- Apr 14, 2004
<http://dev.i2p.net/pipermail/i2p/2004-April/000214.html>; * slightly revised locking; * made accept() throw a ConnectException when the I2PServerSocket is closed. (human)
- Apr 13, 2004
(while i want to spend another few days on it, there are more pressing things and this will meet my needs for testnet). the engine works as before, and the gui now actually plots out and follows the chart over time. The gui does have a lot of things left to be done before it can be adopted by joe sixpack - * load/store the URLs being monitored so you don't have to reenter them on each startup * clear out the x axis on refetch (now it just keeps growing, which is good and bad) * adjustable refresh rate * implement snapshots (saving all the current state files to a dir, and allowing that dir to be loaded all at once) * beautification (override the colors, etc) the net.i2p.heartbeat.** code is all public domain, BUT net.i2p.heartbeat.gui.JFreeChart* classes depend on the LGPL'ed jfreechart code, which in turn depends on apache licensed code (log4j). for the time being, this code doesn't include the jfreechart code (and dependencies), but the ant task in apps/heartbeat/java 'fetchJfreechart' downloads it and places it under apps/heartbeat/java/lib, after which you can build the GUI by running the ant task 'buildGUI' (buildGUI / etc are NOT in the standard build process). once we figure out all the details to comply with the requirements of log4j's license we'll do so. but for now, the above works.
- Apr 12, 2004
- implement some validation on the state files loaded - reenable delete and updates to refresh - integrate the real chart code (currently just plain text instead of the graphs) - gui updates i wont spend more than another day on this during the testnet, but i want to get it plotting before continuing.
- Apr 11, 2004
- Apr 10, 2004
developers to use the software in a particular way (to have the software display "Copyright \xa91996-1999 Corporation for National Research Initiatives; All Rights Reserved") section 3 has a similar problem. this violates the rule #2 of the i2p license policy - All software bundled in the I2P distributions will allow 2) use with no restrictions on how, when, where, why, or by whom is running it in addition, using jython does not seem wise for some situations, as the license is not GPL compatible (aka cannot be used with the GPL'ed SAM code) sorry for the confusion earlier aum, I had mistakenly seen a COPYING file and assumed it was Yet Another copy of the GPL. http://lists.debian.org/debian-python/2001/debian-python-200107/msg00001.html as well.
client sources in a dissected XML form. If you're working on I2P SAM, we strongly encourage you to install the Leo editor (http://leo.sf.net), and use it to edit the sources. Otherwise, we're stuck with the menial task of re-importing your changes into the Leo tree. Thanks for your understanding and co-operation.