- Mar 26, 2006
- Feb 28, 2006
- Feb 27, 2006
- Feb 21, 2006
- Feb 16, 2006
- Feb 15, 2006
- Jan 13, 2006
- Jan 12, 2006
- Jan 11, 2006
- Jan 10, 2006
* Added the per-post list of attachments/blogs/etc to the blog view in Syndie (though this does not yet include comments or some further refinements) * Have the I2P shortcut launch i2p.exe instead of i2psvc.exe on windows, removing the dox box (though also removes the restart functionality...) * Give the i2p.exe the correct java.library.path to support the systray dll (thanks Bobcat, Sugadude, anon!)
- Dec 30, 2005
- Dec 22, 2005
2005-12-22 jrandom * Bundle the standalone I2PSnark launcher in the installer and update process (launch as "java -jar launch-i2psnark.jar", viewing the interface on http://localhost:8002/) * Don't autostart swarming torrents by default so that you can run a standalone I2PSnark from the I2P install dir and not have the embedded I2PSnark autolaunch the torrents that the standalone instance is running * Fixed a rare streaming lib bug that could let a blocking call wait forever.
- Dec 18, 2005
* Added a standalone runner for the I2PSnark web ui (build with the command "ant i2psnark", unzip i2psnark-standalone.zip somewhere, run with "java -jar launch-i2psnark.jar", and go to http://localhost:8002/). * Further I2PSnark error handling 2005-12-17 jrandom * Let multiuser accounts authorize themselves to access the remote functionality again (thanks Ch0Hag!) * Adjust the JVM heap size to 128MB for new installs (existing users can accomplish this by editing wrapper.config, adding the line "wrapper.java.maxmemory=128", and then doing a full shutdown and startup of the router). This is relevent for heavy usage of I2PSnark in the router console.
- Dec 01, 2005
- Nov 29, 2005
* Added back in the OSX jbigi, which was accidentally removed a few revs back (thanks for the bug report stoerte!) New installs will get the full jbigi, or you can pull the jbigi.jar from CVS by going to http://dev.i2p.net/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/i2p/installer/lib/jbigi/jbigi.jar and clicking on the first "download" link, saving that jbigi.jar to lib/jbigi.jar in your I2P installation directory. After restarting your router, it should load up fine.
- Nov 26, 2005
* Update the sorting in Syndie to consider children 'newer' than parents, even if they have the same message ID (duh) * Cleaned up some nav links in Syndie (good idea gloin, spaetz!) * Added a bunch of tooltips to Syndie's fields (thanks polecat!) * Force support for nonvalidating XML in Jetty (so we can handle GCJ/etc better)
- Nov 16, 2005
- Nov 15, 2005
- Nov 12, 2005
* Initial pass of the routerconsole revamp, starting with I2PTunnel and being progressively rolled out to other sections at later dates. Featuring abstracted W3C strict XHTML1.0 markup, with CSS providing layout and styling. * Implemented console themes. Users can create their own themes by creating css files in: {i2pdir}/docs/themes/console/{themename}/ and activating it using the routerconsole.theme={themename} advanced config property. Look at the example incomplete "defCon1" theme. Note: This is very much a work in progress. Folks might want to hold-off creating their own skins until the markup has solidified. * Added "routerconsole.javascript.disabled=true" to disable console client-side scripting and "routerconsole.css.disabled=true" to remove css styling (only rolled out in the i2ptunnel interface currently) * Fixed long standing bug with i2ptunnel client and server edit screens where tunnel count and depth properties would fail to save. Added backup quantity and variance configuration options. * Added basic accessibility support (key shortcuts, linear markup, alt and title information and form labels). * So far only tested on IE6, Firefox 1.0.6, Opera 8 and lynx.
- Nov 04, 2005
- Oct 29, 2005
* Improved the bandwidth throtting on tunnel participation, especially for low bandwidth peers. * Improved failure handling in SSU with proactive reestablishment of failing idle peers, and rather than shitlisting a peer who failed too much, drop the SSU session and allow a new attempt (which, if it fails, will cause a shitlisting) * Clarify the cause of the shitlist on the profiles page, and include bandwidth limiter info at the bottom of the peers page.
- Oct 19, 2005
* Bugfix for the auto-update code to handle different usage patterns * Decreased the addressbook recheck frequency to once every 12 hours instead of hourly. * Handle dynamically changing the HMAC size (again, unless your nym is toad or jrandom, ignore this ;) * Cleaned up some synchronization/locking code
- Oct 15, 2005
- Oct 14, 2005
- Oct 07, 2005
- Oct 01, 2005
- Sep 30, 2005
* Support noreseed.i2p in addition to .i2pnoreseed for disabling automatic reseeding - useful on OSes that make it hard to create dot files. Thanks Complication (and anon)! * Fixed the installer version string (thanks Frontier!) * Added cleaner rejection of invalid IP addresses, shitlist those who send us invalid IP addresses, verify again that we are not sending invalid IP addresses, and log an error if it happens. (Thanks Complication, ptm, and adab!)
- Sep 25, 2005
* Better i2paddresshelper handling in the I2PTunnel httpclient, plus a new conflict resolution page if the i2paddresshelper parameter differs from an existing name to destination mapping. 2005-09-25 jrandom * Fix a long standing streaming lib bug (in the inactivity detection code) * Improved handling of initial streaming lib packet retransmissions to kill the "lost first packet" bug (where a page shows up with the first few KB missing) * Add support for initial window sizes greater than 1 - useful for eepsites to transmit e.g. 4 packets full of data along with the initial ACK, thereby cutting down on the rtt latency. The congestion window size can and does still shrink down to 1 packet though. * Adjusted the streaming lib retransmission calculation algorithm to be more TCP-like.
- Sep 18, 2005
- Sep 17, 2005
* Added the natively compiled jbigi and patched java service wrapper for OS X. Thanks Bill Dorsey for letting me use your machine! * Don't build i2p.exe or i2pinstall.exe when run on OS X machines, as we don't bundle the binutils necessary (and there'd be a naming conflict if we did). * Added 'single user' functionality to syndie - if the single user checkbox on the admin page is checked, all users are allowed to control the instance and sync up with remote syndie nodes. * Temporarily disable the x-i2p-gzip in i2ptunnel until it is more closely debugged.
- Sep 16, 2005
* Adjust I2PTunnelHTTPServer so it can be used for outproxy operators (just specify the spoofed host as an empty string), allowing them to honor x-i2p-gzip encoding. * Let windows users build the exes too (thanks bar and redzara!) * Allow I2PTunnel httpserver operators to disable gzip compression on individual tunnels with the i2ptunnel.gzip=false client option (good idea susi!)