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  1. Dec 31, 2011
    • kytv's avatar
      Add CPU type check for OSX · 4c76a93a
      kytv authored
      I removed Tanuki's broken CPU "bitness" check for OSX in
      3db46be1ede7d858b6c319905cf310d99227eb29. With this commit I add one that
      works. Note that at this point we don't use the "bitness" checking because we
      ship a quad-fat wrapper for OSX. Unfortunately, one can only manipulate the osx
      binaries with "lipo" which is only available in OSX. In the future we may want
      to use the "bitness" logic.
      In any case, the old check set the bits to 64 for Leopard and above, but just
      because a Mac is running Leopard or Snow Leopard doesn't mean it's 64bit
      capable. This addition of mine will actually check the flags using sysctl. I'm
      not using uname because OSX < Lion starts in 32bit mode by default (but can
      still run 64bit binaries).
  2. Dec 19, 2011
    • kytv's avatar
      i2prouter: set locale environment variables if LANG not set · bd14dc31
      kytv authored
      Check for /etc/environment and /etc/default/locale and retrieve/set locale
      variables from them--but only if LANG is unset. This should help in those
      cases in which someone is starting I2P as a daemon using an initscript and I2P is
      starting /before/ the environment is configured, leading to the wrong file
      encoding being detected.
  3. Dec 10, 2011
  4. Nov 21, 2011
  5. Nov 09, 2011
  6. Nov 02, 2011
    • kytv's avatar
      Gentoo compatibility · 32a4ccc5
      kytv authored
      Update i2prouter to be more compatible with Gentoo systems and add a commented out entry to wrapper.config
  7. Sep 30, 2011
  8. Sep 29, 2011
  9. Sep 18, 2011
  10. Sep 13, 2011
  11. Sep 12, 2011
    • kytv's avatar
    • kytv's avatar
      update of the i2prouter script based upon Tanuki's 3.5.9 script · c8395df5
      kytv authored
      With this check-in comes an update of our i2prouter script based upon the
      script src/bin/sh.script.in from the 3.5.9 source tarball of the wrapper.
      Some of the benefits of this newer version include:
      - logic to determine which wrapper binary to use (32bit VS 64bit) and falling
        back to alternate "bitness." This would be most useful for portable packages.
      - support for far more platforms and archs than the 3.1.1 based script (such as
        Solaris, risc, os/390, HP-UX, AIX, mips, ia64, etc.)
      - support for installing I2P as a daemon in most UNIX-based environments with
        the command "i2prouter install".  The installed service can be removed with
        "i2prouter remove". With testing this option has been confirmed to work in
        OSX, Fedora, Slackware, Debian, Ubuntu, FreeBSD, and SuSE.  It does not work
        in Arch Linux (yet).
  12. Jun 21, 2011
  13. Feb 15, 2010
  14. Jan 26, 2010
  15. Oct 26, 2009
  16. Jul 26, 2009
  17. Jun 13, 2009
    • zzz's avatar
      * i2prouter: · 24daf006
      zzz authored
            - Don't cd to script location, no longer required
          * RouterLaunch:
            - If no wrapper, put wrapper.log in system temp dir
              unless specified with -Dwrapper.logfile=/path/to/wrapper.log
              or it already exists in CWD (for backward compatibility)
            - Append rather than replace wrapper.log
            - Pass wrapper log location to router as a property, so that logs.jsp can find it
          * logs.jsp:
            - Get wrapper log location from a property too
          * runplain.sh:
            - Add path substitution to runplain.sh on install
            - Pass I2P base dir to the router as a property
          * wrapper.config:
            - Put wrapper.log in system temp dir for new installs
            - Pass I2P base dir to the router as a property
          * WorkingDir:
            - Don't migrate an existing install by default
            - Never migrate the data (too hard)
  18. Jun 12, 2009
    • zzz's avatar
      * Installer: · daf078d4
      zzz authored
            - Add install and temp path substitution to wrapper.config and
              i2prouter on install
  19. Sep 08, 2004
    • hypercubus's avatar
      * Bugfix: Running the installer as a non-privileged user on Red Hat (and · 58461ff5
      hypercubus authored and zzz's avatar zzz committed
         hopefully any other affected *nix systems) now properly discards non-
         essential directories after installation.
      * Support for Win9x in the installer and postinstall.bat.
      * Changed the name of the default installation directory on all platforms
         from "I2P" to "i2p" in the installer.
      * Changed "wrapper.conf" to "wrapper.config" for naming consistency with the
         other configuration files.
  20. Aug 29, 2004
  21. Aug 26, 2004
  22. Aug 24, 2004
  23. Aug 19, 2004