udp_spec.html 28.74 KiB
{% extends "_layout.html" %}
{% block title %}SSU Protocol Specification{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
Updated August 2012 for release 0.9.1
<a href="udp.html">See the SSU page for an overview of the SSU transport</a>.
<h2 id="DH">DH Key Exchange</h2>
The initial 2048-bit DH key exchange is described on the
<a href="udp.html#keys">SSU page</a>.
This exchange uses the same shared prime as that used for I2P's
<a href="how_cryptography.html#elgamal">ElGamal encryption</a>.
<h2 id="header">Message Header</h2>
All UDP datagrams begin with a 16 byte MAC (Message Authentication Code)
and a 16 byte IV (Initialization Vector)
followed by a variable-size
payload encrypted with the appropriate key. The MAC used is
HMAC-MD5, truncated to 16 bytes, while the key is a full 32 byte AES256
key. The specific construct of the MAC is the first 16 bytes from:</p>
HMAC-MD5(payload || IV || (payloadLength ^ protocolVersion), macKey)
where '||' means append.
The payload is the message starting with the flag byte.
The macKey is either the introduction key or the
session key, as specified for each message below.
<p>The payload itself (that is, the message starting with the flag byte)
is AES256/CBC encrypted with the IV and the
sessionKey, with replay prevention addressed within its body,
explained below. The payloadLength in the MAC is a 2 byte unsigned
<p>The protocolVersion is a 2 byte unsigned integer
and is currently set to 0. Peers using a different protocol version will
not be able to communicate with this peer, though earlier versions not
using this flag are.</p>
<p>Within the AES encrypted payload, there is a minimal common structure
to the various messages - a one byte flag and a four byte sending
timestamp (seconds since the unix epoch). The flag byte contains
the following bitfields:</p>
Bit order: 76543210 (bit 7 is MSB)
bits 7-4: payload type
bit 3: rekey?
bit 2: extended options included
bits 1-0: reserved
Header: 37+ bytes
Encryption starts with the flag byte.
| MAC |
+ +
| |
| IV |
+ +
| |
|flag| time | (optionally |
+----+----+----+----+----+ |
| this may have 64 byte keying material |
| and/or a one+N byte extended options) |
<h3 id="rekey">Rekeying</h3>
<p>If the rekey flag is set, 64 bytes of keying material follow the
<p>When rekeying, the first 32 bytes of the keying material is fed
into a SHA256 to produce the new MAC key, and the next 32 bytes are
fed into a SHA256 to produce the new session key, though the keys are
not immediately used. The other side should also reply with the
rekey flag set and that same keying material. Once both sides have
sent and received those values, the new keys should be used and the
previous keys discarded. It may be useful to keep the old keys
around briefly, to address packet loss and reordering.</p>
<p>NOTE: Rekeying is currently unimplemented.</p>
<h3 id="extend">Extended Options</h3>
If the extended options flag is set, a one byte option
size value is appended, followed by that many extended option
<p>NOTE: Extended options is currently unimplemented.</p>
<h2 id="padding">Padding</h2>
All messages contain 0 or more bytes of padding.
Each message must be padded to a 16 byte boundary, as required by the <a href="how_cryptography.html#AES">AES256 encryption layer</a>.
Currently, messages are not padded beyond the next 16 byte boundary.
The fixed-size tunnel messages of 1024 bytes (at a higher layer)
provide a significant amount of protection.
In the future, additional padding in the transport layer up to
a set of fixed packet sizes may be appropriate to further hide the data
fragmentation to external adversaries.
<h2 id="keys">Keys</h2>
DSA signatures in the SessionCreated and SessionConfirmed messages are generated using
<a href="common_structures_spec.html#type_SigningPublicKey">signing public key</a>
from the
<a href="common_structures_spec.html#struct_RouterIdentity">router identity</a>
which is distributed out-of-band by publishing in the network database, and the associated
<a href="common_structures_spec.html#type_SigningPrivateKey">signing private key</a>.
Both introduction keys and session keys are 32 bytes,
and are defined by the
<a href="common_structures_spec.html#type_SessionKey">Common structures specification</a>.
The key used for the MAC and encryption is specified for each message below.
<p>Introduction keys are delivered through an external channel
(the network database, where they are identical to the router Hash for now).
<h2 id="notes">Notes</h2>
<h3 id="ipv6">IPv6 Notes</h3>
While the protocol specification supports 16-byte IPv6 addresses,
IPv6 addressing is not currently supported within I2P.
All IP addresses are currently 4 bytes.
<h3 id="time">Timestamps</h3>
While most of I2P uses 8-byte <a href="common_structures_spec.html#type_Date">Date</a> timestamps with
millisecond resolution, SSU uses a 4-byte timestamp with one-second resolution.
<h2 id="messages">Messages</h2>
There are 10 messages (payload types) defined:
<table border="1">
<tr><td align="center">0<td>SessionRequest<td>
<tr><td align="center">1<td>SessionCreated<td>
<tr><td align="center">2<td>SessionConfirmed<td>
<tr><td align="center">3<td>RelayRequest<td>
<tr><td align="center">4<td>RelayResponse<td>
<tr><td align="center">5<td>RelayIntro<td>
<tr><td align="center">6<td>Data<td>
<tr><td align="center">7<td>PeerTest<td>
<tr><td align="center">8<td>SessionDestroyed<td>Implemented as of 0.8.9
<tr><td align="center">n/a<td>HolePunch<td>
<h3 id="sessionRequest">SessionRequest (type 0)</h3>
This is the first message sent to establish a session.
<table border="1">
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Peer:</b></td>
<td>Alice to Bob</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Data:</b></td>
<li>256 byte X, to begin the DH agreement</li>
<li>1 byte IP address size</li>
<li>that many byte representation of Bob's IP address</li>
<li>N bytes, currently uninterpreted</li>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Key used:</b></td>
| X, as calculated from DH |
| |
. . .
| |
|size| that many byte IP address (4-16) |
| arbitrary amount |
| of uninterpreted data |
. . .
| |
Typical size including header, in current implementation: 304 bytes
IP address is always 4 bytes in the current implementation.
The uninterpreted data could possibly be used in the future for challenges.
IP address is always 4 bytes in the current implementation.
<h3 id="sessionCreated">SessionCreated (type 1)</h3>
This is the response to a Session Request.
<table border="1">
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Peer:</b></td>
<td>Bob to Alice</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Data:</b></td>
<li>256 byte Y, to complete the DH agreement</li>
<li>1 byte IP address size</li>
<li>that many byte representation of Alice's IP address</li>
<li>2 byte Alice's port number</li>
<li>4 byte relay (introduction) tag which Alice can publish (else 0x00000000)</li>
<li>4 byte timestamp (seconds from the epoch) for use in the DSA
<li>40 byte <a href="common_structures_spec.html#type_Signature">DSA signature</a> of the critical exchanged data
(X + Y + Alice's IP + Alice's port + Bob's IP + Bob's port + Alice's
new relay tag + Bob's signed on time), encrypted with another
layer of encryption using the negotiated sessionKey. The IV
is reused here.</li>
<li>8 bytes padding, encrypted with an additional layer of encryption
using the negotiated session key as part of the DSA block</li>
<li>N bytes, currently uninterpreted</li>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Key used:</b></td>
<td>introKey, with an additional layer of encryption over the 40 byte
signature and the following 8 bytes padding.</td></tr>
| Y, as calculated from DH |
| |
. . .
| |
|size| that many byte IP address (4-16) |
| Port (A)| public relay tag | signed
on time | |
+----+----+ |
| DSA signature |
+ +
| |
+ +
| |
+ +
| |
+ +----+----+----+----+----+----+
| | (8 bytes of padding)
| |
+----+----+ |
| arbitrary amount |
| of uninterpreted data |
. . .
| |
Typical size including header, in current implementation: 368 bytes
IP address is always 4 bytes in the current implementation.
If the relay tag is nonzero, Bob is offering to act as an introducer for Alice.
Alice may subsequently publish Bob's address and the relay tag in the network database.
For the signature, Bob must use his external port, as that what Alice will use to verify.
If Bob's NAT/firewall has mapped his internal port to a different external port,
and Bob is unaware of it, the verification by Alice will fail.
See <a href="#keys">the Keys section above</a> for details on DSA signatures.
Alice already has Bob's public signing key, from the network database.
Signed-on time appears to be unused or unverified in the current implementation.
The uninterpreted data could possibly be used in the future for challenges.
<h3 id="sessionConfirmed">SessionConfirmed (type 2)</h3>
This is the response to a Session Created message and the last step in establishing a session.
There may be multiple Session Confirmed messages required if the Router Identity must be fragmented.
<table border="1">
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Peer:</b></td>
<td>Alice to Bob</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Data:</b></td>
<li>1 byte identity fragment info:<pre>
Bit order: 76543210 (bit 7 is MSB)
bits 7-4: current identity fragment # 0-14
bits 3-0: total identity fragments (F) 1-15</pre></li>
<li>2 byte size of the current identity fragment</li>
<li>that many byte fragment of Alice's
<a href="common_structures_spec#struct_RouterIdentity">Router Identity</a>
<li>After the last identity fragment only:
<ul><li>4 byte signed-on time
<li>N bytes padding, currently uninterpreted
<li>After the last identity fragment only:
<ul><li>The last 40
bytes contain the <a href="common_structures_spec.html#type_Signature">DSA signature</a> of the critical exchanged
data (X + Y + Alice's IP + Alice's port + Bob's IP + Bob's port
+ Alice's new relay key + Alice's signed on time)</li>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Key used:</b></td>
<b>Fragment 0 through F-2</b>
|info| cursize | |
+----+----+----+ |
| fragment of Alice's full |
| Router Identity |
. . .
| |
| arbitrary amount of uninterpreted |
| data |
<b>Fragment F-1:</b>
|info| cursize | |
+----+----+----+ |
| last fragment of Alice's full |
| Router Identity |
. . .
| |
| signed on time | |
+----+----+----+----+ |
| arbitrary amount of uninterpreted |
| data, to 40 bytes prior to |
| end of the current packet |
| DSA signature |
+ +
| |
+ +
| |
+ +
| |
+ +
| |
Typical size including header, in current implementation: 480 bytes
In the current implementation, the maximum fragment size is 512 bytes.
The typical <a href="common_structures_spec.html#struct_RouterIdentity">Router Identity</a>
is 387 bytes, so no fragmentation is usually necessary.
There is no mechanism for requesting or redelivering missing fragments.
The total fragments field F must be set identically in all fragments.
See <a href="#keys">the Keys section above</a> for details on DSA signatures.
Signed-on time appears to be unused or unverified in the current implementation.
<h3 id="sessionDestroyed">SessionDestroyed (type 8)</h3>
The Session Destroyed message was implemented (reception only) in release 0.8.1,
and is never sent. Transmission implemented as of release 0.8.9.
<table border="1">
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Peer:</b></td>
<td>Alice to Bob or Bob to Alice</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Data:</b></td>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Key used:</b></td>
<td>sessionKey or introKey</td></tr>
| no data |
Typical size including header, in current implementation: 48 bytes
<h3 id="relayRequest">RelayRequest (type 3)</h3>
This is the first message sent from Alice to Bob to request an introduction to Charlie.
<table border="1">
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Peer:</b></td>
<td>Alice to Bob</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Data:</b></td>
<li>4 byte relay (introduction) tag, nonzero</li>
<li>1 byte IP address size</li>
<li>that many byte representation of Alice's IP address</li>
<li>2 byte port number (of Alice)</li>
<li>1 byte challenge size</li>
<li>that many bytes to be relayed to Charlie in the intro</li>
<li>Alice's 32-byte introduction key (so Bob can reply with Charlie's info)</li>
<li>4 byte nonce of Alice's relay request</li>
<li>N bytes, currently uninterpreted</li>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Key used:</b></td>
<td>introKey (or sessionKey, if Alice/Bob is established)</td></tr>
| relay tag |size| Alice IP addr
+----+----+----+----+----+--- +----+----|
| Port (A)|size| challenge bytes |
+----+----+----+----+ +
| to be delivered to Charlie |
| Alice's intro key |
+ +
| |
+ +
| |
+ +
| |
| nonce | |
+----+----+----+----+ |
| arbitrary amount of uninterpreted data|
Typical size including header, in current implementation: 96 bytes
IP address is always 4 bytes in the current implementation.
Challenge is unimplemented, challenge size is always zero
<h3 id="relayResponse">RelayResponse (type 4)</h3>
This is the response to a Relay Request and is sent from Bob to Alice.
<table border="1">
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Peer:</b></td>
<td>Bob to Alice</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Data:</b></td>
<li>1 byte IP address size</li>
<li>that many byte representation of Charlie's IP address</li>
<li>2 byte Charlie's port number</li>
<li>1 byte IP address size</li>
<li>that many byte representation of Alice's IP address</li>
<li>2 byte Alice's port number</li>
<li>4 byte nonce sent by Alice</li>
<li>N bytes, currently uninterpreted</li>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Key used:</b></td>
<td>introKey (or sessionKey, if Alice/Bob is established)</td></tr>
|size| Charlie IP | Port (C)|size|
| Alice IP | Port (A)| nonce
| arbitrary amount of |
+----+----+ |
| uninterpreted data |
Typical size including header, in current implementation: 64 bytes
IP address is always 4 bytes in the current implementation.
<h3 id="relayIntro">RelayIntro (type 5)</h3>
This is the introduction for Alice, which is sent from Bob to Charlie.
<table border="1">
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Peer:</b></td>
<td>Bob to Charlie</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Data:</b></td>
<li>1 byte IP address size</li>
<li>that many byte representation of Alice's IP address</li>
<li>2 byte port number (of Alice)</li>
<li>1 byte challenge size</li>
<li>that many bytes relayed from Alice</li>
<li>N bytes, currently uninterpreted</li>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Key used:</b></td>
|size| Alice IP | Port (A)|size|
| that many bytes of challenge |
+ |
| data relayed from Alice |
| arbitrary amount of uninterpreted data|
Typical size including header, in current implementation: 48 bytes
IP address is always 4 bytes in the current implementation.
Challenge is unimplemented, challenge size is always zero
<h3 id="data">Data (type 6)</h3>
This message is used for data transport and acknowledgment.
<table border="1">
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Peer:</b></td>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Data:</b></td>
<li>1 byte flags:<pre>
Bit order: 76543210 (bit 7 is MSB)
bit 7: explicit ACKs included
bit 6: ACK bitfields included
bit 5: reserved
bit 4: explicit congestion notification (ECN)
bit 3: request previous ACKs
bit 2: want reply
bit 1: extended data included (unused, never set)
bit 0: reserved</pre></li>
<li>if explicit ACKs are included:<ul>
<li>a 1 byte number of ACKs</li>
<li>that many 4 byte MessageIds being fully ACKed</li>
<li>if ACK bitfields are included:<ul>
<li>a 1 byte number of ACK bitfields</li>
<li>that many 4 byte MessageIds + a 1 or more byte ACK bitfield.
The bitfield uses the 7 low bits of each byte, with the high
bit specifying whether an additional bitfield byte follows it
(1 = true, 0 = the current bitfield byte is the last). These
sequence of 7 bit arrays represent whether a fragment has been
received - if a bit is 1, the fragment has been received. To
clarify, assuming fragments 0, 2, 5, and 9 have been received,
the bitfield bytes would be as follows:<pre>
byte 0
Bit order: 76543210 (bit 7 is MSB)
bit 7: 1 (further bitfield bytes follow)
bit 6: 1 (fragment 0 received)
bit 5: 0 (fragment 1 not received)
bit 4: 1 (fragment 2 received)
bit 3: 0 (fragment 3 not received)
bit 2: 0 (fragment 4 not received)
bit 1: 1 (fragment 5 received)
bit 0: 0 (fragment 6 not received)
byte 1
Bit order: 76543210 (bit 7 is MSB)
bit 7: 0 (no further bitfield bytes)
bit 6: 0 (fragment 7 not received)
bit 5: 0 (fragment 8 not received)
bit 4: 1 (fragment 9 received)
bit 3: 0 (fragment 10 not received)
bit 2: 0 (fragment 11 not received)
bit 1: 0 (fragment 12 not received)
bit 0: 0 (fragment 13 not received)</pre></li>
<li>If extended data included:<ul>
<li>1 byte data size</li>
<li>that many bytes of extended data (currently uninterpreted)</li></ul></li>
<li>1 byte number of fragments (can be zero)</li>
<li>If nonzero, that many message fragments. Each fragment contains:<ul>
<li>4 byte messageId</li>
<li>3 byte fragment info:<pre>
Bit order: 76543210 (bit 7 is MSB)
bits 23-17: fragment # 0 - 127
bit 16: isLast (1 = true)
bits 15-14: unused
bits 13-0: fragment size 0 - 16383</pre></li>
<li>that many bytes</li></ul>
<li>N bytes padding, uninterpreted</li>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Key used:</b></td>
|flag| (additional headers, determined |
+----+ |
| by the flags, such as ACKs or |
| bitfields |
|#frg| messageId | frag info |
| that many bytes of fragment data |
. . .
| |
| messageId | frag info | |
+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ |
| that many bytes of fragment data |
. . .
| |
| messageId | frag info | |
+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ |
| that many bytes of fragment data |
. . .
| |
| arbitrary amount of uninterpreted data|
The current implementation adds a limited number of duplicate acks for
messages previously acked, if space is available.
If the number of fragments is zero, this is an ack-only or keepalive message.
The ECN feature is unimplemented, and the bit is never set.
The want reply bit is always set in the current implementation.
Extended data is unimplemented and never present.
The current implementation does not pack multiple fragments into a single packet;
the number of fragments is always 0 or 1.
Take care not to exceed the maximum MTU even if there is a large number of
ACKs to send.
The protocol allows zero-length fragments but there's no reason to send them.
In SSU, the data uses a short 5-byte I2NP header followed by the payload
of the I2NP message instead of the standard 16-byte I2NP header.
The short I2NP header consists only of
the one-byte I2NP type and 4-byte expiration in seconds.
The I2NP message ID is used as the message ID for the fragment.
The I2NP size is assembled from the fragment sizes.
The I2NP checksum is not required as UDP message integrity is ensured by decryption.
<h3 id="peerTest">PeerTest (type 7)</h3>
See <a href="udp.html#peerTesting">the UDP overview page</a> for details.
<table border="1">
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Peer:</b></td>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Data:</b></td>
<li>4 byte nonce</li>
<li>1 byte IP address size</li>
<li>that many byte representation of Alice's IP address</li>
<li>2 byte Alice's port number</li>
<li>Alice's 32-byte introduction key</li>
<li>N bytes, currently uninterpreted</li>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>Key used:</b></td>
<td>introKey (or sessionKey if the connection has already been established)</td></tr>
| test nonce |size| Alice IP addr
| Port (A)| |
+----+----+----+ +
| Alice or Charlie's |
+ introduction key (Alice's is sent to +
| Bob and Charlie, while Charlie's is |
+ sent to Alice) +
| |
| +----+----+----+----+----+
| | arbitrary amount of |
|----+----+----+ |
| uninterpreted data |
Typical size including header, in current implementation: 80 bytes
IP address is always 4 bytes in the current implementation.
<h3 id="holePunch">HolePunch</h3>
A HolePunch is simply a UDP packet with no data.
It is unauthenticated and unencrypted.
It does not contain a SSU header, so it does not have a message type number.
It is sent from Charlie to Alice as a part of the Introduction sequence.
<h2><a name="sampleDatagrams">Sample datagrams</a></h2>
<b>Minimal data message (no fragments, no ACKs, no NACKs, etc)</b><br />
<i>(Size: 39 bytes)</i>
| MAC |
+ +
| |
| IV |
+ +
| |
|flag| time |flag|#frg| |
+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ |
| padding to fit a full AES256 block |
<b>Minimal data message with payload</b><br />
<i>(Size: 46+fragmentSize bytes)</i>
| MAC |
+ +
| |
| IV |
+ +
| |
|flag| time |flag|#frg|
messageId | frag info | |
+----+----+----+----+----+----+ |
| that many bytes of fragment data |
. . .
| |
{% endblock %}