- Sep 23, 2014
- Sep 22, 2014
- Sep 21, 2014
- Sep 20, 2014
- Sep 19, 2014
zzz authored
- Sep 18, 2014
- Sep 17, 2014
zzz authored
- Prep for future enhancements by refactoring to a state machine model - Reduce object churn; use SimpleByteCache - Synchronization - Define some constants - More finals - Log tweaks
kytv authored
kytv authored
uk), and English po file updates
kytv authored
Updates to geoip.txt and geoipv6.dat.gz based on the Maxmind GeoLite Country database from 2014-09-04.
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
- Forward port from trunk: Don't send HTML-only headers for icons (2nd try) - Consolidate HTML header code - Set no-cache headers - Don't set HTML headers for redirects
- Sep 16, 2014
zzz authored
- Sep 15, 2014
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
- Move from core to RouterKeyGenerator in router.jar - Leave RoutingKeyGenerator as a simple abstract class - DatabaseEntry now uses timestamp instead of mod data to determine if mod data has changed. Don't expose mod data to DatabaseEntry any more. - I2PAppContext.routingKeyGenerator() now returns null; you must be in RouterContext to get a generator.
- Sep 14, 2014
zzz authored
- Fix IB ACKBitfield.highestReceived() - More efficient OMS.acked() - Log tweaks
zzz authored
- Add ACKBitfield.highestReceived() for efficiency - Only write as many partial bitfield bytes as required, rather than 10 (for 64 bits) every time. - Don't allow more than 10 bytes when reading in bitfield - Don't send an extra byte if (fragments % 7) == 0 - Don't send a corrupt ack packet if the partial ack got completed (race) - Log tweaks
zzz authored
Rewrite PartialBitfield for efficiency, less space and object churn SSU ACKBitfield: Add ackCount() PeerState.fetchPartialACKs() improvements
zzz authored
Fix SSU Output Queue errors due to races with PacketBuilder: - Remove all buffer caching as it can't be made thread-safe. Just allocate buffer in constructor and let GC handle it - Do fragmenting in constructor and make all fragment fields final - Don't track per-fragment retransmissions as it wasn't used - Move ack tracking from an array to a long - Sync all ack methods - Entire class now thread-safe (thx dg)