- Jan 20, 2005
- Jan 19, 2005
tunnel ID they listen on and make sure the previous peer doesn't change over time. The worst that a hostile peer could do is create a multiplicative work factor - they send N messages, causing N*#hops in the loop of bandwidth usage. This is identical to the hostile peer simply building a pair of tunnels and sending N messages through them. also added some discussion about the tradeoffs and variations wrt fixed size tunnel messages.
- Jan 18, 2005
- Jan 17, 2005
* Added meaningful support for adjusting the preferred message size in the streaming lib by setting the i2p.streaming.maxMessageSize=32768 (or whatever). The other side will mimic a reduction (but never an increase). * Always make sure to use distinct ConnectionOption objects for each connection (duh) * Reduced the default ACK delay to 500ms on in the streaming lib * Only shrink the streaming window once per window * Don't bundle a new jetty.xml with updates * Catch another local routerInfo corruption issue on startup.
- Jan 16, 2005
- Jan 15, 2005
* Added support to the eepproxy for URLs such as http://localhost:4444/eepproxy/foo.i2p/bar/baz or even http://localhost:4444/eepproxy/foo.i2p/?i2paddresshelper=base64
* Caught a series of (previously unhandled) errors caused by requeueing messages that had timed out on the TCP transport (thanks mae^!) * Reduce the barrier to dropping session tags on streaming lib resends - every fourth send should drop the tags, forcing ElGamal encryption. This will help speed up the recovery after a disconnect, rather than the drop every fifth send.
- Jan 14, 2005
- Jan 13, 2005
- Jan 12, 2005
- Jan 09, 2005
- Jan 07, 2005
- Jan 06, 2005
2005-01-06 jrandom * Added a startup message to the addressbook, printing its version number to stdout (which is sent to wrapper.config) when it loads. * Updated the addressbook to reread the config file periodically * Added orion.i2p to the list of eepsites on the default homepage
* Handle unexpected network read errors more carefully (thanks parg!) * Added more methods to partially compare (DataHelper) and display arrays (Base64.encode). * Exposed the AES encryptBlock/decryptBlock on the context.aes() * Be more generous on the throttle when just starting up the router * Fix a missing scheduled event in the streaming lib (caused after reset) * Add a new DisconnectListener on the I2PSocketManager to allow notification of session destruction. * Make sure our own router identity is valid, and if it isn't, build a new one and restart the router. Alternately, you can run the Router with the single command line argument "rebuild" and it will do the same.
- Jan 05, 2005
- Jan 04, 2005
- Jan 03, 2005
- Jan 01, 2005