- Sep 06, 2011
kytv authored
- Sep 04, 2011
kytv authored
and 'fb1eccf1532a765266448fe4a13c6f833539a37b'
kytv authored
and 'd49c39f3e1dd314595a8608df8761f77520c6550'
zzz authored
and '929973e4fe14793240e998315d396a19461655ee'
kytv authored
kytv authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
This isn't the cause of the ISJ deadlocks though.
zzz authored
kytv authored
The developers don't hang out in #i2p. They're in #i2p-dev.
- Sep 03, 2011
- Sep 02, 2011
- Sep 01, 2011
- Aug 31, 2011
kytv authored
essentially useless. Perhaps later I'll add a target using launch4j.
kytv authored
The default service path in Windows is fugly and not very convenient. I2P uses the correct path, but if you want to access snark or eepsite data, one must go to %SYSTEMROOT%\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\I2P\ (Vista/7) or %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\systemprofile\Application Data\I2P (XP/2003). If this wasn't bad enough, in some cases one must take ownership of this path and grant permission to him- or herself to access the folder. With this changeset, I'm setting the path to %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\I2P as well as adding a shortcut to the I2P folder in the Start menu.
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
- Aug 30, 2011
zzz authored
* I2PTunnelHTTPClient: Use existing session for b32 lookups rather than a new SimpleSession * Naming: Increase b32 lookup timeout to 15 sec.
- Aug 29, 2011
zzz authored
zzz authored
- Increase timeouts on all deferred netdb lookups to 15s; add lookup stats - Cleanups, javadocs, log tweaks
zzz authored
- Replace the old parallel lookup method with a true Kademlia lookup that iteratively queries additional floodfill peers returned in DatabaseSearchReplyMessages. This is a more efficient and reliable lookup that will work much better when not all floodfill peers are known, and it removes a serious limitation to network growth. - Limit max number of DSRM entries to look up - Cleanups, javadocs, log tweaks
zzz authored
- Aug 28, 2011