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    # I2P website
    To run locally (for testing purposes):
    - Install proxychains, configure it for Tor
    - Pull in the dependencies:
    idk's avatar
    idk committed
        $ proxychains ./setup_venv.sh
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
        (you can also pull them non-anon by leaving out proxychains)
    - Compile translations (if you want to see them):
        $ ./compile-messages.sh
    - Start the webserver:
        $ ./runserver.py
    - Open the site at http://localhost:5000/
    ## Running a mirror
    If you want to mirror the I2P website, thanks! Here is a checklist:
    - Do not edit any of the files in `i2p2www/` 
      - In particular, do not change the `CANONICAL_DOMAIN` variable in
        `i2p2www/__init__.py`, it needs to point to the official site for SEO.
    - If you need to edit variables in `etc/update.vars`, copy the file to
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
      `etc/update.vars.custom` and edit appropriately.
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
    - If you want to enable caching, copy `i2p2www/settings.py.sample` to
      `i2p2www/settings.py` and edit appropriately.
    - Add `./site-updater.sh` to your crontab. This will keep the site updated,
      recompile the translations when necessary, and touch a file in `/tmp/`
      (look in `etc/update.vars` for the filename, your webserver should restart
      WSGI when the timestamp of this file changes).
    idk's avatar
    idk committed
    ## Running a mirror with Docker
    It's possible to set up a mirror using apache2 inside of a Docker container.
    It is intended to provide a HTTP server, to use HTTPS, using a reverse proxy
    is the easiest way. You should not need to make any modifications to the
    service running inside the container, but you may make the same modifications
    to the containerized mirror that you would to a normal mirror by changing your
    local copy of the site according to the recommendations in the previous 
    - To automatically start an HTTP mirror on port 8090, run: `site-updater-docker.sh`
    - When you have your mirror configured, add `site-updater-docker.sh` to your crontab
    to keep the site up-to-date.
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
    ## Configuration
    Configuration files for the various scripts are in `etc/`. Environment variables
    in `etc/translation.vars` can be overridden by creating the file
    `etc/translation.vars.custom` and re-defining the environment variables there.
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    ## Pulling updated translations from Transifex:
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
    1. Pull new and updated translations from Transifex:
        $ tx pull -a
    2. Correctly format the translations:
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
       Do NOT forget this step!
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
        $ ./update-existing-po.sh
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    3. Look for errors in po files:
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
        $ ./checkpo.sh
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    4. Find which po files have new strings:
        $ ./findpochanges.sh
    5. Check in the updated translations:
    idk's avatar
    idk committed
        # git instructions
        $ git commit -am "Updated translations"
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    6. Check in any new translations:
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
       First, look to see which translations are supported in i2pwww/__init__.py.
       For any new translations that are NOT in __init__.py,
       either delete the po directory i2p2www/translations/xx (if it's not translated enough to add it to the website),
       or add the language to the table in __init__.py (if it's translated enough to add it to the website).
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
    idk's avatar
    idk committed
        # git instructions
        $ git add i2p2www/translations/* && git commit -am "New translations"
    ## Pushing updated translation source (.pot) files to Transifex:
    1. Update the .pot files with any changes to the website text:
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
        $ ./extract-messages.sh
    2. Check in any changes to the .pot files (optional):
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
    idk's avatar
    idk committed
        # git instructions
        $ git commit -am "Updated translation strings"
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    3. Push pots file changes to Transifex:
    str4d's avatar
    str4d committed
        $ tx push -s
    ## Updating spec tags:
    ctags is used to generate references to the specifications.
    The tags file is i2p2www/spec/spectags.
    When the specifications are changed, the file should be regenerated and checked in.
    Command to generate the file:
        $ cd i2p2www/spec && ctags -f spectags --langdef=rst --langmap=rst:.rst --regex-rst=/_type-\([a-zA-Z0-9]+\)/\\1/t,type/ --regex-rst=/_struct-\([a-zA-Z0-9]+\)/\\1/s,struct/ --regex-rst=/_msg-\([a-zA-Z]+\)/\\1/m,msg/ -R -n *.rst