There's 6 versions times 2 VMs = 12 flavors x 5 OSes x a few architectures. Maybe "hotspot" doesn't work but "openj9" does? Still don't have version info from OP. I don't know of any way to have izpack accept or reject based on any of it.
I think I went with the defaults offered on the site for a Win64 installation. Error was the same as reported by echelon.
Regarding support, Windows is probably the main target as default Oracle Java is still at 1.8.. users on Linux distros will likely stick with whatever's in their repo.
@OP need to know if it was hotspot or openj9. If it was hotspot, please retest with openj9. It looks like hotspot doesn't contain a full set of libraries. Can't tell if openj9 does or not.
Ok, I did install the openj9 version 11.0.7_10, let the installer set JAVA_HOME and registry keys, did restart windows, and now it installs I2P 0.9.45.
Also did test with hotspot engine 11.0.7_10 and did set JAVA_HOME and Oracle registry settings (in installer both are disabled by default).
Also with this hotspot engine, I2P 0.9.45 did install successful.
Things move quickly in the AdoptOpenJDK world; few months ago they didn't have an option to add the Oracle registry keys which are pretty much considered the standard way of determining if a Java version is installed. I'm talking about "HKLM\Software\JavaSoft?\Java Runtime Environment"
Now I see they've adopted their own convention for the registry keys and it's likely it will take a while for the rest of the ecosystem to adapt.
So you're saying this is something for izpack to get on the same page with adoptopenjdk about, and we should just keep an eye on izpack and/or adoptopenjdk releases to see when they fix it?
So you're saying this is something for izpack to get on the same page with adoptopenjdk about, and we should just keep an eye on izpack and/or adoptopenjdk releases to see when they fix it?
If we decide to stick with IzPack?/Launch4J then yes. That is a strategic decision, see somewhat related ticket #2729