- Nov 13, 2014
zzz authored
- Fix bug that left server acceptor thread running after close - Add destroy() methods to release all resources when closing a tunnel for good, particularly the streaming timer threads - Use COWAL to prevent concurrency problems - Javadocs Streaming: - Don't return null from accept() any more; actually throw ConnectException as the javadocs have always specified - Throw ConnectException from accept() if interrupted; previously caught and ignored - Throw exceptions from ConnectionHandler.accept(), not higher up - Close ServerSocket when ConnectionManager is shut down - Synchronize setActive(), clear queue when starting to accept, better handling of calls that don't change state - Javadocs ConfigClientsHelper: Call isPluginRunning() less often PluginStarter: Simplify detection of active threads Above changes mostly in support of zzzot plugin implementing ClientApp and being able to shut down completely so there are no threads in its thread group, so /configclients will all show status as stopped. Previously, the I2PTunnelServer acceptor thread and one or more streaming timer threads would remain.
- Nov 12, 2014
kytv authored
kytv authored
and 'f61d617d9bfd5759366102b0b5ff45effde08e84'
kytv authored
- move signing to ant macros so they can be used by multiple build targets - add support for signed devbuilds - add support for generating i2pseeds.su3 (for testing)
zzz authored
zzz authored
str4d authored
Source: https://github.com/str4d/ed25519-java Git commit: 58e4efadf972f4dc4f67c05152f82b49fb22bac6
str4d authored
Source: https://github.com/str4d/ed25519-java Git commit: 58e4efadf972f4dc4f67c05152f82b49fb22bac6
- Nov 11, 2014
- Nov 10, 2014
zzz authored
- Nov 09, 2014
- Nov 08, 2014
- Nov 06, 2014
zzz authored
zzz authored
to branch 'i2p.i2p' (head e7f2b0990f1ff9ab0e0d8633ac2faf35a993b917)
zzz authored
zzz authored
- Add new opentrackers, remove welterde - Support multiple default opentrackers - Don't link to opentrackers at the top
zzz authored
Recognize router.newsRefreshFrequency=0 as "never"
zzz authored
Disallow SSDP port
str4d authored
- Nov 05, 2014
- Nov 04, 2014
- Nov 02, 2014
zzz authored
- Add block size to superblock - Add span size to skiplist block - Bump version to 1.2
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
ECDSA default for all new server tunnels ECDSA default for streamr client tunnels Fix display of server destination on edit page when not running (privkey file path wasn't absolute) Fix display of persistent client key b32 on edit page when not running Fix display of server sig type on edit page when we have a privkey file Add KeysAndCert.getSigType() Javadocs
- Nov 01, 2014