- Apr 07, 2009
mathiasdm authored
mathiasdm authored
mathiasdm authored
and '578c30cf4a84f25eb899ab6d4278207bddeba259'
amiga4000 authored
mathiasdm authored
sponge authored
* BOB prevent jvac from optimizing out thread-group code from -10
zzz authored
zzz authored
to branch 'i2p.i2p' (head 2dc7a484f328618103dca0f5a9510e15e19f98c7)
sponge authored
* SimpleTimer2, SimpleScheduler fixed so that the threads all run from The main threadgroup, not in the current possible child threadgroup. So long as any SimpleTimer2/SimpleScheduler is started *BEFORE* any child threadgroups, the constructors are threadgroup safe. What would be super cool is if they were to be all jailed within thier very own threadgroup too, but, I2P isn't up to the task of this yet. * Fixes to BOB to ensure the above is true.
- Apr 06, 2009
sponge authored
SimpleScheduler SimpleTimer2 debugging added. Fix build files for desktopgui.
zzz authored
zzz authored
mathiasdm authored
New application for I2P: desktopgui. Should eventually replace systray, and have more functionality. To use the application, you need to (by default) add the following to clients.config : # desktopgui clientApp.6.args= clientApp.6.delay=5 clientApp.6.main=desktopgui.Main clientApp.6.name=desktopgui clientApp.6.startOnLoad=true
- Apr 04, 2009
- Apr 03, 2009
zzz authored
zzz authored
to branch 'i2p.i2p' (head d78bd9f06c2779f8bcf2f713dbb8679004aef101)
zzz authored
- Change default to "Download and verify" - Change news fetch default to 24h (was 12h)
zzz authored
sponge authored
* Router build version incremented to 5 now that the build succeeds.
zzz authored
sponge authored
* Fix broken dependencies for BOB.jar
- Apr 02, 2009
zzz authored
zzz authored
to branch 'i2p.i2p' (head 928500dd1439f4cf359ea90cb5349bfaa7d2194b)
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
to branch 'i2p.i2p' (head fc678c3fcf2b704921a3b8f4d8c35b5d68397f3b)
zzz authored
- Maintain a router hash -> IP map in transport, to support additional IP checks (unused for now) - Catch error on pre-2.6 kernels - Some concurrent conversion - Fix an HTML error on peers.jsp
zzz authored
zzz authored
- Remove unused calculators and RateStats: CapacityCalculator, StrictSpeedCalculator, IsFailingCalculator; sendFailureSize, processSuccessRate, processfailureRate, commErrorRate, tunnelTestResponseTimeSlow - Reduced number of Rates in these RateStats: sendSuccessSize, receiveSize, rejectRate, failRate - ~5KB/profile savings total - Deflate speed calculation once an hour instead of once a day, to improve fast tier selection
zzz authored
- Apr 01, 2009
zzz authored
- Spoof uptime to 90m for all - Change tunnel stats from 10m to 60m
http://forum.i2p/viewtopic.php?t=3231zzz authored
- Mar 30, 2009
zzz authored
zzz authored
to branch 'i2p.i2p' (head 9cb2795f19efeae08b9ecffa5137fd944de120c7)
zzz authored
- Limit peers to a max % of all tunnels with router.maxTunnelPercentage=nn, default 33 - Add chart to tunnels.jsp to see results
sponge authored
* 3 New jbigi build scripts and old ones fixed to work properly. * Some trivial BOB work.