- Jan 15, 2005
- Jan 14, 2005
- Jan 13, 2005
- Jan 12, 2005
- Jan 09, 2005
- Jan 07, 2005
- Jan 06, 2005
2005-01-06 jrandom * Added a startup message to the addressbook, printing its version number to stdout (which is sent to wrapper.config) when it loads. * Updated the addressbook to reread the config file periodically * Added orion.i2p to the list of eepsites on the default homepage
* Handle unexpected network read errors more carefully (thanks parg!) * Added more methods to partially compare (DataHelper) and display arrays (Base64.encode). * Exposed the AES encryptBlock/decryptBlock on the context.aes() * Be more generous on the throttle when just starting up the router * Fix a missing scheduled event in the streaming lib (caused after reset) * Add a new DisconnectListener on the I2PSocketManager to allow notification of session destruction. * Make sure our own router identity is valid, and if it isn't, build a new one and restart the router. Alternately, you can run the Router with the single command line argument "rebuild" and it will do the same.
- Jan 05, 2005
- Jan 04, 2005
- Jan 03, 2005
- Jan 01, 2005
- Dec 31, 2004
- Dec 30, 2004
* Revised the I2PTunnel client and httpclient connection establishment throttles. There is now a pool of threads that build the I2PSocket connections with a default size of 5, configurable via the I2PTunnel client option 'i2ptunnel.numConnectionBuilders' (if set to 0, it will not throttle the number of concurrent builders, but will launch a thread per socket during establishment). In addition, sockets accepted but not yet allocated to one of the connection builders will be destroyed after 30 seconds, configurable via 'i2ptunnel.maxWaitTime' (if set to 0, it will wait indefinitely).
- Dec 29, 2004
* Add in a new keepalive event on each TCP connection, proactively sending a (tiny) time message every minute or two, as well as killing the connection if no message has been fully sent within 5 minutes or so. This should help deal with hung connections from IP address changes.
- Dec 21, 2004
* Cleaned up the postinstall/startup scripts a bit more to handle winME, and added windows info to the headless docs. (thanks ardvark!) * Fixed a harmless (yet NPE inspiring) race during the final shutdown of a stream (thanks frosk!) * Add a pair of new stats for monitoring tunnel participation - tunnel.participatingBytesProcessed (total # bytes transferred) and tunnel.participatingBytesProcessedActive (total # bytes transferred for tunnels whose byte count exceed the 10m average). This should help further monitor congestion issues. * Made the NamingService factory property public (thanks susi!)
- Dec 20, 2004
- Dec 19, 2004
* Added a new i2ptunnel type: 'httpserver', allowing you to specify what hostname should be sent to the webserver. By default, new installs will have an httpserver pointing at their jetty instance with the spoofed name 'mysite.i2p' (editable on the /i2ptunnel/edit.jsp page).