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  1. Feb 16, 2005
    • jrandom's avatar
      2005-02-16 jrandom · 566a713b
      jrandom authored and zzz's avatar zzz committed
          * (Merged the 0.5-pre branch back into CVS HEAD)
          * Replaced the old tunnel routing crypto with the one specified in
            router/doc/tunnel-alt.html, including updates to the web console to view
            and tweak it.
          * Provide the means for routers to reject tunnel requests with a wider
            range of responses:
              probabalistic rejection, due to approaching overload
              transient rejection, due to temporary overload
              bandwidth rejection, due to persistent bandwidth overload
              critical rejection, due to general router fault (or imminent shutdown)
            The different responses are factored into the profiles accordingly.
          * Replaced the old I2CP tunnel related options (tunnels.depthInbound, etc)
            with a series of new properties, relevent to the new tunnel routing code:
              inbound.nickname (used on the console)
              inbound.quantity (# of tunnels to use in any leaseSets)
              inbound.backupQuantity (# of tunnels to keep in the ready)
              inbound.length (# of remote peers in the tunnel)
              inbound.lengthVariance (if > 0, permute the length by adding a random #
                                      up to the variance.  if < 0, permute the length
                                      by adding or subtracting a random # up to the
              outbound.* (same as the inbound, except for the, uh, outbound tunnels
                          in that client's pool)
            There are other options, and more will be added later, but the above are
            the most relevent ones.
          * Replaced Jetty 4.2.21 with Jetty 5.1.2
          * Compress all profile data on disk.
          * Adjust the reseeding functionality to work even when the JVM's http proxy
            is set.
          * Enable a poor-man's interactive-flow in the streaming lib by choking the
            max window size.
          * Reduced the default streaming lib max message size to 16KB (though still
            configurable by the user), also doubling the default maximum window
          * Replaced the RouterIdentity in a Lease with its SHA256 hash.
          * Reduced the overall I2NP message checksum from a full 32 byte SHA256 to
            the first byte of the SHA256.
          * Added a new "netId" flag to let routers drop references to other routers
            who we won't be able to talk to.
          * Extended the timestamper to get a second (or third) opinion whenever it
            wants to actually adjust the clock offset.
          * Replaced that kludge of a timestamp I2NP message with a full blown
          * Substantial memory optimizations within the router and the SDK to reduce
            GC churn.  Client apps and the streaming libs have not been tuned,
          * More bugfixes thank you can shake a stick at.
      2005-02-13  jrandom
          * Updated jbigi source to handle 64bit CPUs.  The bundled jbigi.jar still
            only contains 32bit versions, so build your own, placing libjbigi.so in
            your install dir if necessary.  (thanks mule!)
          * Added support for libjbigi-$os-athlon64 to NativeBigInteger and CPUID
            (thanks spaetz!)
  2. Nov 21, 2004
    • jrandom's avatar
      2004-11-21 jrandom · 2c594357
      jrandom authored and zzz's avatar zzz committed
          * Allow end of line comments in the hosts.txt and other config files,
            using '#' to begin the comments (thanks susi!)
          * Add support to I2PTunnel's 'client' feature for picking between multiple
            target destinations (e.g. 'client 6668 irc.duck.i2p,irc.baffled.i2p')
          * Add a quick link on the left hand nav to reseed if there aren't enough
            known peers, as well as link to the config page if there are no active
            peers.  Revised config page accordingly.