- Sep 04, 2009
- Sep 02, 2009
- Sep 01, 2009
- Aug 30, 2009
zzz authored
- Enable per-client SessionKeyManagers for better anonymity - tagsDelivered() now means tags are sent, not acked. - OCMOSJ uses the new TagSetHandle object returned from tagsDelivered() to call tagsAcked() or failTags() as appropriate. - Assume tags delivered on an established session to reduce streaming lib stalls caused by massive tag deliveries; should increase throughput and window sizes on long-lived streams - Unacked tagsets on a new session are stored on a separate list - Don't kill an OB Session just because it's temporarily out of tags - Increase min tag threshold to 30 (was 20) due to new speculative tags delivered scheme, and to increase effective max window - More Java 5 and dead code cleanups, and more comments and javadoc, debug logging cleanups
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
to branch 'i2p.i2p.zzz.test' (head e118104e3601f3c56d3a84594fb35de6d902da8f)
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
- Aug 28, 2009
- Aug 27, 2009
zzz authored
zzz authored
to branch 'i2p.i2p' (head 33e55422045b9b3c8ae410162f5cca3eb9baae49)
zzz authored
zzz authored
- Adjust the random drop probability for the message size
zzz authored
zzz authored
- Adjust the random drop probability for the message size
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
- Fail if no date handshake after 30s or no leaseset after 5m, rather than hanging forever.
- Aug 26, 2009
zzz authored
- Replace with new DecayingHashSet for 3 of 4 uses, and also in the 4th if the router is low-bandwidth. Saves 8 MB heap.
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
killing the router
zzz authored
- New I2PSocketEepGet fetches through existing tunnels rather than through the proxy - Use new eepget for i2psnark - Add a fake user agent for non-proxied fetches - Cleanups
- Aug 25, 2009
zzz authored
- oops, store leaseset locally even when shutting down (fix -16) - Java 5 cleanups * PRNG: - Rename config option to prng.buffers (was router.prng.buffers) - Change the default from 16 to 2 for I2PAppContext (saves 3.5MB) * TunnelPool: - Don't test tunnels when shutting down - Less rates - Java 5 cleanups
- Aug 24, 2009