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  1. Dec 05, 2014
    • zzz's avatar
      javadoc · 9953bc30
      zzz authored
    • zzz's avatar
      I2PTunnel: Reduce i2ptunnel threads, more thread pooling. · 5e67008d
      zzz authored
      Big savings is on client side (two less threads per connection)
       - Move client pool from static inI2PTunnelClientBase to TCG.
       - Use client pool for some server threads
       - Run some things inline that were formerly threads
       - Client-side I2PTunnelRunner thread used to do nothing but start 2 more
         threads; now it runs one inline (like we do for server-side HTTP)
       - Javadocs and cleanups
      Was originally intended to reduce load for high-traffic servers
      but most of the savings for now is on the client side.
      Ref: http://zzz.i2p/topics/1741
      Todo: Figure out how to run the HTTP client-side gunzipper inline too
      Todo: More server-side improvements
      Client side:
      4-5 threads, 1-2 pooled
        I2PTunnel Client Runner (BlockingRunner from client pool)
            starts I2PTunnelRunner or I2PTunnelHTTPClientRunner and exits
                starts StreamForwarder toI2P and waits
                starts StreamForwarder fromI2P and waits
                    starts HTTPResponseOutputStream (HTTP gunzip only) (from client pool)
      2-3 threads, 1-2 pooled
        I2PTunnel Client Runner (BlockingRunner from client pool)
            runs I2PTunnelRunner or I2PTunnelHTTPClientRunner inline
                starts StreamForwarder toI2P and waits
                runs StreamForwarder fromI2P inline
                    starts HTTPResponseOutputStream (HTTP gunzip only) (from client pool)
      Server side:
      1-4 threads, 0-1 pooled
        Server Handler Pool (Handler from server pool) execpt for standard server, blockingHandle() inline in acceptor
            starts I2PTunnelRunner or CompressedRequestor and exits
                starts StreamForwarder toI2P and waits   (inline for HTTP)
                starts StreamForwarder fromI2P and waits  (except not for HTTP GET)
      1-4 threads, 0-2 pooled
        Server Handler Pool (Handler from server pool) execpt for standard server, blockingHandle() inline in acceptor
            starts I2PTunnelRunner or CompressedRequestor and exits (using client pool)
                starts StreamForwarder toI2P and waits   (inline for HTTP)
                starts StreamForwarder fromI2P and waits  (except not for HTTP GET)
  2. Dec 02, 2014
  3. Nov 28, 2014
  4. Nov 27, 2014
  5. Nov 24, 2014
  6. Nov 22, 2014
  7. Nov 21, 2014
  8. Nov 13, 2014
    • zzz's avatar
      I2PTunnel: · 2f2aa7f5
      zzz authored
      - Fix bug that left server acceptor thread running after close
      - Add destroy() methods to release all resources when closing a tunnel for good,
        particularly the streaming timer threads
      - Use COWAL to prevent concurrency problems
      - Javadocs
      - Don't return null from accept() any more; actually throw
        ConnectException as the javadocs have always specified
      - Throw ConnectException from accept() if interrupted; previously caught and ignored
      - Throw exceptions from ConnectionHandler.accept(), not higher up
      - Close ServerSocket when ConnectionManager is shut down
      - Synchronize setActive(), clear queue when starting to accept,
        better handling of calls that don't change state
      - Javadocs
      ConfigClientsHelper: Call isPluginRunning() less often
      PluginStarter: Simplify detection of active threads
      Above changes mostly in support of zzzot plugin implementing ClientApp
      and being able to shut down completely so there are no threads
      in its thread group, so /configclients will all show status as stopped.
      Previously, the I2PTunnelServer acceptor thread and
      one or more streaming timer threads would remain.
  9. Nov 12, 2014
  10. Nov 11, 2014
  11. Nov 09, 2014
  12. Nov 08, 2014
  13. Nov 06, 2014
  14. Nov 05, 2014
  15. Nov 04, 2014
  16. Nov 02, 2014
    • zzz's avatar
      Console: Log warning if no pack200 · b28628b8
      zzz authored
    • zzz's avatar
      Reseed: SSL only by default · 702830ad
      zzz authored
    • zzz's avatar
      i2ptunnel: · 6ca0c54b
      zzz authored
      ECDSA default for all new server tunnels
      ECDSA default for streamr client tunnels
      Fix display of server destination on edit page when not running (privkey file path wasn't absolute)
      Fix display of persistent client key b32 on edit page when not running
      Fix display of server sig type on edit page when we have a privkey file
      Add KeysAndCert.getSigType()
  17. Nov 01, 2014
  18. Oct 31, 2014
  19. Oct 30, 2014
  20. Oct 29, 2014
  21. Oct 28, 2014