptunnel/</p>
14:27 <jrandomi2p> yeah, as i said, its a pain</p>
14:27 <jrandomi2p> *but* its functional, and I dont really have either the time or the expertise to make it much better</p>
14:27 <oOo> That's all it needs to be done ?</p>
14:28 <jrandomi2p> yup</p>
14:28 <oOo> Ok, thanks</p>
14:28 <jrandomi2p> (you'll get something looking like http://dev.i2p.net/~jrandom/config.png when you go to http://localhost:7657/config.jsp</p>
14:29 <jrandomi2p> anyway, thats that</p>
14:29 <jrandomi2p> i'd appreciate if/when people can kick it around, and hopefully come up with ways to improve it :)</p>
14:30 <jrandomi2p> mihi: any thoughts on the whole web interface idea?</p>
14:30 < duck> nice layout</p>
14:31 <jrandomi2p> thought you'd like it duck ;)</p>
14:31 <mrflibble> nice</p>
14:31 * mihi likes the layout as well</p>
14:31 <mihi> web interfaces are always great</p>
14:32 <jrandomi2p> the one i put together for i2ptunnel.war is pretty bland... functional, but bland</p>
14:33 <jrandomi2p> ok, thats that - if/when people wanna chat about it further, we've got irc and the list, etc :)</p>
14:33 <mule2p> jrandomi2p: clientApp.3 is netmonitor for me</p>
14:34 <jrandomi2p> ah ok mule2p - check the router.config from cvs -</p>
14:34 <jrandomi2p> #clientApp.3.main=net.i2p.router.web.RouterConsoleRunner</p>
14:34 <jrandomi2p> #clientApp.3.name=webConsole</p>
14:34 <jrandomi2p> #clientApp.3.args=7657 ./webapps/</p>
14:34 <jrandomi2p> obviously change the 3 to 4 and uncomment :)</p>
14:35 <jrandomi2p> replace if you want to be able to access it remotely</p>
14:35 <jrandomi2p> (and 7657 to use a different port)</p>
14:36 <mule2p> ok, thanks, have looked in the checked out i2p tree for a new router.config, but it may be elsewhere in cvs</p>
14:36 <jrandomi2p> ah sorry, yeah its i2p/installer/java/src/router.config.template</p>
14:37 <mule2p> k</p>
14:37 <jrandomi2p> ok, unless there's anything else, swinging on to 4) 0.4 stuff </p>
14:38 <jrandomi2p> hmm, i dont know if there's anything i can add to whats in that paragraph in the mail</p>
14:38 <jrandomi2p> basically just a bunch of entries on my todo list :)</p>
14:39 <jrandomi2p> anyone have any questions / concerns wrt things posted there?</p>
14:40 <oOo> How is the installer doing ? ^^</p>
14:40 <jrandomi2p> hypercubus? que tal?</p>
14:40 <hypercubus> patience, danielsan... good things come to those who chafe... uh, wait ;-)</p>
14:40 <jrandomi2p> hehe</p>
14:41 <jrandomi2p> no rush, just wondering how things are goin'</p>
14:41 <jrandomi2p> any problems you're running into, things we can help with, etc?</p>
14:41 <mihi> who is danielsan?</p>
14:41 <hypercubus> no problems, just the tedium of testing atm</p>
14:42 <jrandomi2p> w3rd</p>
14:42 <hypercubus> i should have written unit tests first, but oh well ;-)</p>
14:42 <jrandomi2p> hehe</p>
14:43 <hypercubus> java's supposed platform independence really breaks down in the area of installation tasks</p>
14:44 * jrandom senses a bulk disconnect</p>
14:45 <oOo> Uh oh</p>
14:45 <hypercubus_> hmmm, wonderful... what was the last thing i said?</p>
14:45 <oOo> &lt;hypercubus&gt; java's supposed platform independence really breaks down in the area of installation tasks</p>
14:46 <hypercubus> ok, who sabotaged the meeting? ;-)</p>
14:46 * jrandom blames jebus</p>
14:46 <hypercubus> maybe it was duke</p>
14:46 <mule> you don't want to tell me my router is that important :)</p>
14:46 < jrandom> heh</p>
14:47 <mihi> [23:46] * jrandomi2p has quit IRC (Client exited)</p>
14:47 <mihi> hehe...</p>
14:47 <mule> if so, sorry.</p>
14:47 <hypercubus> anyhow, no worries about the installer's progress, i fully expect it to be ready when 0.4 is</p>
14:47 < jrandom> duck: how many inbound tunnels do you have listening on irc.duck.i2p? </p>
14:47 <hypercubus> i'm not running into any head-scratchers</p>
14:47 < jrandom> cool hypercubus</p>
14:47 < hobbs> Reminds me -- is there a commandline-accessible way to spit out a new router.config from router.config.template?</p>
14:47 < jrandom> nope</p>
14:48 < jrandom> not afaik</p>
14:48 < mihi> run the installer and copy it</p>
14:48 < jrandom> other than java -jar install.jar </p>
14:48 < jrandom> heh</p>
14:48 < mihi> into a new dir i mean</p>
14:48 < cervantes> at least not the head scratching you're all thinking of</p>
14:48 < jrandom> ooh neat, my router dumped core</p>
14:48 < duck> jrandom: remind me how I know the hash of irc.duck.i2p</p>
14:48 * hypercubus wonders what cervantes means</p>
14:49 < jrandom> cd lib ; java -cp i2p.jar net.i2p.data.TestData display Destination ../irc.privKey</p>
14:49 < cervantes> hyper: you'd be more familiar with the term strunking :)</p>
14:49 <hypercubus> duck: try increasing to 3 or more inbound tunnels... seems to have helped me some</p>
14:50 < duck> *** Building a seperate global context!</p>
14:50 < duck> Log file logger.config does not exist</p>
14:50 < duck> 23:49:47.387 ERROR [main ] net.i2p.util.LogManager : Log file logger.config does not exist</p>
14:50 < duck> 23:49:49.589 CRIT [ 1 shutdown ] net.i2p.util.LogManager : Shutting down logger</p>
14:50 < jrandom> ah hrm</p>
14:50 <hypercubus> guess it couldn't handle your log *cough*</p>
14:51 < mihi> copy your logger.config everywhere ;)</p>
14:51 < mihi> at least everywhere where your pwd could be when you run any i2p app</p>
14:51 < duck> no I wont</p>
14:51 < jrandom> ok, echo logger.record.net.i2p.data.TestData=INFO &gt;&gt; logger.config</p>
14:52 < jrandom> actually, thats why i said (cd lib), but i forgot that i changed the default from DEBUG to ERROR in cvs</p>
14:52 < duck> 4 inbounds</p>
14:52 < jrandom> 4 current &amp; ready?</p>
14:52 < jrandom> or 2 not ready (or recently expired) and 2 ready?</p>
14:53 < duck> now it changed to 3 with 1 not ready</p>
14:53 < jrandom> 'k so its probably during tunnel expiration / replacement</p>
14:54 <jrandomi2p> if you update your router.config to specify 3 inbound tunnels that should help with reliability</p>
14:54 <jrandomi2p> (or you can use the new i2ptunnel web interface to do it ;)</p>
14:54 <hypercubus> perhaps tunnel expiration for a single client with multiple tunnels should be staggered</p>
14:55 <jrandomi2p> they are, generally - new tunnels are allocated &amp; a new leaseSet created 60s before tunnel expiration</p>
14:55 <hypercubus> ah</p>
14:55 <jrandomi2p> however, during tunnel failure it has to create a new leaseSet on demand which doesnt immediately propogate</p>
14:56 <jrandomi2p> (well, it goes out on the netDb, but clients wont get that for up to a few seconds)</p>
14:57 <jteitel> !who</p>
14:57 < alpaca_> Userlist for #i2p: [hobbs] [Iakin3] [duck] [pwk__] [Sonium] [jar] [alpaca_] [interrupt] [protok0l] [mihi] [aum] [Shaun-Away] [cervantes] [jrandom] [deer] [hirvox] [Bladenight] </p>
14:57 <bogobot> Userlist for #i2p: [shendaras] [duck] [josh] [mule2p] [aum] [mrflibble] [hypercubus] [TrueSeeker] [laggybot] [bogobot] [ion_] [mihi] [ion] [mule] [jteitel] [ant] [oOo_] [jrandomi2p] [dm] [ugha2p] [Ch0Hag] [jnk] [oOo] [soros] [bob] [revival] [DrWoo] [thetower] </p>
14:57 <jrandomi2p> there are some further optimizations that can be done to the tunnel pool, but i'm not sure how useful it'd be atm</p>
14:57 <jrandomi2p> ok, jumping back on track - anyone else have anything wrt 4) 0.4. stuff?</p>
14:57 <oOo> About 'large scale simulations' for 0.4, any way to prepare thus ? Need 'new' specifics applications/tools ? (transition to point 5 ? ;) )</p>
14:58 <jrandomi2p> actually, for the sim it would be great if someone could help mod the heartbeat (or a sam-powered app) to be kind of a scriptable client / server</p>
14:59 -!- Bladenight is now known as Nightblade</p>
14:59 <jrandomi2p> (e.g. rather than the current "every 30s, send 20KB to peer X", a "for 10 minutes, ask peer X for a 1MB file, and then pause for 60m, then ask peer Y for 1KB files" etc)</p>
15:00 <jrandomi2p> but if someone is interested in helping out with that, please let me know and we can chan</p>
15:00 <jrandomi2p> er, chat</p>
15:00 <jrandomi2p> taking that lead in, lets jump to 5) stuff y'all are doing :)</p>
15:01 <jrandomi2p> not sure how to go about covering this, lets just go down in the (arbitrary) order listed in the mail for updates?</p>
15:01 <jrandomi2p> i dont see sunshine here, and aum probably isn't up yet ;)</p>
15:02 <jrandomi2p> nightblade - how goes the battle? </p>
15:02 < Nightblade> i have some plans for making the libsam interface like bsd sockets</p>
15:02 < Nightblade> but i haven't done any coding on that part yet</p>
15:02 < duck> changed to tunnels.numInbound=3</p>
15:03 <jrandomi2p> cool duck (hopefully wait until after the meeting to restart your tunnel ;)</p>
15:03 < duck> oh, it doesnt detect the changes?</p>
15:03 <jrandomi2p> word nightblade - is there a problem w/ the way things are now?</p>
15:03 <hypercubus> not until you code it to ;-)</p>
15:03 <jrandomi2p> naw duck, the clientApp lines are only read on startup</p>
15:04 <jrandomi2p> (clientApp is really outside the control of the router - thats what the i2ptunnel web app is for)</p>
15:04 < Nightblade> no there is no problem with it the way it is now.... what i would be doing is in addition to the interface that is already there (developers could choose what they want to use)</p>
15:04 <jrandomi2p> wikked</p>
15:05 <jrandomi2p> ok, you're the boss. having variety is good, though variety means more code to maintain / etc, but its a balance</p>
15:06 <jrandomi2p> ok, moving on down the list - mule2p - how goes the outproxy stuff?</p>
15:07 <mule> nothing done beyond the patch you have</p>
15:07 <jrandomi2p> ah ok i thought you were working on a further mod</p>
15:07 <mule> need to find some spare time for real load balancing</p>
15:07 <jrandomi2p> w3rd</p>
15:08 <jrandomi2p> i'll get that patch applied then</p>
15:08 <mule> thanks. and include my outproxy in the client app :) seems to be faster</p>
15:08 <jrandomi2p> heh, well, of course your proxy will be faster for you, its local :)</p>
15:09 <oOo> And no one else use it ^^</p>
15:09 <mule> no, it isn't</p>
15:09 <jrandomi2p> ooh, its on a different router? cool</p>
15:09 <mule> yep, on a root server at an isp</p>
15:10 <jrandomi2p> the i2ptunnel web interface has a field for people to specify the list of outproxies, so it should be easy enough for people to tweak, but we'll get it out in the next rev &amp; release notes</p>
15:10 <jrandomi2p> nice</p>
15:11 <jrandomi2p> ok, nickster seems to be offline atm</p>
15:12 <jrandomi2p> are there any other active client development efforts going on?</p>
15:12 <jrandomi2p> (or are any of the paused ones active, etc?)</p>
15:13 <jrandomi2p> ok, if someone wants to mention anything else on that front, we've got the list and the channel, as always :)</p>
15:13 <jrandomi2p> moving on to 6) ???</p>
15:13 <jrandomi2p> anyone else have anything they want to bring up?</p>
15:14 < Nightblade> nope</p>
15:15 <mihi> duck has anything to bring down ;)</p>
15:15 <mihi> s/any/some/</p>
15:15 * jrandomi2p pingfloods mihi</p>
15:15 <jrandomi2p> ok, on that note</p>
15:15 * jrandomi2p winds up</p>
15:15 * jrandomi2p *baf*s the meeting closed</p>
{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
{% extends "_layout.html" %}
{% block title %}I2P Development Meeting 102{% endblock %}
{% block content %}<h3>I2P dev meeting, August 10 @ 21:00 GMT</h3>
<div class="irclog">
14:04 < jrandom> 0) hi</p>
14:04 < jrandom> 1) status</p>
14:04 < jrandom> 2) Updated docs</p>
14:04 < jrandom> 3) 0.4 progress</p>
14:04 < jrandom> 4) ???</p>
14:04 < jrandom> 0) hi</p>
14:04 * jrandom waves</p>
14:04 < jrandom> weekly status notes just posted a few seconds ago @ http://dev.i2p.net/pipermail/i2p/2004-August/000404.html</p>
14:04 < deer> &lt;mrflibble&gt; ooh</p>
14:04 * jrandom will give y'all a sec to pull those up ;)</p>
14:05 < jrandom> anyway, while y'all are reading, might as well swing into 1) status</p>
14:05 < jrandom> is out, as you've seen</p>
14:06 < jrandom> its only been a day or two though, but its generally seemed to be going pretty well, at least, up through a few hours ago</p>
14:07 < jrandom> there are a pair of bugs just recently tracked down (and fixed locally, testing ongoing), and those are pretty substantial, so we'll be seeing a new release in a day or two</p>
14:07 < jrandom> has anyone had any problems with the new web console?</p>
14:07 < jrandom> (or, more specifically, has anyone tried it and had problems? :)(</p>
14:07 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; Tried it, work well ^^</p>
14:07 < jrandom> w3rd</p>
14:08 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; Even without any Java compiler ^^</p>
14:08 < jrandom> nice, yeah, it should precompile all the JSPs so people won't need javac</p>
14:08 < jrandom> thats one thing that web app devs will need to do, but its really really easy, especially with ant</p>
14:09 < jrandom> (template code to do it is in i2p/apps/routerconsole/java/build.xml in the 'precompilejsp' target)</p>
14:09 < deer> &lt;identiguy&gt; jrandom, what are your concerns about outproxies?</p>
14:09 < jrandom> i've also added in optional basic HTTP authentication to protect the console, so you'll be able to have it listen on and access it remotely</p>
14:10 < jrandom> oh, my concerns w/ outproxies are threefold - the cost (technical and social) of maangement, the security (outproxies get cleartext), and the anonymity (when you leave a mixnet, you are much more vulnerable to attack)</p>
14:10 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; The servlet console misses a few stats from :7655 (memory consumption), and may some other stuff (shitlist), but it's great ^^</p>
14:11 < deer> &lt;identiguy&gt; Thanks. Just wondering.</p>
14:11 < jrandom> "private" outproxies are different though - e.g. an anonymizer.i2p could work great without requiring trust</p>
14:11 < jrandom> (but still limiting access to pseudonymously known clients, etc)</p>
14:12 < jrandom> ah right oOo, I'm going to add in a new page that mirrors the old one</p>
14:12 < jrandom> or would you suggest a new page for more stats? could you draft up what you'd like it to look like?</p>
14:12 < jrandom> (or even code it? :)</p>
14:12 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; Well, it could have been left as an exrcercice for the reader ;)</p>
14:12 < jrandom> lol</p>
14:13 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; I was only thinking of memory consumption (on main page) and a Shitlist tab, that's all _I_ miss</p>
14:13 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; Might need to add shitlist reason to shitlisting, BTW ;)</p>
14:13 < jrandom> we could probably toss the detailed shitlist into the peer profile page</p>
14:14 < jrandom> we dont actually keep track of that right now, but you're right, we could and it'd be nice</p>
14:14 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; IMHO the peer profile page is too big to be really usefull :*)</p>
14:14 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; And easy to do, every code to .addshitlist() stuff have good comments just the next line ;)</p>
14:14 < jrandom> any suggestions on improvement?</p>
14:15 < jrandom> heh :)</p>
14:15 < jrandom> (the netDb page imho is pretty nasty)</p>
14:16 < jrandom> hi fvw </p>
14:16 < fvw> heyas jrandom, everyone.</p>
14:16 < jrandom> ok, well, if anyone has any more suggestions for the web side, please let me know</p>
14:16 < jrandom> this new web console is really just a first pass at things, and most of my attention has been paid to the configuration side</p>
14:17 < jrandom> ok, anyone have anything else to bring up wrt</p>
14:17 < jrandom> ok, moving on to 2) Updated docs</p>
14:17 < jrandom> [see email for list of updated pages]</p>
14:18 < jrandom> we've finally gotten all the details out of the paypal/e-gold accts as well (sorry for the delay!)</p>
14:19 < cervantes> w00t</p>
14:19 < jrandom> another aspect of the docs not mentioned is what we should ship with the router - on the new web console, we can easily package up any html / jsp files to serve as context sensitive help</p>
14:19 < cervantes> sheeeit....did I really donate all that</p>
14:20 < jrandom> cervantes definitely gets the cervantes++ this week :)</p>
14:20 < cervantes> must have miscounted my foreign currency ;-)</p>
14:20 < jrandom> lol</p>
14:20 * fvw cheers for cervantes.</p>
14:20 < jrandom> mos def</p>
14:20 < cervantes> btw I've found an old stash of hungarian dollars....</p>
14:21 < jrandom> lol do you keep these under your mattress or something?</p>
14:21 < cervantes> or forints ..</p>
14:21 < cervantes> I always overestimate my holiday spending ;-)</p>
14:21 < jrandom> heh</p>
14:22 < fvw> hmm, forints. How odd.</p>
14:22 * fvw mumbles "forinti=0..."</p>
14:23 < jrandom> (no wonder hungarian notation doesn't use 'i')</p>
14:23 < jrandom> &lt;/derail&gt;</p>
14:23 < fvw> hehe. Yes, getting back on track. New docs. very pretty.</p>
14:23 < jrandom> w3rd</p>
14:23 < deer> &lt;kling&gt; g`evening </p>
14:24 < jrandom> there is still much to be cleaned up, so hopefully people can take a page or two and give it a once over, sending in your results / updates</p>
14:24 < jrandom> hi kling</p>
14:24 < jrandom> ok, anything else wrt docs?</p>
14:24 < fvw> pweh</p>
14:25 < jrandom> if not, moving on to 3) 0.4 progress</p>
14:25 < fvw> perhaps not totally on topic, but the download page needs some work too.</p>
14:25 < jrandom> ah</p>
14:25 < jrandom> yeah</p>
14:25 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; Missings Bounties deatails ? ;)</p>
14:25 < jrandom> that particular page i'm not /too/ worried about, since it'll all be changing with the new installer, so we'll have to rewrite it anyway</p>
14:25 < fvw> I'll kick it a bit and ask the necessary questions on the mailinglist.</p>
14:25 < jrandom> r0x0r fvw</p>
14:25 < fvw> oh, ok. Then I won't,.</p>
14:26 < deer> &lt;kling&gt; router still up nothing special to report Uptime 32h</p>
14:26 < jrandom> yeah, we'll still have some of that info, but most will change</p>
14:26 < jrandom> nice kling - are you on or 0.3.4?</p>
14:26 < deer> &lt;kling&gt; .1</p>
14:26 < jrandom> oOo: unfortunately, we lost most of the details pages</p>
14:27 < jrandom> but you're right, we need some filler there</p>
14:27 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; Ok, too bad but can live without them ^^</p>
14:27 < jrandom> or to remove the links</p>
14:27 < jrandom> that also reminds me that aum is now working on a DHT, and it seems Nightblade isn't anymore</p>
14:27 < jrandom> (so the distributed data store 'dev' should be updated)</p>
14:29 < jrandom> ok, anway, the 0.4 stuff is coming along - i smacked around a 100 router sim the other day with a few different bandwidth loads, and it held up pretty well</p>
14:29 < jrandom> also fixed a nasty bug in kaffe's jthread scheduler, but there is still some funkiness on fbsd there (but not on linux)</p>
14:30 < jrandom> i dont know how things are coming with the installer..</p>
14:30 < jrandom> but i do recall hypercubus working on it today, so i'm sure we'll find out more when more is ready to be found out</p>
14:31 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; Hehe</p>
14:31 < jrandom> does anyone have any questions / concerns / suggestions wrt the 0.4 rev?</p>
14:31 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; "When ?" J/K ;)</p>
14:32 < jrandom> we really don't have much more to add to the code before its ready for 0.4</p>
14:32 < jrandom> (but its not like 0.4 is the end game, we've got a truckload more to do after it)</p>
14:32 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; To Infinity and Beyond !</p>
14:32 < jrandom> exactly ;)</p>
14:33 < jrandom> ok, I guess thats all I've got to bring up, so 4) ???</p>
14:33 < jrandom> anyone have anything they want to discuss?</p>
14:33 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; i2pcvs.i2p revival ?</p>
14:34 < jrandom> yeah, i should probably start that up again</p>
14:34 < jrandom> probably will once we bundle the new router console as primary, with the i2ptunnel.cfg</p>
14:35 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; Ok, thanks</p>
14:36 < jrandom> ok, if there's nothing else...</p>
14:36 * jrandom winds up</p>
14:36 * jrandom *baf*s the meeting closed</p>
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{% block title %}I2P Development Meeting 103{% endblock %}
{% block content %}<h3>I2P dev meeting, August 17, 2004</h3>
<div class="irclog">
14:05 < jrandom> 0) hi</p>
14:05 < jrandom> 1) Network status and</p>
14:05 < jrandom> 2) Stasher</p>
14:06 < jrandom> 3) ???</p>
14:06 < jrandom> 0) hi</p>
14:06 * jrandom waves to all the i[2i]p &amp; freenode gang</p>
14:06 * hypercubus waves</p>
14:06 < jrandom> weekly status notes posted a few seconds ago to http://dev.i2p.net/pipermail/i2p/2004-August/000409.html</p>
14:06 < deer> &lt;oOo_itwop&gt; It's Show Time !</p>
14:07 < deer> &lt;mule&gt; seems i2p irc doesn't love me. or it wants to keep me hot longer by regular interruptions</p>
14:07 < jrandom> heh, yeah, that actually leads us in to 1) Network status and :)</p>
14:07 < jrandom> the network is pretty shitty right now</p>
14:07 < kaji> yep</p>
14:08 < jrandom> the problems are showing up largely from incompatabilities with the different releases that people are running, which has been injecting all sorts of neat ways to break things</p>
14:09 < jrandom> if you check the links in the email, you can see the flooding and netDb DoS that has gone on, but it has largely subsided</p>
14:09 < jrandom> we still do have a half dozen people running old releases (and probably 20-25 people running vanilla, with its own problems)</p>
14:10 < jrandom> i appreciate your patience as we move forward on this. i dont want to rush a new release without first being able to effeciently route around bad nodes</p>
14:10 < jrandom> in the past we have been able to route around bad nodes that merely perform poorly, but havent had to deal with nodes who do Bad Things</p>
14:11 < deer> &lt;oOo_itwop&gt; Guinea pigs bows to jrandom !</p>
14:11 < duck> will the next release be backward compatible?</p>
14:11 < jrandom> perhaps duck. if we can work around those old nodes, there's no reason to make it incompatible</p>
14:12 < duck> cool</p>
14:12 < jrandom> anyway, there's lots of activity going on, even though y'all aren't seeing any new releases yet</p>
14:13 < jrandom> i dont know when will be out. perhaps tomorrow, or perhaps later this week.</p>
14:14 < jrandom> anyone have any questions / comments / concerns they'd like to bring up wrt network status?</p>
14:14 < kaji> will *.3 have hyper's new gui install?</p>
14:14 < jrandom> probably not</p>
14:14 < deer> &lt;mule&gt; the network looks good to me in the profiles of my boxes, just that i frequently drop</p>
14:15 < jrandom> yeah, i understand mule. the irc con has been pretty bad for me too, but its been getting better lately</p>
14:15 < deer> &lt;mule&gt; but i missed most of your discussion, so i'll shut up for now</p>
14:15 < jrandom> if you want to try pulling from CVS, that should have an improvement, but there are frequent updates so you may want to wait until the release</p>
14:16 < jrandom> ok anything else? if not, moving briskly along to 2) Stasher</p>
14:16 < kaji> woot stasher</p>
14:17 < jrandom> stasher is looking pretty cool. still quite limited functionality, but its making progress</p>
14:17 < jrandom> if aum were awake he could give us an update...</p>
14:17 < jrandom> aum: ping? :)</p>
14:17 < kaji> /kick aum</p>
14:18 < jrandom> (its early for him though, so he is probably still sleeping)</p>
14:18 < duck> how selfish</p>
14:18 < hypercubus> i'm impressed by it so far</p>
14:18 < jrandom> Anyway, installing and running stasher is pretty painless, so if you can help him test it out, that'd be great</p>
14:18 < jrandom> yeah, mos' def'</p>
14:18 < hypercubus> it has allowed me to pull off mass goatse'ing</p>
14:19 < jrandom> and whats an app without a goatse, 'eh? </p>
14:19 < hypercubus> you gotta love an app that lets you upload goatse to someone's drive ;-)</p>
14:19 < aum> pong</p>
14:19 < jrandom> w0ah </p>
14:19 < jrandom> 'mornin aum</p>
14:19 < deer> &lt;ardvark&gt; quick question: do I get stasher via i2p CVS?</p>
14:19 < aum> hi all</p>
14:19 < jrandom> ardvark: in i2p/apps/stasher/</p>
14:19 < aum> ardvark: hi!!!! :) long time!</p>
14:20 < deer> &lt;ardvark&gt; yes hi aum! good to see you mate!</p>
14:20 < aum> ardvark: prolly easier via tarball - http://stasher.i2p or http://www.freenet.org.nz/python/stasher</p>
14:21 < deer> &lt;ardvark&gt; ok aum, I got the tarball but needs other stuff it says? I'll not hold back the meeting, maybe I can contact you?</p>
14:21 < aum> sure thing</p>
14:22 < hypercubus> so, any update on stasher aum? ;-)</p>
14:23 < aum> small update, i've added a '-l' option which allows local-only get/put</p>
14:23 < aum> also, thinking of implementing a 'put' option which returns immediately </p>
14:24 < aum> last night, was thinking thru issues of implementing freenet keytypes</p>
14:24 < hypercubus> i'd like to request that successful put operations return a status... scp and many other command line net apps do this</p>
14:24 < jrandom> SSK would quite kick ass</p>
14:25 < jrandom> (while CHK is of course what imho is most essential)</p>
14:25 < MikeW> One thing I always found interesting about freenet was: It would tell you why there could be high CPU usage. Sometimes (usually at startup for a minute or two) and randomly, CPU usage spikes to 100%, perhaps a estimation why it thinks java is eating my cpu?</p>
14:25 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; Splitfiles ^^</p>
14:26 < jrandom> MikeW: if i2p is eating your CPU there is most certainly something broken going on</p>
14:26 < aum> i've tentatively implemented splitfiles already, but haven't enabled it - want to test locally first</p>
14:26 < jrandom> MikeW: you can tell exactly whats going on in your router by looking at the 'current job' in the router console, which is (almost always) where the CPU crunch is</p>
14:26 < jrandom> ah cool aum</p>
14:27 < aum> due to a recursive algo, the splitfiles thing should allow unlimited file sizes when it's done</p>
14:27 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; Great, splitfiles are mandatory for serious goatse and pr0n stuff...</p>
14:27 < deer> &lt;identiguy&gt; aum: does that include FEC?</p>
14:27 < aum> fec not needed</p>
14:27 < aum> fec is only required on flaky networks</p>
14:27 < deer> &lt;identiguy&gt; Ah, I see.</p>
14:27 < aum> i'm using kademlia, which has far better retrievability guarantee</p>
14:27 < duck> unless nodes go down</p>
14:28 < aum> plus, i can't be fscked doing fec anyway, it's a pain</p>
14:28 < aum> duck: there's redundancy - refer the 'k' value in kademlia</p>
14:28 < jrandom> duck: with a k of 20, even without any republishing it'd be ok ;)</p>
14:28 < duck> heh, okay</p>
14:28 < deer> &lt;mule&gt; aum: fec might help in case a number of nodes are removed</p>
14:28 < jrandom> (and with republishing, it'd only hurt if all k died at the same time)</p>
14:28 < aum> naah, i'll just increase k</p>
14:28 < jrandom> k of 20 imho is pretty substantial</p>
14:29 < jrandom> (since that means you have 20 full replicas of the file)</p>
14:29 < hypercubus> users can always use standalone fec tools</p>
14:29 < MikeW> jrandom: Under JobQueue, runners:1, active jobs:0, just finished:1, ready/waiting: 0, timed: 28</p>
14:29 < aum> that means 20 goatses, guys :P</p>
14:29 < hypercubus> and publish the results</p>
14:29 < duck> what about the britneyspears effect?</p>
14:29 < duck> of very popular keys ending up on 1 node</p>
14:29 < jrandom> (aka insert a 740MB file and you get 14.8GB of data you need to send)</p>
14:30 < aum> duck: popularity is not a concept in kademlia</p>
14:30 < duck> (ofcourse with 32KB keys that might not be terrible)</p>
14:30 < jrandom> ok cool MikeW, but is i2p eating your CPU now?</p>
14:30 < deer> &lt;ardvark&gt; all these kademlia messages I see on i2p are stasher related?</p>
14:30 < MikeW> jrandom: yes</p>
14:30 < aum> duck: and kademlia has no relaying</p>
14:30 < hypercubus> ardvark: the stuff in the router console is the netdb kad implementation</p>
14:31 < aum> the ideas of 'relaying', 'popularity', 'caching' etc are for freenet, which has to expose itself naked to the world, without the cloaking of I2P</p>
14:31 < deer> &lt;ardvark&gt; runnin i2p and tor here and my cpu usage is at 3% now so :/ *shrug*</p>
14:31 < jrandom> MikeW: then your router is unable to maintain connections and is gobbling CPU doing lots of concurrent connection establishment</p>
14:31 < duck> ok, my brain is rotten by freenet</p>
14:31 < duck> please have mercy :)</p>
14:31 < deer> * shendaras comforts.</p>
14:31 < jrandom> MikeW: if you can hang around after the meeting to debug, that'd be great</p>
14:32 < MikeW> will do</p>
14:32 < jrandom> ok cool aum, anything people can do to help?</p>
14:32 < jrandom> or should we just kick the tires and file bugs?</p>
14:33 < duck> I am trying to get used to leo</p>
14:33 < aum> yep, file bugs to the list, if that's ok people</p>
14:33 < duck> already like it more than eclipse</p>
14:33 < hypercubus> what's leo?</p>
14:33 < jrandom> (uh oh, here comes the rant ;)</p>
14:33 < aum> duck: i use nothing but leo these days - except emacs for quick hacks, and zile for even quicker hacks</p>
14:34 < hypercubus> as long as you're not using vi or emacs ;-)</p>
14:34 < aum> http://leo.sf.net - gives you an outline view of your code</p>
14:34 < hypercubus> but i'll have to try this leo myself</p>
14:34 < aum> leo even integrates with emacs if you want</p>
14:34 < hypercubus> it's not an editor?</p>
14:35 < aum> &lt;bile&gt;</p>
14:35 < aum> fucking msvc - it allows __int64 for 64-bit ints, but doesn't allow 'LL' or 'ULL' for 64-bit int literals</p>
14:35 < aum> !!</p>
14:35 < aum> &lt;/bile&gt;</p>
14:35 < hypercubus> ah i see</p>
14:37 < jrandom> ok, if thats that, then we've got nothing left and can move to 3) ???</p>
14:37 < jrandom> anyone have anything else they want to bring up?</p>
14:37 < hypercubus> yeah i guess i'll say a bit about the new direction of the installer</p>
14:37 < jrandom> ok word</p>
14:38 < hypercubus> from 0.4 onward, command line users will merely grab the i2p tarball and unpack it, then run a script to start the router and pop open the router console in lynx or whatever</p>
14:39 < hypercubus> so not much has changed, except you don't have to go through a silly Q/A session with an installer</p>
14:39 < hypercubus> you do all the configuration in the router console</p>
14:39 < hypercubus> for GUI users, we have something spiffy</p>
14:39 < jrandom> (w00t)</p>
14:40 < hypercubus> which you can preview at http://files.hypercubus.i2p/install.jar</p>
14:40 < jrandom> or from cvs (ant pkg ; java -jar install.jar) right?</p>
14:40 < aum> hypercubus: how are you going with the winstaller? does it autodetect/autodownload/autoinstall java ?</p>
14:41 < hypercubus> menu shortcuts are forthcoming, as well as systray integration and a way to install the router as a daemon</p>
14:41 < aum> daemon? as in windows 'service' ?</p>
14:41 < hypercubus> no, at least not for the forseeable future, they will need to click on a link on the i2p site that takes them to the official java download page</p>
14:42 < hypercubus> the installer requires java, but that's ok since i2p does as well</p>
14:42 < aum> hypercubus: sorry, but that'll lose 80% of users</p>
14:42 < hypercubus> name one java project that doesn't do that</p>
14:42 < jrandom> we'll have it eventually.</p>
14:42 < jrandom> just not now.</p>
14:42 < aum> freenet did it well - their winstaller takes you through the download</p>
14:43 < jrandom> (we have so many other more important fish to fry. we dont *want* thousands upon thousands of users now)</p>
14:43 < hypercubus> that's a consideration for 1.0</p>
14:43 < hypercubus> i have most of the code to pull it off done already</p>
14:43 < aum> jrandom: i thought you said it would be for 0.4</p>
14:43 < deer> &lt;mule&gt; so you should require that java is built from source :)</p>
14:44 < jrandom> the new installer will be for 0.4</p>
14:44 < hypercubus> we have scrapped all the code i have written thus far</p>
14:44 < hypercubus> in favor of IzPack</p>
14:44 < hypercubus> http://izpack.sf.net</p>
14:44 < jrandom> we can offer a 15MB download bundling the two as one, but most users who will use i2p prior to 1.0 will know what "java" is</p>
14:45 < hypercubus> this gives me time to perfect a fully public domain java installer framework which i eventually hope to move i2p back to</p>
14:45 < hypercubus> but the priority right now is to get rid of the awful current installer ;-)</p>
14:46 < hypercubus> (no offense to whoever hacked it together)</p>
14:46 < deer> &lt;shendaras&gt; Got a 404....</p>
14:46 < duck> http://www.izforge.com/izpack/</p>
14:46 < hypercubus> http://www.izforge.com/izpack/</p>
14:47 < hypercubus> sorry about that</p>
14:47 < hypercubus> anyhow, i would appreciate feedback on the preview installer i've put up on my eepsite</p>
14:48 < hypercubus> it's been tested on *nix and windows, it should work on os x and solaris too</p>
14:48 < jrandom> r0x0r</p>
14:48 < duck> its sweet</p>
14:48 < jrandom> yeah, it kicks ass</p>
14:49 < hypercubus> i may hack izpack to remove those dorky icons from the buttons</p>
14:49 < deer> &lt;mule&gt; hypercubus: will it destroy existing configurations or preserve them?</p>
14:49 < hypercubus> there are no config files contained in the package</p>
14:49 < hypercubus> so it will only overwrite jars and wars</p>
14:49 < jrandom> (at the moment ;)</p>
14:49 < hypercubus> well, we'll take configs into account</p>
14:49 < deer> &lt;mule&gt; k, thanks</p>
14:49 < duck> how will one start the whole jetty thang?</p>
14:50 < duck> still a sh/bat ?</p>
14:50 < jrandom> yes</p>
14:50 < jrandom> the router will start w/ a script, and/or a service (calling that script)</p>
14:50 < hypercubus> yes, and i'll throw in an exe for win users</p>
14:50 < jrandom> w00t</p>
14:50 < hypercubus> that will launch from the Start menu</p>
14:50 < hypercubus> the Windows Start menu</p>
14:51 < hypercubus> should have jetty working as a windows service by tomorrow</p>
14:51 * jrandom mumbles *its not jetty, its i2p*</p>
14:51 < hypercubus> ah right ;-)</p>
14:52 < hypercubus> jetty comes with a win32 service wrapper though</p>
14:52 < hypercubus> we can use it to wrap anything</p>
14:52 < jrandom> yeah, there are 3-4 PD/BSD java service wrappers out there</p>
14:52 < hypercubus> yeah, there are probably some for linux too</p>
14:53 < jrandom> well, linux service == init script :)</p>
14:53 < hypercubus> yeah but linux services are handled differently among even the major distros</p>
14:53 < hypercubus> for example, gentoo uses the rc-setup script scheme</p>
14:54 < jrandom> w3rd</p>
14:54 < hypercubus> anyhow, i'll get it working for all the major distros and *bsd's</p>
14:54 < hypercubus> if not more</p>
14:55 < hypercubus> oops, s/rc-setup/rc-update/</p>
14:55 < hypercubus> ok, that covers everything i guess</p>
14:55 < hypercubus> you guys can wake up now ;-)</p>
14:55 < deer> * shendaras yawns</p>
14:55 < jrandom> cool, thanks hyper, sounds good.</p>
14:56 < jrandom> anyone else have anything they want to bring up?</p>
14:56 < aum> sorry if i missed earlier discussion, but..</p>
14:56 < aum> what's the weather like vis a vis datagram latency etc?</p>
14:57 < jrandom> i dont know about datagrams - the only apps i use run on top of datagrams via streams</p>
14:57 < jrandom> network status is still pretty bad - see status notes @ http://dev.i2p.net/pipermail/i2p/2004-August/000409.html</p>
14:58 < aum> k</p>
14:58 < jrandom> ok, if there's nothing else...</p>
14:58 * jrandom winds up</p>
14:59 * jrandom *baf*s the meeting closed</p>
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{% extends "_layout.html" %}
{% block title %}I2P Development Meeting 105{% endblock %}
{% block content %}<h3>I2P dev meeting, August 31, 2004</h3>
<div class="irclog">
14:04 < jrandom> 0) hi</p>
14:04 < jrandom> 1)</p>
14:04 < jrandom> 2) 0.3.5 and 0.4</p>
14:04 < jrandom> 3) docs</p>
14:04 < jrandom> 4) stasher update</p>
14:04 < jrandom> 5) ???</p>
14:04 < jrandom> 0) hi</p>
14:04 * jrandom waves</p>
14:05 < deer> * Pseudonym waves</p>
14:05 * hypercubus flaps</p>
14:05 < deer> * detonate waves</p>
14:05 < jrandom> weekly status notes @ http://dev.i2p.net/pipermail/i2p/2004-August/000425.html</p>
14:05 < jrandom> moving on to 1)</p>
14:06 < jrandom> as it says in the notes, and as you all know from firsthand experience, the net isn't too healthy atm</p>
14:06 < jrandom> lots of messages are lost, and people are often seeing warnings about their leases having expired a while back</p>
14:07 < jrandom> this is unfortunate, and largely addressed in CVS, which will be rolled out when we can (see item 2)</p>
14:07 < kaji> (late) hi</p>
14:08 < jrandom> anyway, i think thats all i've got to mention on, beyond whats in the email. i appreciate your patience as we move forward through the rough patches</p>
14:08 < jrandom> swinging on up to 2) 0.3.5 and 0.4 (unless someone has anything else they'd like to add..?)</p>
14:09 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; So 90% of broken nodes can knock down the network ^^</p>
14:09 < deer> * Pseudonym eagerly awaits the release of 0.3.5</p>
14:09 < kaji> who was running the dos? they did a good job</p>
14:10 < jrandom> well, I can reach squid consistently from my other CVS HEAD boxes</p>
14:10 < jrandom> so the network isn't 'knocked out' for people on cvs head :)</p>
14:10 * lucky is having partial success with .3.4.3 still.</p>
14:10 < jrandom> but yeah, the old peer selection algorithm did some Stupid Things</p>
14:10 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; I'm on CVS head and lost suid.i2p a lot of time ;)</p>
14:11 < jrandom> hmm</p>
14:11 < jrandom> what are you seeing for a tunnel failure rate? </p>
14:12 < jrandom> (total # events at /routerStats.html#tunnel.failAfterTime compared with total # events at #tunnel.buildFrequency )</p>
14:13 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; lifetime average value: 288 268,91 over 339,00 events</p>
14:13 < jrandom> and tunnel.buildFrequency?</p>
14:14 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; But you might have been restarting your router too much while repairing thread leaks ;)</p>
14:14 < jrandom> what is your lifetime # of tunnel.buildFrequency?</p>
14:14 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; 24h frequency: avg per period: (2,76, max 2,76, current is 100,00% of max) strict average per period: 5 645,58 events (averaged using the lifetime of 5 729,00 events)</p>
14:14 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; 24h ~= router lifetime</p>
14:15 < jrandom> so ~5% tunnel failure</p>
14:15 < jrandom> thats about what i've been seeing on CVS HEAD, as opposed to the 40-60% tunnel failure of</p>
14:16 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; Let's swing on up to 2) then ;)</p>
14:16 < jrandom> consider it swung</p>
14:16 < jrandom> ok, as mentioned in the email, the next rev will be 0.3.5, not 0.4</p>
14:16 < jrandom> it'll have all the goodies y'all have been waiting for, but it won't have the "0.4 stamp of approval" ;)</p>
14:17 < deer> &lt;Pseudonym&gt; 0.4.rc-1</p>
14:17 < jrandom> well, i considered going down the rc road, but I dont want to be overconfident</p>
14:17 < kaji> 0.4.rc-0.9</p>
14:17 < deer> &lt;Pseudonym&gt; heh</p>
14:18 < kaji> beta</p>
14:18 < jrandom> while 0.3.5 is out, I'm going to see if we can mount the DoS again, as well as a variety of new issues that we should be able to come up with</p>
14:18 < lucky> we have to keep DoSing it till it works while being DoSed</p>
14:18 < jrandom> right</p>
14:19 < kaji> dos it till it cant be dosed no more</p>
14:19 < deer> &lt;Pseudonym&gt; but no new features between 0.3.5 and 0.4 right?</p>
14:19 < jrandom> perhaps someone can be inspired to help out with implementing some churn and fail cases in the simulator, so we can test this stuff more easily and automatically... ;)</p>
14:20 < jrandom> correct Pseudonym, I do not expect any significant new features to come during 0.3.5</p>
14:20 < jrandom> at least, from an app user perspective</p>
14:20 < jrandom> perhaps some developer will take this time to improve upon the eepproxy, a transparent webserver, help out aum, etc </p>
14:21 * jrandom pokes at someone hacking on an irc proxy w/ DCC support ;)</p>
14:21 < deer> &lt;duck&gt; a public inproxy for i2p/tor is in the make</p>
14:21 < jrandom> ah nice, html specific, or bitpipe?</p>
14:21 < jrandom> er, web specific, that is</p>
14:22 < deer> &lt;duck&gt; web specific</p>
14:22 < jrandom> w3rd</p>
14:22 < deer> &lt;duck&gt; the idea being that an ISP can put up some gateways to specific sites</p>
14:22 < deer> &lt;duck&gt; so the world can access alexandria</p>
14:23 < jrandom> ooh, what would *really* rule is if those gateways could act as vhosts</p>
14:23 < jrandom> (maybe thats what you're talking about anyway)</p>
14:23 < deer> &lt;duck&gt; http://anonygateway.com/home.duck.i2p/~alexandria/</p>
14:23 < jrandom> ah ok</p>
14:23 < jrandom> still cool</p>
14:23 < deer> &lt;duck&gt; http://anonygateway.com/6sxoyfb3h2nvok2d.onion/</p>
14:24 < deer> &lt;duck&gt; virtual host is also possible; just for a next iteration</p>
14:24 < jrandom> (though 6sxoyfb3h2nvok2d.onion.anonygateway.com would be cooler ;)</p>
14:24 < jrandom> right right</p>
14:24 < deer> &lt;duck&gt; easy to do with a mod_rewrite ofcourse</p>
14:25 < cervantes> or just set up a subdomain :)</p>
14:25 < kaji> hah vhost a bittorent seed</p>
14:25 < deer> &lt;duck&gt; I am paying dev out of my pocket; patch will be pub domain</p>
14:25 < jrandom> duck++</p>
14:26 < deer> &lt;duck&gt; also talking with an ISP who might want to offer it as a paid service</p>
14:26 < jrandom> nice</p>
14:26 < deer> &lt;duck&gt; ofcourse it is better when anarchistgang.org does so</p>
14:26 < deer> &lt;duck&gt; but you know the stability of those types</p>
14:26 < jrandom> *cough*</p>
14:27 < cervantes> their quackers</p>
14:27 < cervantes> *they're</p>
14:27 < deer> &lt;jon2&gt; hi!!!!!!</p>
14:27 * hypercubus snickers</p>
14:27 < jrandom> hi jon2</p>
14:27 < deer> &lt;jon2&gt; I like meeting &gt;:-D</p>
14:28 < jrandom> i think after the net is settled down a bit more (once 0.3.5 is out there), we'll want to reevaluate some app level activities</p>
14:28 < deer> &lt;duck&gt; *cough* myi2p?</p>
14:28 < jrandom> heh</p>
14:29 < kaji> what about access behind a firewall?</p>
14:29 < deer> &lt;jon2&gt; yes, firewall access :)</p>
14:29 < jrandom> we need something rock solid, usable, *and* secure, that provides functionality that people want (and hopefully, that we can use to encourage community)</p>
14:30 < deer> * duck points at 0.4.2 @ http://www.i2p.net/roadmap</p>
14:30 < jrandom> believe me, i want access behind firewalls / uncontrollable NATs / etc just as much as the rest of you.</p>
14:30 < deer> &lt;jon2&gt; I can do the secure part, I know cryptophagy.</p>
14:30 < jrandom> (someone has to add that as a quote ;)</p>
14:30 * hypercubus wonders what a cryptophage is</p>
14:31 < jrandom> jon2 - we definitely need help on this stuff and would love to snag some of your time!</p>
14:31 * kaji just started back to school, he would like to take i2p with him ;)</p>
14:31 < aum> morning all</p>
14:31 < cervantes> btw I'm wondering if any devs miss their little i2p blogs.... if perhaps they should get devoted forum sections, at least in the short term...</p>
14:31 < cervantes> *if so</p>
14:31 < deer> &lt;jon2&gt; cryptophagy, science of security.</p>
14:31 < jrandom> 'mornin aum</p>
14:32 < hypercubus> jon2: do you also know cryptography?</p>
14:32 < deer> &lt;jon2&gt; Good morning aum.</p>
14:32 < jrandom> cervantes: i'm holding off until i can get a blog of my own, which hopefully wont be too far off</p>
14:32 < deer> &lt;jon2&gt; no :-(</p>
14:33 < cervantes> jrandom: and everyone else?</p>
14:33 < jrandom> nightblade has been using his blog @ cashdollar.org</p>
14:33 < deer> &lt;jon2&gt; I have a blog on blogs.aspnet.com</p>
14:33 < jrandom> though i suppose it'd be cool to have people posting on the forum</p>
14:34 < cervantes> ah good...well it seems most have found alternatives....but it's a same they've become fragmented</p>
14:34 < jrandom> yeah</p>
14:34 < cervantes> *shame</p>
14:34 < cervantes> darn fingerzzz</p>
14:34 < lucky> well, a phage is part oft he immune system.</p>
14:34 < jrandom> i liked having the devblogs on the site. we'll get something back eventually</p>
14:34 < hypercubus> jon2: funny, blogs.aspnet.com is an unclaimed domain</p>
14:34 < jrandom> ok, anyway, anything else for 2) 0.3.5 and 0.4 ?</p>
14:35 < hypercubus> yeah</p>
14:35 < hypercubus> i've got the firefox problem solved now, in cvs</p>
14:35 < jrandom> w000t</p>
14:36 < deer> &lt;jon2&gt; I am asp developer.</p>
14:36 < hypercubus> reads the default from the registry</p>
14:36 < cervantes> :)</p>
14:36 < deer> &lt;jon2&gt; sorry.. I mean blogs.asp.net</p>
14:36 < hypercubus> no you don't</p>
14:36 < deer> &lt;jon2&gt; weblogs.asp.net</p>
14:36 < jrandom> ah, great hypercubus. so we're almost there for the 0.3.5 release</p>
14:37 < cervantes> shudder....asp</p>
14:37 < hypercubus> yes i can feel it getting close</p>
14:37 < jrandom> ok, moving on to 3) docs</p>
14:37 < jrandom> well, I dont have anything to add beyond my request in the email</p>
14:38 < jrandom> (send in your questions! post 'em to the list, send 'em in email, post 'em on the forum)</p>
14:38 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; Yeah, anonymously use the forum and make Cervantes happy ;)</p>
14:39 * cervantes gets all tingly</p>
14:39 * hypercubus adjusts the rabbit ears</p>
14:40 < nicktastic> haha</p>
14:40 < deer> &lt;jon2&gt; I liked this meeting..</p>
14:40 < cervantes> you said that...</p>
14:40 < cervantes> &lt;deer&gt; &lt;jon2&gt; I like meeting &gt;:-D</p>
14:40 < hypercubus> great, you get to buy the donuts next time ;-)</p>
14:40 < jrandom> ok, if there's nothing else, 4) stasher update</p>
14:41 < jrandom> aum seems to have awoken early... you still 'round?</p>
14:41 < deer> &lt;jon2&gt; GREAT MEETING!</p>
14:41 * hypercubus wonders if dm has children</p>
14:41 < jrandom> heh, yeah, he's back ;)</p>
14:41 < cervantes> I'd think it's an impossibility</p>
14:42 < hypercubus> guess aum missed that first cuppa</p>
14:42 < jrandom> ok, maybe he'll swing back to the term</p>
14:42 < jrandom> anyway, his general update was posted in the email</p>
14:42 < jrandom> looks like there's lots of progress going on</p>
14:43 < jrandom> some questions remain, but ever onward </p>
14:43 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; But no release date given ;)</p>
14:43 < hypercubus> how many people are testing it atm?</p>
14:43 < jrandom> i dont know if the code he has now w/ the things mentioned is public yet</p>
14:43 < hypercubus> ah</p>
14:44 < deer> &lt;jon2&gt; BAF BAF BAF BAF BAF</p>
14:44 < kaji> whats new about stasher?</p>
14:44 < jrandom> kaji: see the http://dev.i2p.net/pipermail/i2p/2004-August/000425.html</p>
14:45 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; It now use less water to wash the dishes</p>
14:45 < hypercubus> i've been waiting for that feature</p>
14:45 * jrandom too</p>
14:45 < jrandom> ok</p>
14:45 < jrandom> if aum is still afk, swinging on to 5) ???</p>
14:45 < jrandom> does anyone else have something they want to bring up?</p>
14:45 * cervantes puts on a tin hat</p>
14:46 < lucky> How's jetta for serving web pages coming along?</p>
14:46 < jrandom> i dont know of anyone working on an app to safely allow people to host pages with jetty</p>
14:46 < jrandom> (host pages that can be served as an eepsite, that is)</p>
14:47 < jrandom> jetty does allow people to deploy client applications (though i dont know anyone working on a web based app yet either)</p>
14:47 < hypercubus> i'd like to say something about systray4j vs. SWT</p>
14:47 < jrandom> mmhmm?</p>
14:47 < hypercubus> the cost of ditching systray4j for SWT: we'd be dropping systray4j.jar and systray4j.dll, shedding 147 KB from our distribution size -- and replacing that with swt.jar (885 KB) + native libs (332 KB on Win, 639 KB on *nix), a net difference of 1.2-1.5 MB, but with that we gain systray icons on KDE, Gnome, and OS X as well as Win32, and also launch icons for plain X environments a la NextStep/GNUstep</p>
14:48 < hypercubus> and this will give us the ability to add other GUI components later, independent of the JRE the user has (otherwise, accomodating Kaffe users would limit us to using AWT only)</p>
14:48 < hypercubus> just food for thought... maybe down the road</p>
14:48 < jrandom> worth discussing, down the road, as users demand it</p>
14:49 < jrandom> if the value is there, the value is there</p>
14:49 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; Web interface is intend to be the GUI, isn't it ?</p>
14:49 < hypercubus> cervantes had a cool idea to make further use of SWT</p>
14:49 < hypercubus> an I2P dashboard ;-)</p>
14:49 < jrandom> yes oOo</p>
14:49 < hypercubus> oh, and skins! j/k</p>
14:49 < jrandom> i'd really much rather have that sort of functionality built into the router console, if you mean what i think you mean</p>
14:50 < hypercubus> point is...</p>
14:50 < cervantes> it might also encourage application development if i2p comes with a nice set of SWT libraries</p>
14:50 < hypercubus> it seems development on systray4j is winding down or otherwise mired</p>
14:50 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; As long as systray and GUI stuff aren't mandatory to have a fully working router...</p>
14:50 < jrandom> right oOo</p>
14:50 < hypercubus> i don't see them fixing the KDE version anytime soon</p>
14:51 < hypercubus> correct, we could just add a hook in the router's systray class</p>
14:51 < hypercubus> and the user could optionally download the systray/SWT stuff</p>
14:51 < jrandom> hypercubus: personally, i'm not entirely 100% sure the user base will even need a systray. i think we need to deploy it and get feedback to know the value</p>
14:51 < jrandom> cervantes: client application developers can absolutely bundle SWT with their app</p>
14:51 < jrandom> (or say "get SWT")</p>
14:51 < hypercubus> i suspect we'll get requests for expanded systray options</p>
14:52 < jrandom> and if a client app dev gets something we want to bundle with the router, we'll deploy swt with the bundle</p>
14:52 < jrandom> (etc)</p>
14:52 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; Too late to split the console/status monitor/whatever from the really-routing-stuff ?</p>
14:52 < jrandom> really routing stuff?</p>
14:52 < jrandom> the router console is a fully seperate client application</p>
14:53 < jrandom> (apps/routnerconsole/)</p>
14:53 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; The stuff needed to have the bytes anonymously flowing</p>
14:53 < jrandom> i do think down the line we will want to have a minimal-router install as well</p>
14:53 < jrandom> (with nothing in clients.config, etc)</p>
14:53 < jrandom> but we dont have the developer hours to maintain multiple sets of things</p>
14:55 < jrandom> ok, anyone else have anything they want to bring up?</p>
14:57 < jrandom> if not</p>
14:57 * jrandom winds up</p>
14:57 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; 0.3.5, when ? ;)</p>
14:57 < jrandom> it'll be out hopefully this week</p>
14:57 < jrandom> (in the next day or two if all goes well)</p>
14:57 < deer> &lt;oOo&gt; Ok ^^</p>
14:57 * jrandom stops winding up</p>
14:57 * jrandom *baf*s the meeting closed</p>
{% endblock %}
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This diff is collapsed.
{% extends "_layout.html" %}
{% block title %}I2P Development Meeting 108{% endblock %}
{% block content %}<h3>I2P dev meeting, September 21, 2004</h3>
<div class="irclog">
14:06 < jrandom> 0) hi</p>
14:06 < jrandom> 1) Dev status</p>
14:06 < jrandom> 2) New userhosts.txt vs. hosts.txt</p>
14:06 < jrandom> 3) ???</p>
14:06 < jrandom> 0) hi</p>
14:06 * jrandom waves</p>
14:06 < jrandom> brief weekly status notes @ http://dev.i2p.net/pipermail/i2p/2004-September/000449.html</p>
14:06 < jrandom> (and probably brief meeting logs to be posted once this is over ;)</p>
14:07 * jrandom gives y'all a good 30s to read those notes</p>
14:07 < jrandom> anyway, moving on to 1) dev status</p>
14:07 < jrandom> basic overview of whats up is in that email</p>
14:08 < jrandom> one thing you may notice is that i won't be missing random letters in my text anymore, as my laptop has been a bitch lately</p>
14:09 < jrandom> so i'm in the process of moving entirely over to my server (w/ the laptop as backup for windows testing, etc)</p>
14:09 < jrandom> thats all i've got to say on that front</p>
14:10 < jrandom> anyone have anything they want to bring up wrt or the dev activity?</p>
14:11 < deer> &lt;jrandom&gt; no jrandom, we're just lurking</p>
14:11 < jrandom> ok, moving on to 2) new userhosts.txt vs. hosts.txt</p>
14:11 < protok0l> yey!</p>
14:11 < jrandom> minor new feature so people can modify their local naming while still pulling down hosts.txt</p>
14:12 < protok0l> which file has priority if they conflict? user i would assume</p>
14:13 < jrandom> it'll be rolled out in the next release, so basically just put your local changes in userhosts.txt as hosts.txt will be overridden</p>
14:13 < jrandom> userhosts.txt has first preference</p>
14:15 < jrandom> ok, thats all i've got for 2, so moving on quickly to our last point- 3) ???</p>
14:15 < jrandom> anyone have anything else they want to discuss?</p>
14:16 < deer> &lt;Pseudonym&gt; timetable for 0.4.1?</p>
14:17 < jrandom> should be out this week, but maybe not until the weekend.</p>
14:17 < deer> &lt;Pseudonym&gt; cool</p>
14:17 < jrandom> i finally gave up the battle with my laptop after the spacebar died</p>
14:17 < jrandom> (codingWithoutSpaces==lame;)</p>
14:18 < jrandom> ok, anyone else have anything they want to bring up? i think we're going for a record meeting time here</p>
14:18 < jrandom> (not that thats a problem)</p>
14:19 < jrandom> ok, if not</p>
14:19 * jrandom winds up</p>
14:19 * jrandom *baf*s the meeting closed</p>
{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
{% extends "_layout.html" %}
{% block title %}I2P Development Meeting 109{% endblock %}
{% block content %}<h3>I2P dev meeting, September 28, 2004</h3>
<div class="irclog">
14:08 < jrandom> 0) hi</p>
14:08 < jrandom> 1) New transport</p>
14:08 < jrandom> 2) 0.4.1 status</p>
14:08 < jrandom> 3) ???</p>
14:08 < jrandom> 0) hi</p>
14:08 < duck> hi</p>
14:09 < jrandom> heya</p>
14:09 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; Hi.</p>
14:09 < deer> &lt;pseudonym&gt; hi</p>
14:09 < jrandom> weekly status notes posted up @ http://dev.i2p.net/pipermail/i2p/2004-September/000454.html</p>
14:09 < deer> * ugha2p is looking for the weekly status notes.</p>
14:09 < jrandom> (hey, i'm psychic)</p>
14:10 < jrandom> ok, jumping in to 1) New transport</p>
14:10 < jrandom> the message pretty much covers the main bits</p>
14:11 < jrandom> its all working atm, but obviously wont talk to anyone else until the new release is out</p>
14:12 < jrandom> i've kicked the tires on it a bit, but its pretty hard to simulate all the possible kooky network problems that occur at the transport level</p>
14:12 < deer> &lt;pseudonym&gt; does it include windowsize?</p>
14:12 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; However, if you leave that blank, your router will let the first peer it contacts tell it what its IP address is, which it will then start listening on (after adding that to its own RouterInfo and placing that in the network database).</p>
14:12 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; Sounds like a potential security hole.</p>
14:12 < jrandom> oh, no, this is just the inter-router transport, not the streaming lib, unfortunately</p>
14:12 < deer> &lt;pseudonym&gt; ok</p>
14:12 < jrandom> in a way ugha, yes</p>
14:12 < jrandom> (which is why if people *can* set their IP, they should)</p>
14:13 < jrandom> ugha: however, it only 'believes' someone if they have NO connections that work</p>
14:13 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; Shouldn't the router listen on in any case?</p>
14:13 < jrandom> but someone pretty smart could probabalistically do some evil things</p>
14:14 < jrandom> ugha: it does that (almost always)</p>
14:14 < jrandom> however, we need to know our IP address so we can put it in our RouterInfo</p>
14:14 < jrandom> (since our RouterInfo is verified whenever we contact someone)</p>
14:14 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; Ah, ok.</p>
14:15 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; I'm sure there are ways to make this more secure (rely on more routers for detecting the IP), but I'm not sure if this is feasible.</p>
14:15 < jrandom> yeah ugha, there's trouble down that path, but its a numbers game</p>
14:16 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; Anyhow, that was just a suggestion. We can move on.</p>
14:16 < jrandom> (however, they could just sybil you and mess up whatever #s you're trying)</p>
14:16 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; Right.</p>
14:17 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; What if the router loses all connections (eg, network failure)?</p>
14:17 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; Does it redetect its IP?</p>
14:18 < jrandom> the IP is transmitted as part of the protocol on all connection attempts, the peer just decides to honor it if 1) no ip was explicitly set 2) there are no active TCP connections</p>
14:18 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; (This would be the case with dynamic IPs)</p>
14:18 < jrandom> right, it'll work fine with that</p>
14:18 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; Ah, ok.</p>
14:19 < jrandom> (see ourAddressReceived(String addr) in TCPTransport.java for the details)</p>
14:19 < deer> &lt;pseudonym&gt; what happens when reported IPs don't match?</p>
14:19 < jrandom> pseudonym: if you already have active TCP connections, you ignore what other people tell you</p>
14:20 < jrandom> if you dont have active TCP connections, you tear down the old listener and start up a new one with the new address given</p>
14:20 < jrandom> (updating your routerInfo)</p>
14:22 < deer> &lt;pseudonym&gt; if there are active conns, it seems like a mismatch should be a red flag</p>
14:22 < deer> &lt;pseudonym&gt; (I'm not sure what to do with it)</p>
14:22 < jrandom> if someone gives us the wrong IP address (and we *know* its the wrong IP address, since we already have the right one - that *works*) we ignore it</p>
14:23 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; Too bad we can no longer reduce the router's reliability ranking.</p>
14:23 < jrandom> we can add that to the list of connection errors though</p>
14:24 < jrandom> ugha: but we can shitlist 'em ;)</p>
14:24 < jrandom> (and we do)</p>
14:24 < deer> &lt;pseudonym&gt; how do we know the one we already have is "right"? maybe the existing conns are from black hats</p>
14:24 < deer> &lt;pseudonym&gt; especially if we have few or only recent conns</p>
14:24 < jrandom> pseudonym: the existing connections are "right" in that they can send and receive data</p>
14:24 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; pseudonym: We can be sure when we get new inbound connections, although those can be spoofed as well.</p>
14:25 < jrandom> right, if we're talking about someone concerned with an active IP spoofing attack in addition to sybil...</p>
14:25 < jrandom> well, that person can simply set their IP address ;)</p>
14:25 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; :)</p>
14:26 < deer> &lt;pseudonym&gt; but what's the likelyhood that the operator will even know what's happening</p>
14:26 < deer> &lt;pseudonym&gt; if we get a lot of mismatches there should be some active alert</p>
14:27 < deer> &lt;pseudonym&gt; (this may be something to worry about in a later release, but since it came up...)</p>
14:27 < jrandom> we can add an explicit message to the list of connection errors</p>
14:27 < jrandom> the only real concern here is that we're trying to prevent a restricted route from being formed</p>
14:27 < jrandom> (and the extreme of that being a full network partition)</p>
14:30 < jrandom> thats about all i can see us working to deal with for now, at least until the 2.0 rev when we need to worry beyond the restricted route</p>
14:30 < jrandom> ok, anyone else have anything wrt the new transport?</p>
14:31 < jrandom> if not, moving on to 2) 0.4.1 status</p>
14:31 < jrandom> all the "necessary" stuff is done, but theres still some debugging and minor updates to get in</p>
14:32 < jrandom> current target is a thursday release, but we'll see what gets added or removed from the rev ;)</p>
14:33 < jrandom> one thing that would be cool is if someone could download a jetty install, check out the jetty.xml config file, and could write up some docs on how to run a jetty instance (for an eepsite/etc) with what is shipped with i2p</p>
14:33 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; Does 0.4.1 include other updates than the new TCP transport?</p>
14:33 < jrandom> not really ugha :)</p>
14:34 < deer> &lt;pseudonym&gt; is it backward compatible?</p>
14:34 < jrandom> (see: www.i2p.net/roadmap )</p>
14:34 < jrandom> no, it is not backwards compatible</p>
14:34 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; :)</p>
14:36 < jrandom> ok, thats all ive got to mention wrt 0.4.1.. anything else on that?</p>
14:36 < jrandom> if not, we're on to ol' faithful: 3) ???</p>
14:36 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; *silence*</p>
14:37 < jrandom> anyone have anything else (i2p related) they want to bring up?</p>
14:37 < jrandom> we're already twice as long as last week's meeting ;)</p>
14:37 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; Well, I could mention that thanks to cervantes, my Wiki now has an outproxy to the real world, through http://ugha.ath.cx/</p>
14:38 < deer> * pseudonym is a troublemaker</p>
14:38 < jrandom> ooh right, v.cool</p>
14:38 < jrandom> s/outproxy/inproxy/ :)</p>
14:38 * jrandom sends the troublemaker to the corner</p>
14:38 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; Right, inproxy. :)</p>
14:40 < jrandom> ok, if there's nothing else</p>
14:40 < deer> &lt;pseudonym&gt; I think the new mail service from the postmaster is pretty cool</p>
14:40 < jrandom> oh, definitely agreed</p>
14:40 < deer> &lt;pseudonym&gt; er, postman</p>
14:41 < deer> * ugha2p has yet to sign up.</p>
14:41 < deer> &lt;baffled&gt; has anyone heard anything of stasher recently?</p>
14:41 < jrandom> its nice that it works with both telnet and kmail:)</p>
14:41 < jrandom> naw baffled, havent heard a peep</p>
14:42 < deer> &lt;baffled&gt; I guess aum needs a boot to the head.</p>
14:42 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; I would probably write a page about EepMailAnonymity, but I don't know too much about SMTP/POP3/IMAP/other e-mail-related stuff.</p>
14:42 < jrandom> not the head, the butt ;)</p>
14:43 < jrandom> ugha: www.postman.i2p has a few pages about that</p>
14:43 < deer> &lt;ugha2p&gt; Ah.</p>
14:43 < deer> &lt;baffled&gt; they may be the same.</p>
14:45 < deer> * ugha2p taps his fingers waiting for the baf.</p>
14:45 < jrandom> sorry, nearly passed out here (loong day)</p>
14:46 < jrandom> anything else? if not, we've got the forum and the list</p>
14:46 < duck> thanks to Mi-Go we have an updated i2ptunnel page</p>
14:46 < duck> it is almost perfect</p>
14:46 < jrandom> ooh nice</p>
14:46 < duck> but if someone has some improvements, you know where to find me</p>
14:47 * jrandom traceroutes</p>
14:47 * jrandom winds up</p>
14:47 * jrandom *baf*s the meeting closed</p>
{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
{% extends "_layout.html" %}
{% block title %}I2P Development Meeting 11{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<h3>I2P (invisiblenet) Development Meeting 11</h3>
<div class="irclog">
Courtesy of <a href="http://www.archive.org/">the wayback machine</a>.
--- Log opened Tue Sep 17 22:59:26 2002
23:01 -!- mode/#iip-dev [+v logger] by mids
23:54 * Roto waves
23:54 <@mids> ssh, we arent started :)
23:55 < Lorax> Heh, I am already logged.
23:56 * Lorax waves to any SRHers.
23:59 < Lorax> anyway, if IIP could pass psudonymous keys then SSL can be used, as it's the connection that is secure, not the conversation. (Unless you have previously established socially satisfactory identification exchange.)
--- Day changed Wed Sep 18 2002
00:00 <@mids> hush
00:01 <@mids> we start in 1 hour
00:01 < Lorax> but we are here now.
00:01 <@mids> but the others aint
00:01 <@mids> its not fair to start :)
00:01 -!- mode/#iip-dev [+m] by mids
00:02 -!- Chocolate changed the topic of #iip-dev to: IIP meeting | logs: http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~mids/iip/ | Topic: not started
00:03 <@Chocolate> starting in about 1 hour
00:04 -!- mode/#iip-dev [-m] by Chocolate
00:23 < Lorax> Why are the logs recording to a website already then? hrm? ;)
00:23 <+logger> we are testing the live nsa wiretap
00:24 < Lorax> ah, that is senseable.
00:51 < nop> hi
00:51 < Roto> hulloz
00:53 < thecrypto> hello
00:53 < nop> http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/supergeek/story/0,24330,3347481,00.html
00:53 < nop> friend of mine
00:54 -!- mode/#iip-dev [+o codeshark] by Trent
00:54 < nop> just got back from a deposition
01:00 <@mids> Tue Sep 17 23:00:09 UTC 2002
01:00 <@mids> Welcome everybody
01:00 <@mids> this is the 11th IIP meeting
01:00 <@mids> maybe more, but then I lost count
01:00 <@mids> :)
01:00 <@mids> Agenda for now:
01:00 <@mids> rc2 status update
01:00 <@mids> website
01:00 <@mids> open mic
01:01 <@mids> .
01:01 < Roto> .
01:01 <@mids> nop is on the phone, but he might drop in
01:01 <@mids> like you all know, rc2 has been 'almost there' for a long time
01:01 <@mids> but it didnt work
01:01 <@mids> now it does better :)
01:01 <@mids> userx fixed some bugs with the end-end crypto
01:02 <@mids> and with the 1.1 protocol
01:02 <@mids> I tested it this weekend, and it works great
01:02 <@mids> you can even do 2048 bit encryption etc
01:02 <@mids> so, one step closer to the release
01:02 <@mids> (heh we did say that often)
01:02 <@mids> .
01:03 < codeshark2> what is needed for the release? except the inform stuff?
01:03 -!- codeshark is now known as nickthief53256
01:03 -!- codeshark2 is now known as codeshark
01:03 <@mids> only some minor things: fixup of the commandline help
01:03 <@mids> manpage check
01:04 <@mids> cant think about more
01:04 -!- mode/#iip-dev [+o codeshark] by Trent
01:04 <@codeshark> so, the source is ready
01:04 <@mids> I'd say so
01:05 <@codeshark> ok, i think we should create a build for internal testing then
01:05 <@codeshark> .
01:05 <@mids> ack (pending nops status)
01:05 <@codeshark> and set up inform for the new protocol
01:06 -!- Chocolate changed the topic of #iip-dev to: IIP meeting | logs: http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~mids/iip/ | Topic: RC2
01:06 <@mids> more rc2?
01:06 <@codeshark> another thing we should discuss is: version numbers
01:06 <@codeshark> why call it rc2 ;)
01:06 <@codeshark> .
01:06 <@mids> release candidate
01:07 <@codeshark> yeah sure, but we changed a lot of stuff between rc1 and rc3
01:07 <@codeshark> rc2
01:07 <@mids> yes we did
01:07 <@mids> it aint proper naming this way
01:07 <@mids> based on the changes we should be at 1.3 now
01:08 <@codeshark> yes
01:08 <@codeshark> we could call it 1.3 RC-2 (and then make a final 1.3 soon)
01:08 <@mids> nah
01:09 <@mids> I'd say continue with the numbering like we do now
01:09 <@mids> and in the future, release more often
01:10 <@codeshark> ack
01:10 <@mids> .
01:10 <@codeshark> .
01:10 <@mids> next thing: website
01:10 <@mids> nop reviewed most text, some stuff is reworded
01:11 <@mids> ellison (the designer) is now making a layout for the support page
01:11 -!- Chocolate changed the topic of #iip-dev to: IIP meeting | logs: http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~mids/iip/ | Topic: website
01:11 <@mids> should be there in a week
01:12 <@mids> the latest version of the site is on http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~mids/iip/www/
01:12 <@mids> and in CVS ofcourse
01:12 <@mids> .
01:12 <@mids> site should be up soon too
01:12 <@mids> .
01:13 * mids hands the mic over to codeshark
01:13 <@codeshark> nothing to add ;)
01:13 <@codeshark> .
01:13 <@mids> yes you do
01:13 <@codeshark> i do?
01:13 <@mids> tell em about your work with the public nodes
01:13 <@codeshark> about the website?
01:13 <@codeshark> ok
01:13 <@mids> how you rescued 2000
01:13 <@codeshark> 23
01:14 <@codeshark> our inform server does very strict checking on the relay nodes: our list has been reduced to about 6 nodes
01:15 <@codeshark> i disabled one of these checks to allow nodes to be down more often
01:15 <@codeshark> and most important:
01:15 <@codeshark> i rescued all nodes ever added to inform and checked if they're still up
01:16 <@codeshark> now, we have 23 nodes in our list
01:16 <@codeshark> .
01:16 < _42> how are nodes added to inform?
01:16 < nop> awesom
01:16 < nop> when you announce
01:16 < nop> it sends a message to inform
01:17 <@codeshark> just for the statist guys here: i added 1125 hosts from the log
01:17 < nop> you know that's a lot of downloads ;)
01:18 <@codeshark> about 300 of them were valid (dns resolves...) and unique hosts
01:18 <@codeshark> .
01:18 <@mids> currently we have 9 nodes on the list... in about 5 days (after the inform testing) that will be 23 (if they keep up)
01:18 <@mids> .
01:19 <@codeshark> right now 22/23 are up
01:19 <@codeshark> .
01:19 -!- mids changed the topic of #iip-dev to: IIP meeting | logs: http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~mids/iip/ | Topic: hurray for the saviour of the public nodes
01:20 < Roto> .
01:20 <@mids> okay, I am out of agenda items
01:20 < nop> rc2
01:20 <@mids> maybe nop has something to add
01:20 < nop> rc2 will be released with website release
01:20 < nop> we will be spending this week thoroughly testing it from a developer's standpoint
01:20 <@codeshark> nop: we should create an internal build of rc2 asap
01:21 < nop> agreed
01:21 < _42> What new features will be added to rc2?
01:21 <@codeshark> so we can set up the network and test inform
01:21 < nop> Perfect Forward Security
01:21 < nop> 160 bit encryption end to end
01:21 < nop> 1536 bit network id
01:21 < nop> 2048 bit PFS keys
01:21 <@codeshark> .
01:21 < nop> and all around just general bug fixes
01:21 < nop> I will get a changelog
01:22 < nop> .
01:23 <@mids> I guess its open microphone time
01:24 <@mids> you can reread the chatlogs of this and the previous meetings on http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~mids/iip/
01:24 <@mids> questions? (I know that Lorax had some... :)
01:25 -!- Chocolate changed the topic of #iip-dev to: IIP meeting | logs: http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~mids/iip/ | Topic: open mic
01:25 <@Chocolate> Lorax timed out
01:25 <@mids> I know :)
01:26 * Roto cheerleads
01:26 <@Chocolate> I'd like to raise the issue of saner version numbers
01:27 <@Chocolate> the feature changes from rc1 to rc2 where realy a minor version increment, not updates to a beta release
01:30 <@mids> the updates got out of hand
01:30 <@mids> for the common good.. but that is no excuse :)
01:37 <+logger> official part is over, if you got more questions; ask here or in #iip
01:37 <+logger> cya next week
--- Log closed Wed Sep 18 01:37:46 2002
{% endblock %}
{% extends "_layout.html" %}
{% block title %}I2P Development Meeting 110{% endblock %}
{% block content %}<h3>I2P dev meeting, October 5, 2004</h3>
<div class="irclog">
14:05 < jrandom> 0) hi</p>
14:05 < jrandom> 1) status</p>
14:05 < jrandom> 2) Pretty pictures</p>
14:05 < jrandom> 3) and 0.4.2</p>
14:05 < jrandom> 4) Bundled eepserver</p>
14:05 < jrandom> 5) ???</p>
14:05 < jrandom> 0) hi</p>
14:05 * jrandom waves</p>
14:05 < jrandom> weekly status notes are available at http://dev.i2p.net/pipermail/i2p/2004-October/000461.html</p>
14:06 < jrandom> (i cant believe its october)</p>
14:06 < cervantes> it's december</p>
14:06 * jrandom disconnects from cervantes. excess clock skew</p>
14:06 < deer> &lt;baffled&gt; could we have summer back now?</p>
14:07 < cervantes> damn...lost your pr0n feed</p>
14:07 < jrandom> sure. its a few thousand KM south of you baffled</p>
14:07 < jrandom> ok, jumping into 1) status</p>
14:07 < deer> &lt;baffled&gt; will you let me know when I get there?</p>
14:07 < cervantes> heh</p>
14:07 < jrandom> click your heels three times...</p>
14:08 < jrandom> ok, the 0.4.1 and revs are out, and things are pretty much working again</p>
14:08 < deer> &lt;baffled&gt; no, no, I don't want to go home it's cold there.</p>
14:08 < jrandom> ;)</p>
14:08 < jrandom> the autodetection of the external IP address seems to be working for the most part</p>
14:09 < jrandom> (there have been a few quirks though, due to b0rked connections that don't hang up properly)</p>
14:09 < jrandom> have people been using that, or had good/bad experiences with the autodetection?</p>
14:10 < jrandom> guess not</p>
14:10 < jrandom> ok, anyone have any comments/questions/concerns wrt</p>
14:11 < cervantes> no complaints here....</p>
14:11 < dm> Haven't tried it yet, but it's on my agenda!</p>
14:11 < jrandom> if not, swingin on to 2) pretty pictures</p>
14:11 < jrandom> !thwap dm</p>
14:12 < deer> &lt;Jake&gt; dunno about autodetection, but i tried using the 'guess' button or whatever on my natted windows box and it guessed the ip right...... if thats what wer're talking bout</p>
14:12 < jrandom> ah ok, naw, the 'guess' button just tries to guess your IP by querying www.whatismyip.com</p>
14:13 < jrandom> the autodetection is where you leave the IP address field blank and it figures it out by itself</p>
14:13 < jrandom> most existing I2P users won't need it, since we're all used to either dyndns or static IPs anyway</p>
14:13 < jrandom> it'll probably only matter for new users</p>
14:14 < deer> &lt;demonic_1&gt; yea that worked a little slow for me</p>
14:14 < deer> &lt;demonic_1&gt; but it did work</p>
14:15 < jrandom> ok cool</p>
14:15 < jrandom> anyway, i dont want to rehash what i posed in this weeks email wrt the stats gathered</p>
14:16 < jrandom> instead, does anyone have any questions/comments/concerns about them?</p>
14:17 < jrandom> i was pretty glad to see the 20h summary had only 500-something send failures out of 30,000-ish</p>
14:17 < cervantes> how much load does the stats collecting generate?</p>
14:17 < cervantes> I know the filesizes...but will it impact on performance having it ticking in the background</p>
14:18 < jrandom> should be ~= 0. there's no memory allocation in the stat gathering (as we use preallocated events) and everything is async</p>
14:18 < cervantes> cool</p>
14:18 -!- Sugadude [random@badfish.securityminded.net] has joined #i2p</p>
14:18 -!- cat-a-puss [~tom@] has joined #i2p</p>
14:19 < jrandom> once is outi'll probably nag some more people to gather various stats at times</p>
14:19 < deer> &lt;mule_iip&gt; you're welcome</p>
14:19 < cervantes> I'm happy to start collecting now... I'm already on</p>
14:20 < jrandom> w3wt</p>
14:21 < jrandom> ok, thats all i've got for the stats, unless anyone has anything to add?</p>
14:21 < jrandom> if not, 3) and 0.4.2</p>
14:21 < deer> &lt;baffled&gt; You have my vote for streaming first.</p>
14:22 < jrandom> cool</p>
14:22 < jrandom> does anyone think we should keep the tunnel mods first?</p>
14:22 < deer> &lt;mule_iip&gt; streaming first</p>
14:23 < cervantes> doing the tunnel stuff now would likely cause more network distruption....it's probably good to have a breather ;-)</p>
14:23 < jrandom> true</p>
14:23 < deer> &lt;mule_iip&gt; all of those here today have been identified by the black hats anyhow :)</p>
14:23 < jrandom> though i was thinking the other day about how we could do the tunnel mods without incompatabilities</p>
14:23 < deer> &lt;baffled&gt; Comeon admit it, you just want to get your audio p0rn faster.</p>
14:23 < duck> (me too on streaming first)</p>
14:23 < jrandom> hehe</p>
14:24 < cervantes> hehe</p>
14:24 < cervantes> baffled: only if you source more of it ;-)</p>
14:24 < dm> I think we should stick to the tunnel stuff first</p>
14:24 < dm> get it out of the way...</p>
14:24 < cat-a-puss> how is the new encryption stuff going to be different?</p>
14:24 * jrandom kicks dm</p>
14:25 < jrandom> cat-a-puss: right now, we have blanket tunnel encryption - messages passed within the same tunnel look the same at each hop</p>
14:25 < deer> &lt;baffled&gt; I think I can get a bit more.</p>
14:25 < cat-a-puss> oh!</p>
14:26 < cervantes> http://www.i2p.net/todo#tunnelId</p>
14:26 < jrandom> it isn't so bad since an alice--&gt;bob message goes through two tunnels with different encryption, but it does b0rk us for colluding attackers</p>
14:27 < jrandom> the per-hop tunnelId stuff is also necessary to keep harvesting from messing with predecessors (/etc)</p>
14:27 < dm> Yeah, we should definitely fix that first.</p>
14:27 < deer> &lt;mule_iip&gt; i vote for dm to do it</p>
14:28 < deer> &lt;fidd&gt; did i miss the meeting? ;)</p>
14:28 < jrandom> i was just about to suggest that mule :)</p>
14:28 < cervantes> I vote for dm not to have anything to do with it</p>
14:28 < jrandom> heh</p>
14:28 < jrandom> nope fidd, we're on item 3 of the agenda</p>
14:29 < jrandom> ok, if there are no objections to dm's suggestion (other than his own), i think we'll go ahead and move the streaming lib updates to 0.4.2 </p>
14:29 < dm> sweet</p>
14:30 < jrandom> ok, moving on to 4) Bundled eepserver</p>
14:30 < jrandom> if you haven't noticed, there's a bundled eepserver.</p>
14:30 < cervantes> "just put the war files in the webapps directory and you're ready to go"</p>
14:30 < jrandom> heh</p>
14:30 < jrandom> for sufficiently well coded .war files :)</p>
14:31 < cervantes> ooh does such a think exist?</p>
14:31 < cervantes> *thing</p>
14:31 < jrandom> but from a practical perspective, "just edit ./eepsite/docroot/index.html"</p>
14:31 < deer> &lt;baffled&gt; One question I have is are you wishing people would use the eepserver or use a standard httpd server?</p>
14:31 < cat-a-puss> do the ones generated by kde work?</p>
14:31 < jrandom> cervantes: phttprelay.war, i2ptunnel.war, routerconsole.war :)</p>
14:31 < dm> ah yes.. war. One of those J2EE things that requires 20 years experience at manually editing xml files.</p>
14:31 < cervantes> touche</p>
14:32 < jrandom> baffled: i really don't care. if people have a webserver installed that can accept requests from kooky Host: lines, great</p>
14:32 < jrandom> the eepserver is just for convenience</p>
14:32 < jrandom> cat-a-puss: hmm, kde .war files?</p>
14:32 < protok0l> monoculture... monoculture...</p>
14:33 < deer> &lt;duck&gt; when playing with wars, I miss the feature to only restart jetty; which is unfortunately needed for a lot of deployment stuff</p>
14:33 < cat-a-puss> yeah, you need kdeaddons installed, just go to a webpage and then click archive and it makes a .war file</p>
14:34 < jrandom> duck: ah, thats true. simply pull out the lines starting the eepserver from clients.config and put them into a shell script</p>
14:34 < jrandom> (with the same classpath as the router)</p>
14:34 < dm> can we integrate i2p into jboss and bundle that before 1.0?</p>
14:34 < jrandom> ooh, cool cat-a-puss </p>
14:35 < cervantes> I take it the missing webdefault.xml has been fixed in cvs?</p>
14:35 < deer> &lt;detonate&gt; actually, jetty.xml has</p>
14:35 < jrandom> find us a compelling .ear dm :)</p>
14:35 < jrandom> cervantes: what detonate said. (i messed up the jetty.xml)</p>
14:36 < cervantes> yup... think I mentioned somewhere about removing the reference in the jetty.xml so it uses it the one inside the jetty archive</p>
14:36 < jrandom> wr0d</p>
14:37 < cervantes> just wanted to check that's been fixed in cvs ;-)</p>
14:37 < jrandom> si sr</p>
14:37 < cervantes> cool</p>
14:37 < jrandom> (though the release update will not overwrite people's eepsite)</p>
14:37 < jrandom> (( clean installs will of course include it though))</p>
14:38 < cervantes> oh and did we discover the cause of DrWoo's missing eepsite keys?</p>
14:38 < jrandom> actually, on that note, i just want to mention that everyone should upgrade whenever there is a new release, as if you don't, you might not have an upgrade procedure</p>
14:38 < jrandom> no cervantes, nor a reproducable bug :/</p>
14:39 < cervantes> ah good we can blame user error ;-)</p>
14:39 < deer> &lt;DrWoo&gt; cervantes: almost certainly something klutzy I did</p>
14:39 < cervantes> :o)</p>
14:39 * jrandom blames the gremlins</p>
14:40 < deer> &lt;Jake&gt; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Kmweber/List_of_Everyone_Who_Has_Ever_Lived</p>
14:40 < jrandom> ok, moving on to 5) ???</p>
14:40 < jrandom> heh</p>
14:40 < jrandom> well, yes, that certainly qualifies as "other"</p>
14:40 < jrandom> anyone have anything they want to bring up?</p>
14:41 < dm> I'd like to put forward, at this point, that I am pleased with the new outlook the I2P community is showing towards my suggestions.</p>
14:41 < dm> Kind Regards</p>
14:41 < cat-a-puss> oh oh pick me! I have the base code for a distrubuted search.</p>
14:41 < deer> &lt;demonic_1&gt; yea why do i2p after running 30 + hours go up to 100% cpu</p>
14:41 < dm> dm</p>
14:41 < deer> &lt;Jake&gt; yes, i want to bring up the issue of encryption inheritence based on 4th order gamal fractal equations and how it would apply to i2p</p>
14:41 < deer> &lt;demonic_1&gt; and most of it system?</p>
14:41 < jrandom> ooh kickass cat-a-puss!</p>
14:41 < cat-a-puss> I anounced it here the other day, nobody noticed</p>
14:41 < deer> &lt;baffled&gt; only tangentially jake.</p>
14:42 < cat-a-puss> anyway, could use come cvs space</p>
14:42 < deer> &lt;DrWoo&gt; cat-a-puss: do you have an eepsite for that?</p>
14:42 < jrandom> demonic_1: hmm, there have been some critical bugs in the last release or two. are you on</p>
14:42 < cat-a-puss> and I can start testing in about 2 weeks</p>
14:42 < cat-a-puss> DrWoo: nope</p>
14:42 < deer> &lt;Jake&gt; baffled, HaH !</p>
14:43 < deer> &lt;demonic_1&gt;</p>
14:43 < jrandom> cat-a-puss: r0x0r, not a problem. bounce me an email with the name of the module you'd like it called & your pgp key and we'll get something sorted</p>
14:44 < cat-a-puss> jrandom: alright</p>
14:44 < jrandom> cat-a-puss: what sort of searching does it do?</p>
14:44 < jrandom> demonic_1: did it consume that much CPU prior to 0.4.1?</p>
14:44 < cervantes> (proxies to MSN)</p>
14:44 < deer> &lt;mule_iip&gt; demonic_1: and you get 1 meg of log every minute? sounds familiar.</p>
14:45 < deer> &lt;demonic_1&gt; no</p>
14:45 < jrandom> heh mule, yeah the bug you found was a nasty fast-busy</p>
14:45 < cat-a-puss> jrandom: it's basic keywork search, you need to specify the words to index under, and it will store the URL</p>
14:45 < jrandom> demonic is more likely being hit by one of the NPEs in the tcp.ConnectionBuilder</p>
14:46 < deer> &lt;baffled&gt; Well, it's dindin time so I'll go hunt up some more slut sounds in preparation for the streaming updates and chat with you all anon.</p>
14:46 < cat-a-puss> jrandom: It should eventualy scale well, and all that jazz, but right now, all the servers need to be connected and nobody can join or leave, and there is no way to insert content yet, but all that will get fixed</p>
14:46 < jrandom> ah cool, does it work with a distributed db, or is it more of a search-against-spidered?</p>
14:47 < jrandom> ok cool</p>
14:47 < cervantes> later baffled</p>
14:47 < jrandom> lol, ttyl baffled</p>
14:47 < cervantes> baffled: how do we know they're slut sounds, and not you on the end of your microphone?</p>
14:47 < protok0l> ALL RIGHT!</p>
14:47 < protok0l> i2p works again</p>
14:47 < jrandom> w3wt</p>
14:48 < jrandom> what was wrong?</p>
14:49 < jrandom> ok, anyone else have anything they want to bring up for the meeting?</p>
14:49 < deer> &lt;Jake&gt; can announce i2p to slashdot after the new streaming protocol is implemented ?</p>
14:49 < dm> preferably before</p>
14:49 < dm> but after will do</p>
14:49 < jrandom> !thwap^2</p>
14:50 < protok0l> POSTMAN!</p>
14:50 < jrandom> ok, if there's nothing else..</p>
14:50 * jrandom winds up</p>
14:51 < deer> * Jake kisses jrandom </p>
14:51 * jrandom *baf*s the meeting closed</p>
{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
{% extends "_layout.html" %}
{% block title %}I2P Development Meeting 111{% endblock %}
{% block content %}<h3>I2P dev meeting, October 12, 2004</h3>
<div class="irclog">
14:04 < jrandom> 0) hi</p>
14:04 < jrandom> 1)</p>
14:04 < jrandom> 2)</p>
14:05 < jrandom> 3) 0.4.2</p>
14:05 < jrandom> 4) mail discussions</p>
14:05 < jrandom> 5) ???</p>
14:05 < jrandom> 0) hi</p>
14:05 * jrandom waves</p>
14:05 < Janonymous> hello</p>
14:05 < jrandom> lots of #s in our agenda this week</p>
14:05 < jrandom> weekly status notes up @ http://i2p.net/pipermail/i2p/2004-October/000466.html</p>
14:05 < jrandom> (posted a min or three ago)</p>
14:05 < deer> * cervantes has brought a pillow</p>
14:06 < jrandom> oh i hope it won't be that boring ;)</p>
14:06 < jrandom> anyway, jumping on in to the good stuff: 1)</p>
14:06 < deer> &lt;cervantes&gt; make me up after the statistal analysis section</p>
14:06 < jrandom> the release is out and everyone should upgrade</p>
14:06 < jrandom> heh</p>
14:06 < deer> &lt;cervantes&gt; eerm wake</p>
14:07 < jrandom> there are some bugs with the watchdog code, which will kill your router poorly (rather than restart it when bad stuff happens)</p>
14:07 < jrandom> but hopefully those situations are few and far between</p>
14:07 < deer> &lt;mule_iip&gt; nope :(</p>
14:08 < jrandom> well, it varies by the user</p>
14:08 < jrandom> i'm trying to find the cause, as its been around forever and its pretty annoying</p>
14:08 < jrandom> (the actual hang, not the watchdog code that detects the hang)</p>
14:09 < jrandom> the current CVS rev ( has the 'meat' of the watchdog disabled - it monitors, but oesn't shut down the router</p>
14:10 < jrandom> but should be fine for everyone (except mule ;)</p>
14:10 < jrandom> oh, as mentioned before, start up some logging and send me some data, per http://dev.i2p.net/pipermail/i2p/2004-October/000465.html</p>
14:11 < jrandom> the more data the better - if you can leave it running overnight, that'd be great (a 20h run on duck's box generated ~60MB of data)</p>
14:11 < jrandom> ok, moving on to 2)</p>
14:12 < jrandom> well, there's not really anything i want to mention beyond wahts in the email</p>
14:12 < jrandom> anyone have anything they want to say re:</p>
14:12 < Janonymous> nah</p>
14:13 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; no</p>
14:13 < Janonymous> backwards compatable?</p>
14:13 < jrandom> certainly</p>
14:13 < jrandom> ok, moving on to * 3) 0.4.2</p>
14:14 < jrandom> again, another "see the email" :)</p>
14:14 < Janonymous> xpc vs. tcp ??</p>
14:14 < jrandom> i've never implemented a tcp stack before, so any guidance would be appreciated</p>
14:15 < jrandom> xcp has better handling in networks with high delays</p>
14:15 < jrandom> (for congestion control)</p>
14:15 < Janonymous> does that include fec?</p>
14:15 < jrandom> no</p>
14:16 < Janonymous> k, cause I've been researching that some</p>
14:17 < jrandom> cool</p>
14:17 < jrandom> anything good you've found?</p>
14:17 < deer> &lt;cervantes&gt; most GET requests are sub 32kb...and your average html page should be around that size...so I'd imagine eepsurfing will be much improved... - I wouldn't mind seeing an improvement in per-tunnel throughput though...will the new stack improve upon that?</p>
14:17 < Janonymous> fec is used a lot for high latency/high throughput networks</p>
14:18 < deer> &lt;mule_iip&gt; jrandom: nor have i, but i could tell a folk here to support you</p>
14:18 < Janonymous> jrandom: some.. I'll report back</p>
14:18 < deer> &lt;mule_iip&gt; at least it would be a good learning experience for him and another pair of eyes</p>
14:18 < jrandom> great Janonymous </p>
14:18 < jrandom> oh kickass mule</p>
14:18 < jrandom> cervantes: per-tunnel throughput would improve with &gt;1 message windows</p>
14:19 < jrandom> (i expect we'll be able to even start with &gt;1 as a window size, depending upon what we can gleam from the router)</p>
14:19 < jrandom> ((ecn++))</p>
14:19 < deer> &lt;cervantes&gt; grand</p>
14:20 < jrandom> ok, anything else on 0.4.2 stuff?</p>
14:20 < Janonymous> fresh stack.. fresh laptop.. *drools*</p>
14:21 < jrandom> heh</p>
14:21 < Janonymous> yea</p>
14:21 < Janonymous> one thing</p>
14:22 < Janonymous> this will implement the new short handshake?</p>
14:22 < jrandom> hmm?</p>
14:22 < jrandom> we have the low-cpu TCP reconnection code in the 0.4.1 transport</p>
14:22 < Janonymous> ah, in the email, you mention the alice-&gt; bob handshake</p>
14:23 < Janonymous> ah</p>
14:23 < Janonymous> still catching up</p>
14:23 < jrandom> oh. yeah, whatever 0.4.2 comes up with, it'll support a packet sequence like the one in the email</p>
14:24 < Janonymous> k</p>
14:24 < jrandom> we'll probably control it largely through socket options (e.g. set the stream to interactive and it sends asap, set the stream to bulk and it only sends when the buffer is full or itsflushed [or it needs to ack])</p>
14:25 < jrandom> ok, swinging on to 4) mail discussion</p>
14:25 < jrandom> postman - you 'round?</p>
14:26 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; ya</p>
14:26 < jrandom> word, wanna give us a run down / update wrt the mail stuff?</p>
14:27 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; hmm, ok tho i am quite shy talking in front of that many ppl :)</p>
14:27 < jrandom> heh just imagine we're all nak^H^H^Her... nm</p>
14:28 * Janonymous gets popcorn out</p>
14:28 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; since the 20th od september there is a SMTP/POP Service running - accessible with normal smtp/pop3 MUAs</p>
14:29 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; i put quite some efforts in it in a way that i analyzed the potential risks that normal mail clients bear</p>
14:29 < Janonymous> what about inproxies/outproxies?</p>
14:29 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; put it all together on a website </p>
14:29 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; for those who haven't done so: www.postman.i2p</p>
14:29 * Janonymous has not access to the network currently</p>
14:30 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; there's a proposal on the website that tries to comprehend all the common problems dealing with anonymity and reliability of a mailservice when doing a bridging between i2p and internet</p>
14:30 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; out/inproxy does not run yet but is in the planning</p>
14:30 < Janonymous> I think I caught some of the discussion on the maillist or the forum</p>
14:30 < Janonymous> out would be more dangerous than in, right?</p>
14:31 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; first i want a commonly accepted concept</p>
14:31 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; generally YES, but i think we found a way that spam and the likes won't be sent outward</p>
14:31 < jrandom> what'd be neat is if the mx.postman.i2p in/outproxy could dispatch to different (or multiple redundant) pop3 accts</p>
14:31 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; simply by putting a quota on every user trying to send mails out</p>
14:32 < jrandom> (that way it wouldn't be tied to a particular mailhost)</p>
14:32 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; jrandom2p: please explain further</p>
14:33 < Janonymous> could the seperate mailhosts be syncronized too?</p>
14:33 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; jrandom2p: it's a question of account based routing</p>
14:33 < jrandom> right postman</p>
14:33 < jrandom> probably lots of work, i dont know much about the MTAs you're working on</p>
14:33 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; jrandom2p: the out/in proxy could easily handle more than one internal mailsystem - even could arrange a fallback kind of delivery </p>
14:34 < jrandom> 'k, great</p>
14:34 < Janonymous> Q wrt in/out</p>
14:34 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; janonymous: i did not understand your question - please explain</p>
14:34 * jrandom dreams up uucp-style offline fetch from mx.postman :)</p>
14:35 < Janonymous> would mandatory mailbox to mailbox encryption make in/out sending less dangerous?</p>
14:35 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; jrandom: haha, uucp is not needed i think - maybe ETRN is sexier :)</p>
14:35 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; janonymous: right now the system works only internaly - everyone is free to apply PGP or sth similiar</p>
14:36 < jrandom> Janonymous: you should swing by www.postman.i2p - he's put up a chunk of ideas / issues on there</p>
14:36 < Janonymous> mandatory encryption/signatures is also an antispam method I believe</p>
14:36 < deer> &lt;Ragnarok&gt; would it be possible to serve the postman.i2p address book using LDAP?</p>
14:36 < Janonymous> I will once my laptop comes in</p>
14:37 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; rag: there's an addressbook already - it is based on SQL tho - a transfer to LDAP os possible</p>
14:38 < Janonymous> = server hosted address book?</p>
14:38 < deer> * postman invites everybody to contribute own ideas to the ideas/concepts html document</p>
14:38 < Janonymous> will do postman</p>
14:38 < deer> * cervantes spiders the address book and starts writing penis enlargement pharmacutical mails </p>
14:39 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; janonymous: well, ALL mailusers are SQL based - thus the "addressbook" is just a view on that table</p>
14:39 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; cervantes: btw, every user can chose whether he wants to be visible or not</p>
14:39 < Janonymous> ah</p>
14:40 < Janonymous> how about selective groups ;)</p>
14:40 < deer> &lt;cervantes&gt; postman: yup I've signed up already ;-)</p>
14:40 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; cervantes: and since we HAVE a mailidentidy system , you cannot forge your senderaddress - we know it has been YOU :)</p>
14:40 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; janonymous: yeah, it's planned for version 2.0 :)</p>
14:41 < deer> &lt;cervantes&gt; postman: but I'll just spam every ircnym@postman.i2p ;-)</p>
14:41 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; cervantes: this is technically possible, yes :)</p>
14:42 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; cervantes: i hope you're able to deliver those pills too :)</p>
14:42 < Janonymous> sounds like a much needed and long expected development for i2p</p>
14:42 < Janonymous> the new email system</p>
14:42 < deer> &lt;cervantes&gt; postman: and on the sender thing..the "Cervantes' penis enlargement elixir" would indicate the sender too :)</p>
14:42 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; janonyous: i cannot tell about every detail implemented</p>
14:43 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; jan: the website is best suited for this</p>
14:43 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; cervantes: indeed - but this could be forged :)</p>
14:43 < Janonymous> alrighty.. I'll get there asap</p>
14:43 < jrandom> ok, great. so, yeah, y'all should review whats up on www.postman.i2p and send in your ideas/comments</p>
14:43 < deer> * postman nods and sits down again</p>
14:44 < jrandom> (postman++)</p>
14:44 < jrandom> ok that brings us to 5) ???</p>
14:44 < jrandom> anyone have anything else they want to bring up?</p>
14:44 < jrandom> (i2p related)</p>
14:44 < deer> &lt;postman&gt; :)</p>
14:44 < Janonymous> just a thought</p>
14:45 < Janonymous> possible uses for I2P.. we know its a "distributed anonymous network layer"</p>
14:45 < deer> &lt;Jake&gt; my node is down :( moving equipment to a different part of the house</p>
14:46 < Janonymous> but what can that be used for.. particularly, those "common good" issues</p>
14:46 < Janonymous> Oppressive third world countries, freedom of speech.. etc.. thats one of the primary things that got me so interested in i2p to start with</p>
14:47 < Janonymous> and freenet for that matter</p>
14:47 < deer> &lt;Jake&gt; oppressed 1st world countries like the u.s.</p>
14:47 < Janonymous> so, I thought maybe some extrapolation on those issues, maybe starting on the forum, then some words on the site</p>
14:48 < jrandom> we've got a lot of work to do before we can claim any relevence for people in china</p>
14:48 < Janonymous> heh, yea, wouldn't want to make any false promises, but..</p>
14:48 * jrandom will not say we're safe when there has been so little peer review (and there are still so many outstanding issues)</p>
14:49 < deer> &lt;fidd&gt; how hard will it be for china to censor i2p?</p>
14:49 < deer> &lt;cervantes&gt; I think applications will begin to surface more readily once the underlying network has stopped "shapeshifting"</p>
14:49 < Janonymous> but those issues to me are one of the main things that makes i2p so exciting</p>
14:49 < jrandom> fidd: censor has many definitions. in the sense "stop specific content from being transferred", pretty much impossible, short of making i2p illegal</p>
14:50 < Janonymous> how about, "detect i2p on networks in china"</p>
14:50 < Janonymous> stego?</p>
14:51 < jrandom> exciting, yes. important? yes. necessary? yes. but since there's so much work to do before we're relevent, its just depressing to talk about it.</p>
14:51 < Janonymous> my bad :) </p>
14:51 < deer> &lt;cervantes&gt; once the base network is solid, then we could probably do with some nice toys to play with - eg filesharing apps, IM systems etc. Hopefully the userbase will swell at that point....before this happens there just won't be enough peers to guarantee anonymity for people who live in oppressive systems</p>
14:52 < jrandom> its always important to keep your eyes on the real goals Janonymous, and i appreciate that</p>
14:52 < Janonymous> yea, numbers of nodes has a lot to do with it</p>
14:52 < modulus> imo until there is stego and things like random noise to defeat traffic analysis people in oppressive countries should stay away for a while.</p>
14:53 < deer> &lt;cervantes&gt; no..they should stay here and help :)</p>
14:53 < modulus> :-)</p>
14:53 * jrandom will not describe in detail why those aspects won't be necessary, as the 3.0 rev will take care of 'em :)</p>
14:53 < modulus> 3.0? sounds long-term ;-)</p>
14:53 < jrandom> i have ~= 0 faith in stego transports for public networks</p>
14:54 < jrandom> it aint tomorrow, thats for sure.</p>
14:54 < Janonymous> word? huh</p>
14:54 < Janonymous> jrandom: whys that (wrt stego)?</p>
14:55 < jrandom> how to defeat stego on public networks with open source software: download the source, review the stego generation code, write detection code, deploy.</p>
14:56 < jrandom> how to defeat stego on public networks with closed source software: kidnap the dev's family, subvert the code. deploy.</p>
14:56 < Janonymous> ah.. yea.. random inputs? eh.. I just read this article talking like it was the future or something</p>
14:56 < jrandom> how to defeat stego on private networks: laugh at the 5 people using it, and arrest 'em all.</p>
14:56 < modulus> well, what about anonymous closed-source software? of course it could be a trojan ;-)</p>
14:57 < deer> &lt;Jake&gt; jrandom: if you're ever kidnapped, you can let us know by telling us "my dog fido is really upset about the food he's eating today"</p>
14:57 < deer> &lt;Jake&gt; that will be the giveaway and we'll know</p>
14:57 < deer> &lt;cervantes&gt; %s!dev's family!jrandom</p>
14:57 < jrandom> heh jake</p>
14:58 < Janonymous> whens the eta for 4.2?</p>
14:58 < jrandom> Janonymous: the #1 feature of anonymity or security software: snake oil.</p>
14:58 < jrandom> 0.4.2? sometime this month</p>
14:58 < jrandom> prolly near the end</p>
14:58 < Janonymous> heheh. </p>
14:58 < jrandom> will prolly be out later this week or the weekend</p>
14:58 < deer> &lt;cervantes&gt; Jake: that would never work, we'll juist think you've poisoned his dog</p>
14:58 < deer> &lt;cervantes&gt; *just</p>
14:58 < Janonymous> I should be back on the net in a week or two</p>
14:59 < jrandom> r0x0r</p>
14:59 < jrandom> ok, anyone else have something to bring up?</p>
14:59 < deer> &lt;Jake&gt; cervantes :)</p>
15:00 < jrandom> if not..</p>
15:00 * jrandom winds up</p>
15:00 * jrandom *baf*s the meeting closed</p>
{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
{% extends "_layout.html" %}
{% block title %}I2P Development Meeting 112{% endblock %}
{% block content %}<h3>I2P dev meeting, October 19, 2004</h3>
<div class="irclog">
14:03 < jrandom> 1)</p>
14:03 < jrandom> 2) Tunnel test time, and send processing time</p>
14:03 < jrandom> 3) Streaming lib</p>
14:03 < jrandom> 4) files.i2p</p>
14:03 < jrandom> 5) ???</p>
14:03 < jrandom> 0) hi</p>
14:03 * jrandom waves</p>
14:04 < modulus> hi hi</p>
14:04 < jrandom> weekly status notes posted up @ http://dev.i2p.net/pipermail/i2p/2004-October/000469.html</p>
14:04 < deer_> &lt;fidd&gt; howdy</p>
14:04 < jrandom> i didn't spend much time on the notes, so they're pretty brief</p>
14:05 < jrandom> but, c'est la vie</p>
14:05 < jrandom> moving on to 1)</p>
14:05 < jrandom> the release came out the other day and its been.. well... largely like before</p>
14:05 < jrandom> working good enough for most things, but not as reliable as we'd like</p>
14:06 < jrandom> throughput is still low, but thats a know issue to be dealt with in 0.4.2</p>
14:06 < jrandom> as mentioned in the email, I dont expect there to be any more 0.4.1.* releases</p>
14:07 < jrandom> I dont have much more to say on that - anyone have any comments / concerns?</p>
14:07 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; yes: what about the freeze-up?</p>
14:09 < jrandom> I'm not going to discount the possibility that your machine hung due to I2P, but I severely doubt it</p>
14:09 < jrandom> no one else has ever reported that happening on any platform</p>
14:09 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; well...it must be related to it somehow, if not directly, IMHO</p>
14:09 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; maybe the java?</p>
14:10 < jrandom> you're on 1.5 on w2k?</p>
14:10 < jrandom> or 1.4.2_05?</p>
14:10 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; nope, 1.5</p>
14:10 < jrandom> ok</p>
14:10 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; I can't exclude it's something else, ofcourse</p>
14:11 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; could be coincidence it happend two times</p>
14:11 < jrandom> well, we can discuss further how to find out the cause after the meeting if you'd like</p>
14:11 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; but the last time..I dunno...nothing much else was running, then</p>
14:11 < deer_> &lt;dinoman&gt; 1.5 on w2k works good for me :)</p>
14:11 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; indeed, though</p>
14:11 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; isn't there a simple debug log or something?</p>
14:11 < jrandom> if it happens again, please send me wrapper.log and logs/log-router-*.txt</p>
14:11 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; that might be usefull when it freezes</p>
14:11 < jrandom> there are more logs than dirt ;)</p>
14:12 < jrandom> ok cool dinoman</p>
14:12 < jrandom> perhaps it was some interaction with your software firewall</p>
14:12 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; maybe</p>
14:12 < jrandom> but, yeah,bounce me logs if it happens again</p>
14:12 < jrandom> (please :)</p>
14:12 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; well, that it would get blocked, I would understand</p>
14:12 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; but a total freeze...dunno...was creepy</p>
14:13 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; on the bright side: I've 27/63 now</p>
14:13 < jrandom> great</p>
14:13 < jrandom> ok, anyone else have any questions/comments/concerns with</p>
14:13 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; I'll guees I'll ask Whoo to guide my through the eep thingy</p>
14:13 < deer_> &lt;dinoman&gt; just don't use it with Sygate Personal Firewall bad bad</p>
14:13 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; why?</p>
14:14 < deer_> &lt;dinoman&gt; crash</p>
14:14 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; yes; you forgot 6) profit!!</p>
14:14 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; ;-)</p>
14:14 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; crash?</p>
14:14 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; ermm</p>
14:14 < jrandom> dinoman: it crashes your OS? the firewall? I2P?</p>
14:14 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; well, wouldn't that explain it, then? ;-)</p>
14:15 < jrandom> newsbyte: are you running Sygate Personal Firewall?</p>
14:15 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; indeed</p>
14:15 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; well, not on my router</p>
14:15 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; but on the puter, yes</p>
14:15 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; seems we're on to something</p>
14:16 < deer_> &lt;DrWoo&gt; newsbyte: /join #i2p-chat so jrandom can get through his meeting</p>
14:16 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; though it doesn't crash/freeze immediately, apperently</p>
14:16 < deer_> &lt;dinoman&gt; os it crashes windows</p>
14:16 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; ?</p>
14:16 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; jrand is already here</p>
14:16 < deer_> &lt;dinoman&gt; sorry looked away</p>
14:16 < jrandom> ok, perhaps we can look into what SPF is b0rking on</p>
14:16 < jrandom> if there's nothing else on, moving on to 2) Tunnel test time, and send processing time</p>
14:17 < jrandom> there was some discussion yesterday exploring some of the timeouts, and basically things just occationally take too long</p>
14:17 < jrandom> i dont think the spikes you can see in http://dev.i2p.net/~jrandom/processingTime.png are legitimate though</p>
14:18 < jrandom> well, they're real - it really does take that long</p>
14:18 < jrandom> what i mean is, we should be able to get rid of them</p>
14:18 < jrandom> some queueing is going to happen, but if we are more careful with what we accept, we should be able to reduce it</p>
14:19 < jrandom> the delays are also likely due to some occational spikes in job processing time, which we can tune the fsck out of</p>
14:20 < jrandom> in general though, the message queueing seems all right, even if it spikes up some tunnel tests</p>
14:20 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; darn..I wish freenet and i2p could really merge...seems like progress would be a lot faster, possibly beneficial to both</p>
14:20 < deer_> &lt;Ragnarok&gt; yeah, I don't see why fsck would be useful for jon processing :)</p>
14:20 < deer_> &lt;Ragnarok&gt; s/jon/job/</p>
14:21 < jrandom> there is much potential for collaboration, but the two projects have very different aims</p>
14:21 < jrandom> !thwap Ragnarok</p>
14:21 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; ermm</p>
14:21 < jrandom> oh, one thing I mentioned yesterday </p>
14:21 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; I don't think the projects' goals, however, are all that different...</p>
14:22 < deer_> &lt;DrWoo&gt; jrandom: technical goals</p>
14:22 < jrandom> newsbyte: we can discuss that in 5) ??? or later if you prefer, we're on 2) right now</p>
14:22 < deer_> &lt;DrWoo&gt; oops newsbyte: technical goals</p>
14:22 < deer_> &lt;Ragnarok&gt; hehe</p>
14:22 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; yes, and 3)profit! according to /. traditions!</p>
14:22 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; :-)</p>
14:22 < deer_> &lt;Demokritos&gt; I can't believe Tor is not backwards compatible from 0.0.8 to</p>
14:23 < jrandom> with the tunnel testing, there is a floor to the test period - currently set to 5 seconds by default</p>
14:23 < jrandom> the previous release had a hard limit of 30 seconds, but you can configure your own tunnel test time by updating http://localhost:7657/configadvanced.jsp and adding "router.tunnelTestMinimum=10000" (or whatever - that value is in milliseconds)</p>
14:23 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; those seconds, are they alchimagical?</p>
14:24 < jrandom> the 5s default should be fine though</p>
14:24 < deer_> &lt;Demokritos&gt; I actually upgraded Tor the day before yesterday because it stopped working, and now the network is telling me again, I have a non compatible version... what the.. </p>
14:24 < deer_> &lt;Demokritos&gt; oh... hello everyone :)</p>
14:24 < jrandom> newsbyte: the tunnel test time is MAX(avgTunnelTestTime*2, minTunnelTestTime)</p>
14:25 < jrandom> (we have the minTunnelTestTime because otherwise a series of fast tests could cause a cascading failure)</p>
14:26 < jrandom> more details can be found in http://dev.i2p.net/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/i2p/history.txt?rev=HEAD</p>
14:26 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; hmm</p>
14:26 < deer_> &lt;Demokritos&gt; this is really funny... a job agency wants me to use Internet Explorer, otherwise I'm not able to register an application</p>
14:27 < jrandom> *cough* y'all realize these meeting logs go on the web, right? :)</p>
14:27 < deer_> &lt;Demokritos&gt; &lt;-- not too good in english</p>
14:27 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; they do?!</p>
14:27 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; Hi mum!</p>
14:27 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; ;-)</p>
14:27 < deer_> &lt;Demokritos&gt; um, sorry. .I'm disturbing the meeting.. I'm off</p>
14:28 < jrandom> naw, please stay, but discuss i2p stuff ;)</p>
14:28 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; don't worry; disturbing is an art, just keep an eye on me, and you'll learn</p>
14:28 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; ;-)</p>
14:28 < jrandom> ok, anything else on 2) Tunnel test time, and send processing time ?</p>
14:28 < deer_> &lt;Ragnarok&gt; focus people</p>
14:29 -!- znation [~znation@ip68-226-31-250.tc.ph.cox.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]</p>
14:29 < jrandom> if not, moving on to 3) Streaming lib</p>
14:29 < jrandom> as mentioned in the status notes, lots of progress</p>
14:29 -!- znation [~znation@ip68-226-31-250.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #i2p</p>
14:29 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; done by you?</p>
14:29 < jrandom> still not there yet, but I hope to be doing some live tests in the next week</p>
14:30 < jrandom> i've been working on the streaming lib, yeah</p>
14:30 < jrandom> i finally got it ping()ing earlier today ;)</p>
14:30 < deer_> &lt;Ragnarok&gt; nice :)</p>
14:31 < jrandom> ok, i dont really have anything else to add about that</p>
14:31 < jrandom> anyone have any questions / comments / concerns?</p>
14:31 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; ermm...speed?</p>
14:31 < jrandom> speed is fine</p>
14:31 < deer_> &lt;baffled&gt; what type of speed up/through put do you expect?</p>
14:31 < jrandom> i expect significant throughput improvements</p>
14:32 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; he expects a fine, he said</p>
14:32 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; for speeding</p>
14:32 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; ;-)</p>
14:32 < jrandom> in addition, for small request/response connections, the latency will be dramatically reduced</p>
14:32 < jrandom> (cut in half)</p>
14:32 < deer_> &lt;dinoman&gt; wow</p>
14:32 < deer_> &lt;dinoman&gt; is that using udp?</p>
14:33 < jrandom> the new lib exposes all the neat tunable parameters for normal TCP stacks too, so apps will be able to tweak out their own setup</p>
14:33 < jrandom> no dinoman, this works on top of i2p's I2CP</p>
14:33 < deer_> &lt;dinoman&gt; wow x2</p>
14:33 < jrandom> (though we'll be writing similar code in a month or so to get the UDP transport..)</p>
14:34 < jrandom> but, well, we'll see.</p>
14:34 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; because...?</p>
14:34 < jrandom> there's still a lot of work to do</p>
14:34 < jrandom> because what?</p>
14:34 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; well, can't tcp do it as well?</p>
14:35 < jrandom> oh, why we're going to go UDP? http://www.i2p.net/todo#transport</p>
14:35 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; I remember the same discussion on freenet too, but they sticked to tcp as yet</p>
14:35 < jrandom> plus TCP is a general purpose streaming transport - we can dramatically simplify it, since we can put up with a certain degree of out of order</p>
14:35 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; not that all decisions they make are good ;-)</p>
14:36 < jrandom> newsbyte: i've followed those discussions and we're going to go udp</p>
14:36 < jrandom> (that doesnt mean freenet is wrong - they've got different constraints)</p>
14:37 < deer_> &lt;Ragnarok&gt; i2p should not be compared too closely to freenet. They're very different technically.</p>
14:37 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; (or: they ARE wrong ;-)</p>
14:37 < jrandom> i dont think their use of TCP right now is wrong, just as I dont think I2P's previous use of TCP is wrong. progress requires small steps</p>
14:38 < deer_> &lt;mule_iip&gt; newsbyte makes sure the meetings don't get too short</p>
14:38 < jrandom> heh</p>
14:38 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; yeah, nothing worse then short meetings</p>
14:38 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; you can't eat all the popcorn and drink all the beer, then</p>
14:38 < jrandom> ok, anything else on 3) Streaming lib ?</p>
14:39 < jrandom> if not, 4) files.i2p</p>
14:39 < deer_> &lt;Ragnarok&gt; I think we're cool</p>
14:39 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; well, I know I am</p>
14:39 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; ;-)</p>
14:39 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; and funny too</p>
14:39 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; most of the time</p>
14:39 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; and also annoying</p>
14:39 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; ;-)</p>
14:39 < jrandom> well, i just wanted to point out files.i2p - a new search engine on i2p</p>
14:40 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; ah, I see</p>
14:40 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; I was hoping it would be about putting eepsites up</p>
14:40 < jrandom> one interesting thing to note is that you can reach eepsites that aren't up anymore with it, since it caches</p>
14:41 < deer_> &lt;baffled&gt; does it cache everything?</p>
14:41 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; all searchengines thusfar are server-side?</p>
14:41 < deer_> &lt;Ragnarok&gt; interesting. Shouldn't be too hard, these days :).</p>
14:41 < jrandom> baffled: caches text/html from what i can tell</p>
14:42 < deer_> &lt;mule_iip&gt; at least it has limits on file size and types, so won't cache movies</p>
14:42 < deer_> &lt;baffled&gt; Auh, that's what I thought not binary.</p>
14:42 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; I mean, they are not in js, I suppose?</p>
14:43 < jrandom> it uses nutch if anyone wants to look into it further. or i'm sure we'll get the site author to put up a feedback form or something ;)</p>
14:43 < jrandom> newsbyte: correct, this is just a normal website hosted anonymously</p>
14:43 < jrandom> the site contains a search engine (like google)</p>
14:44 < jrandom> anyway, i just wanted to mention it</p>
14:44 < jrandom> there have also been a lot of blogs popping up lately, which imho is really cool</p>
14:44 < jrandom> my 'eep' bookmark folder almost fills a screen :)</p>
14:44 < deer_> &lt;Ragnarok&gt; hehe, myi2p is happening all by itself :)</p>
14:45 < jrandom> you just have to bring up the sore points, dont ya ragnarok? ;)</p>
14:45 < deer_> &lt;Ragnarok&gt; sorry :)</p>
14:46 < jrandom> ok, anyone have any questions/comments/concerns wrt files.i2p?</p>
14:46 < jrandom> if not, let me move on to 4.1) biff</p>
14:46 * jrandom almost forgot biff</p>
14:46 < jrandom> postman, you arond?</p>
14:47 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; I think he's biffed up</p>
14:47 < jrandom> well, if not, biff is this new kickass mail notification bot</p>
14:47 < jrandom> if you've got an email acct at mail.i2p, you can tell biff to notify you when you get new mail</p>
14:47 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; does it has archives?</p>
14:48 < jrandom> newsbyte: biff is just a notification bot, the mail is stored on the mail server (and accessed with your normal mail reader - kmail, etc)</p>
14:48 < jrandom> see http://www.postman.i2p/</p>
14:49 < jrandom> ok, so, yeah, go to the eepsite or check out #mail.i2p over there</p>
14:49 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; I will, as soon as I get my eepsite on</p>
14:49 * jrandom doesnt really know much more wrt biff - redirect any questions to postman</p>
14:50 < jrandom> instead, we can move on to 5) ???</p>
14:50 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; indeed</p>
14:50 < jrandom> does anyone have anything else they want to bring up?</p>
14:50 < deer_> * mule_iip raising hand to get voice: would like to recall my persistent FCP over I2P problems. but probably that can wait and will automagically be solved by 0.4.2.</p>
14:50 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; yes, and the freeze</p>
14:50 < jrandom> i hope so mule_iip</p>
14:50 < deer_> &lt;mule_iip&gt; ok, will be your test platform :)</p>
14:50 < jrandom> newsbyte: is there anything we need to discuss about it? could you just email me your logs if it happens again?</p>
14:51 < jrandom> ooh mule, that'd rule</p>
14:51 * jrandom will definitelytake you up on that</p>
14:51 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; well...can i still send those, if everything is frozen?</p>
14:51 < jrandom> the files are written to disk. </p>
14:51 < jrandom> when you restart, send me the logs</p>
14:51 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; I mean, in that case, I could send it now, since they should be somewhere </p>
14:51 < jrandom> (please)</p>
14:51 < deer_> &lt;dinoman&gt; i was in the forum and see that the jabber service is gone. was thaat of us to anyone if it was i would like to run one if it would be cool?</p>
14:51 < jrandom> the files rotate though newsbyte</p>
14:52 < jrandom> duck and demonic_1 have had jabber servers at various times, but it seems most of the i2p IM activity has been on irc</p>
14:52 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; the files rotate? surely it stores quite some data before it starts deleting?</p>
14:53 < jrandom> newsbyte: ok, send me your logs, maybe it has something in it</p>
14:53 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; good</p>
14:53 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; ermm</p>
14:54 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; darn</p>
14:54 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; a lot of .logs</p>
14:54 < deer_> &lt;dinoman&gt; ok</p>
14:54 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; a noob is never gonna follow this</p>
14:54 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; I guess you're right in not making a /. article yet</p>
14:55 < jrandom> we're in no rush</p>
14:55 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; log-router.txt?</p>
14:55 < jrandom> wrapper.log and logs/log-router-*.txt</p>
14:56 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; and the mailaddy to use would be...?</p>
14:56 < deer_> &lt;fidd&gt; dinoman, a jabber server would be cool imo</p>
14:56 < jrandom> jrandom@i2p.net</p>
14:56 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; accessible by i2p, I hope?</p>
14:56 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; ;-)</p>
14:56 < jrandom> newsbyte: you can put your logs on your eepsite and msg me the url</p>
14:57 < jrandom> or you can send mail to jrandom@mail.i2p</p>
14:57 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; indeed!</p>
14:57 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; a good idea!</p>
14:57 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; there is only one little problem with it: It's not up yet</p>
14:57 < jrandom> ok, anyone else have anything they want to bring up?</p>
14:57 < jrandom> well, we can work on that newsbyte</p>
14:57 < jrandom> (after the meeting)</p>
14:59 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; thnks, but whoo is already helping</p>
14:59 < jrandom> if there's nothing else...</p>
14:59 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; we need a detailed howto/wiki/helpsite/something, though</p>
14:59 * jrandom winds up</p>
14:59 < deer_> &lt;Jake_&gt; i'd like to say, for the meeting, if a public release of i2p can be made before the u.s. election on november 2nd, this would go a long way to helping ensure a stable democracy </p>
14:59 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; what about 6)?</p>
14:59 < jrandom> newsbyte: would you like to work on that?</p>
15:00 < jrandom> newsbyte: i do agree it'd be great to get some more howtos and help info</p>
15:00 < deer_> &lt;Ragnarok&gt; 6) There is no.... number 6</p>
15:00 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; well, yeah, sort of, but it's a strange thing, with me</p>
15:00 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; I'm pro-wiki and public thingy and free for everyone and all that</p>
15:00 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; but my ego protests and wants minimal control</p>
15:00 < jrandom> great</p>
15:00 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; go figger</p>
15:00 < jrandom> heh</p>
15:01 < jrandom> well, if you'd like to make your own eepsite into a wiki you control, that'd be great too</p>
15:01 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; indeed</p>
15:01 < jrandom> though ugha.i2p has a pretty good uptime</p>
15:01 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; I'll think about it</p>
15:01 < jrandom> cool</p>
15:02 < deer_> &lt;newsbyte&gt; 6 would be the freenet-i2p thingy</p>
15:02 * jrandom winds up </p>
15:02 * jrandom *baf*s the meeting closed </p>
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