- Oct 05, 2005
- Sep 29, 2005
2005-09-29 jrandom * Let syndie users modify their metadata. * Reseed the router on startup if there aren't enough peer references known locally. This can be disabled by creating the file .i2pnoreseed in your home directory, and the existing detection and reseed handling on the web interface is unchanged.
- Dec 21, 2004
* Cleaned up the postinstall/startup scripts a bit more to handle winME, and added windows info to the headless docs. (thanks ardvark!) * Fixed a harmless (yet NPE inspiring) race during the final shutdown of a stream (thanks frosk!) * Add a pair of new stats for monitoring tunnel participation - tunnel.participatingBytesProcessed (total # bytes transferred) and tunnel.participatingBytesProcessedActive (total # bytes transferred for tunnels whose byte count exceed the 10m average). This should help further monitor congestion issues. * Made the NamingService factory property public (thanks susi!)
- Sep 29, 2004
- Sep 02, 2004