- Dec 15, 2005
* Added multitorrent support to I2PSnark, accessible currently by running "i2psnark.jar --config i2psnark.config" (which may or may not exist). It then joins the swarm for any torrents in ./i2psnark/*.torrent, saving their data in that directory as well. Removing the .torrent file stops participation, and it is currently set to seed indefinitely. Completion is logged to the logger and standard output, with further UI interaction left to the (work in progress) web UI.
- Oct 19, 2005
The build in tracker has been removed for simplicity. Example usage: java -jar lib/i2psnark.jar myFile.torrent or, a more verbose setting: java -jar lib/i2psnark.jar --eepproxy 4444 \ --i2cp 7654 "inbound.length=2 outbound.length=2" \ --debug 6 myFile.torrent