- Feb 16, 2005
- Feb 15, 2005
- Feb 14, 2005
- Feb 11, 2005
* Initial check-in of Pants, a new utility to help us manage our 3rd-party dependencies (Fortuna, Jetty, Java Service Wrapper, etc.). Some parts of Pants are still non-functional at this time so don't mess with it yet unless you want to potentially mangle your working copy of CVS.
- Feb 09, 2005
- Feb 08, 2005
- Feb 07, 2005
- Feb 06, 2005
- Feb 04, 2005
- Feb 03, 2005
- Feb 01, 2005
- Jan 28, 2005
- Jan 27, 2005
* i2pProxy.pac, i2pbench.sh, and i2ptest.sh are now shipped with the dist packages and installed to $i2pinstalldir/scripts. * Added command line params to i2ptest.sh and i2pbench.sh: --gij to run them using gij + libgcj, and --sourcedir to run them from the source tree instead of the installation directory. * Fixed unreachable for() statement clause in the KBucketImpl class that was causing gcj to toss a compilation warning (jrandom++).
- Jan 26, 2005
- Jan 25, 2005
* added more inbound tests * made the tunnel preprocessing header more clear and included better fragmentation support (still left: tests for outbound tunnel processing, structures and jobs to integrate with the router, remove that full SHA256 from each and every I2NPMessage or put a smaller one at the transport layer, and all the rest of the tunnel pooling/building stuff)
- Jan 24, 2005
- Jan 23, 2005
- Jan 22, 2005
- Jan 21, 2005