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  1. Jun 15, 2009
    • zzz's avatar
      * i2psnark build: · 2ca0ae75
      zzz authored
            - Move FetchAndAdd to static inner class
            - Remove duplicate classes from i2psnark.war (120KB);
              fixes sporadic FetchAndAdd IllegalAccessError
            - Fix standalone build to include i2psnark.jar since classes
              aren't in the .war anymore
            - Have standalone jetty use I2PAppContext temp directory
            - Replace launch-i2psnark.jar with launch-i2psnark script,
              since RunStandalone is in i2p.jar
            - Clean up jetty-i2psnark.xml, turn off jetty logging
            - Remove standalone build from the pkg target in the main build.xml
  2. Jun 14, 2009
    • zzz's avatar
      * I2PTunnel: · 9b866b8e
      zzz authored
            - fix i2ptunnel.config save location
    • zzz's avatar
      * ReseedHandler: · 4d4954c5
      zzz authored
            - check for upper case HREF to be compatible with apache indexes
    • zzz's avatar
      * news.xml: · 17751ffd
      zzz authored
            - move from base to router dir
  3. Jun 13, 2009
    • zzz's avatar
      * ConsoleRunner: · e5ec72b0
      zzz authored
            - Fix webapps file path
          * SusiDNS:
            - Fix addressbook file path
          * Systray:
            - Fix NPE if no config file
            - Fix config file path
          * WorkingDir:
            - Modify clients.config so jetty can find the jetty.xml file
            - Rip out all the existing-installation migration code
            - Rip out migration code now done by izpack parsable
            - Fix copy of empty directories
    • zzz's avatar
      * i2prouter: · 24daf006
      zzz authored
            - Don't cd to script location, no longer required
          * RouterLaunch:
            - If no wrapper, put wrapper.log in system temp dir
              unless specified with -Dwrapper.logfile=/path/to/wrapper.log
              or it already exists in CWD (for backward compatibility)
            - Append rather than replace wrapper.log
            - Pass wrapper log location to router as a property, so that logs.jsp can find it
          * logs.jsp:
            - Get wrapper log location from a property too
          * runplain.sh:
            - Add path substitution to runplain.sh on install
            - Pass I2P base dir to the router as a property
          * wrapper.config:
            - Put wrapper.log in system temp dir for new installs
            - Pass I2P base dir to the router as a property
          * WorkingDir:
            - Don't migrate an existing install by default
            - Never migrate the data (too hard)
  4. Jun 11, 2009
    • zzz's avatar
      * Console: · d9cb4e26
      zzz authored
            - Move the console css from default.css in the .war to docs/themes/console/console.css,
              and support console themes in the main console with routerconsole.theme=foo
    • zzz's avatar
      fix typo · 290af4c1
      zzz authored
    • zzz's avatar
      Remove unused NoticeHelper · 11ad98e7
      zzz authored
  5. Jun 06, 2009
    • zzz's avatar
      * Console: · fd4e57aa
      zzz authored
            - More conversions to getBaseDir()
          * Router:
            - Improve installUpdates() error handling
          * BrowserLauncher:
            - Use temp dir
  6. Jun 05, 2009
    • sponge's avatar
      2009-06-05 sponge · 2f6ae994
      sponge authored
          * BOB now cleans up tunnels, although they can take up to 5 minutes to
            disapear. This is due to the fact that the streaming lib doesn't
            actually remove the connections properly and kill them off when the
            manager is destroyed. I'm not certain if this is a bug, or a feature,
            but it sure is annoying, and you have to wait for the connections to
            time out. What should happen is the streaming lib should cause an IO
            error to the pending read or write.
  7. Jun 04, 2009
    • zzz's avatar
      Big directory rework. · 524a25eb
      zzz authored
      Eliminate all uses of the current working directory, and
      set up multiple directories specified by absolute paths for various uses.
      Add a WorkingDir class to create a user config directory and
      migrate files to it for new installs.
      The directory will be $HOME/.i2p on linux and %APPDIR%\I2P on Windows,
      or as specified in the system property -Di2p.dir.config=/path/to/i2pdir
      All files except for the base install and temp files will be
      in the config directory by default.
      Temp files will be in a i2p-xxxxx subdirectory of the system temp directory
      specified by the system property java.io.tmpdir.
      Convert all file opens in the code to be relative to a specific directory,
      as specified in the context. Code and applications should never open
      files relative to the current working directory (e.g. new File("foo")).
      All files should be accessed in the appropriate context directory,
      e.g. new File(_context.getAppDir(), "foo").
      The router.config file location may be specified as a system property on ...
    • zzz's avatar
      Add standby indication to i2ptunnel page · 6c349d0e
      zzz authored
    • zzz's avatar
      * I2PTunnel: · 7e1e3c3c
      zzz authored
            - Fix bug where delayed-open and close-on-idle tunnels would
              use a different tunnel pool instead of building their own
  8. Jun 03, 2009
  9. Jun 01, 2009
  10. May 30, 2009
  11. May 29, 2009
  12. May 28, 2009
    • zzz's avatar
      * Console: · 65ae9138
      zzz authored
            - config.jsp now cause graceful restart
          * UPnP:
            - Tweak to help startup problems
         * UDP:
            - Only save IP when it changes
  13. May 26, 2009
    • zzz's avatar
      * Console: · 2f1d6e3f
      zzz authored
            - Use CSS for form messages
            - Goodbye nonce spoof message
            - tunnels.jsp improvements
    • zzz's avatar
      * Streaming: · 32dddac7
      zzz authored
            - Fix infinite loop through the SYN queue caused by race,
              resulting in high CPU, OOMs, etc.
    • zzz's avatar
      clean up configlogging.jsp · 91c38977
      zzz authored
  14. May 24, 2009
  15. May 22, 2009
  16. May 21, 2009
  17. May 20, 2009
  18. May 19, 2009
  19. May 16, 2009
  20. May 15, 2009
  21. May 13, 2009
  22. May 12, 2009
  23. May 11, 2009
  24. May 10, 2009