{% block title %}{{ _('Roadmap') }}{% endblock %}
This is the official project roadmap for the desktop and Android Java I2P releases only.
Some related tasks for resources such as the website and plugins may be included.
For details and discussion on specific items, search on gitlab or zzz.i2p.
For contents of past releases, see the release notes.
For other project goals, see the meeting notes.
We do not maintain separate unstable and stable branches or releases.
We have a single, stable release path.
Our normal release cycle is 13 weeks, with releases in
February, May, August, and November.
Older releases are at the bottom of the page.
<h2 id="1.5.0">1.5.0 (API 0.9.51)</h2>
<p><b>Released: Aug. 23, 2021</b></p>
Accelerate rekeying routers to ECIES
Implement new tunnel build messages (proposal 157)
Support dmg and exe automatic updates

X-I2P-Location(alt-svc) locations for built-in I2P Site

Create C, CGo, SWIG bindings for libi2pd
<h2 id="1.6.1">1.6.1 (API 0.9.52)</h2>
<p><b>Released: Nov. 29, 2021</b></p>
SSU performance improvements
Improve SSU peer test security
Add theme selection to new-install wizard
Continue work on SSU2 (proposal 159)
Send new tunnel build messages (proposal 157)
Include automatic browser configuration tool in IzPack installer
Make Fork-and-Exec Plugins Managable
Document jpackage install processes
Complete, document Go/Java Plugin Generation Tools
Reseed Plugin - Run a self-signed HTTPS reseed as a Java router plugin with no configuration.
Remove BOB
New i2psnark torrent editor
i2psnark standalone fixes and improvements
NetDB reliability improvements
Add popup messages in systray
NTCP2 performance improvements
Remove outbound tunnel when first hop fails
Fallback to exploratory for tunnel build reply after repeated client tunnel build failures
Restore tunnel same-IP restrictions
Refactor i2ptunnel UDP support for I2CP ports
Continue work on SSU2, start implementation (proposal 159)
Create Debian/Ubuntu Package of I2P Browser Profile
Create Plugin of I2P Browser Profile
Document I2P for Android applications
UDP Hidden Service/Client support in Hidden Services Manager
Automatic reseed servers from .onion URLs
i2pcontrol improvements
Plugin support improvements
New local outproxy plugin
IRCv3 message tag support
Continue implementation of SSU2 (proposal 159)
i2psnark UDP tracker support (proposal 160)
Improved outproxy support?

<h4><a href="roadmap-archive">{% trans %}Looking for older releases? Check the roadmap archive by following this link.{% endtrans %}</a></h4>