- Oct 19, 2005
The build in tracker has been removed for simplicity. Example usage: java -jar lib/i2psnark.jar myFile.torrent or, a more verbose setting: java -jar lib/i2psnark.jar --eepproxy 4444 \ --i2cp 7654 "inbound.length=2 outbound.length=2" \ --debug 6 myFile.torrent
* Bugfix for the auto-update code to handle different usage patterns * Decreased the addressbook recheck frequency to once every 12 hours instead of hourly. * Handle dynamically changing the HMAC size (again, unless your nym is toad or jrandom, ignore this ;) * Cleaned up some synchronization/locking code
- Oct 18, 2005
- Oct 15, 2005
- Oct 14, 2005
* Bundled dust's Sucker for pulling RSS/Atom content into SML, which can then be injected into Syndie with the Syndie CLI. * Bundled ROME and JDOM (BSD and Apache licensed, respectively) for RSS/Atom parsing. 2005-10-13 jrandom * SSU retransmission choke bugfix (== != !=) * Include initial transmissions in the retransmission choke, so that if we are already retransmitting a message, we won't send anything to that peer other than that message (or ACKs, if necessary)
- Oct 13, 2005
* Choke SSU retransmissions to a peer while there is already a retransmission in flight to them. This currently lets other initial transmissions through, since packet loss is often sporadic, but maybe this should block initial transmissions as well? * Display the retransmission bytes stat on peers.jsp (thanks bar!) * Filter QUIT messages in the I2PTunnelIRCClient proxy
- Oct 11, 2005
- Oct 10, 2005
* Implemented a new I2PTunnelIRCClient which locally filters inbound and outbound IRC commands for anonymity and security purposes, removing all CTCP messages except ACTION, as well as stripping the hostname from the USER message (while leaving the nick and 'full name'). The IRC proxy doesn't use this by default, but you can enable it by creating a new "IRC proxy" tunnel on the web interface, or by changing the tunnel type to "ircclient" in i2ptunnel.config. 2005-10-10 jrandom * I2PTunnel http client config cleanup and stats * Minor SSU congestion tweaks and stats * Reduced netDb exploration period
* Implemented a new I2PTunnelIRCClient which locally filters inbound and outbound IRC commands for anonymity and security purposes, removing all CTCP messages except ACTION, as well as stripping the hostname from the USER message (while leaving the nick and 'full name'). The IRC proxy doesn't use this by default, but you can enable it by creating a new "IRC proxy" tunnel on the web interface, or by changing the tunnel type to "ircclient" in i2ptunnel.config. 2005-10-10 jrandom * I2PTunnel http client config cleanup and stats * Minor SSU congestion tweaks and stats * Reduced netDb exploration period
- Oct 09, 2005
* Finished syndie address auto-import. If syndie.importAddresses=true in syndie.config, then new addresses will automatically be imported to the router's petname db. If importaddresses=true in a user's config file, then new addresses will automatically be imported to that users pername db, when they're logged in.
* Now that the streaming lib works reasonably, set the default inactivity event to send a 0 byte keepalive payload, rather than disconnecting the stream. This should cut the irc netsplits and help out with other long lived streams. The default timeout is now less than the old timeout as well, so the keepalive will be sent before earlier builds fire their fatal timeouts.
- Oct 07, 2005
* Allow the I2PTunnelHTTPServer to send back the first few packets of an HTTP response quicker, and initialize the streaming lib's cwin more carefully. * Added a small web UI to the new Syndie scheduled updater. If you log in as a user authorized to use the remote archive funtionality, you can request remote archives in your address book to be automatically pulled down by checking the "scheduled?" checkbox.
- Oct 05, 2005
- Oct 04, 2005
- Oct 03, 2005
- Oct 01, 2005
- Sep 30, 2005
* Support noreseed.i2p in addition to .i2pnoreseed for disabling automatic reseeding - useful on OSes that make it hard to create dot files. Thanks Complication (and anon)! * Fixed the installer version string (thanks Frontier!) * Added cleaner rejection of invalid IP addresses, shitlist those who send us invalid IP addresses, verify again that we are not sending invalid IP addresses, and log an error if it happens. (Thanks Complication, ptm, and adab!)
- Sep 29, 2005
2005-09-29 jrandom * Let syndie users modify their metadata. * Reseed the router on startup if there aren't enough peer references known locally. This can be disabled by creating the file .i2pnoreseed in your home directory, and the existing detection and reseed handling on the web interface is unchanged.
- Sep 28, 2005
- Sep 27, 2005
* I2PTunnel bugfix (thanks Complication!) * Increase the SSU cwin slower during congestion avoidance (at k/cwin^2 instead of k/cwin) * Limit the number of inbound SSU sessions being built at once (using half of the i2np.udp.maxConcurrentEstablish config prop) * Don't shitlist on a message send failure alone (unless there aren't any common transports). * More careful bandwidth bursting
- Sep 26, 2005
* Reworded the SSU introductions config section (thanks duck!) * Force identity content encoding for I2PTunnel httpserver requests (thanks redzara!) * Further x-i2p-gzip bugfixes for the end of streams * Reduce the minimum bandwidth limits to 3KBps steady and burst (though I2P's performance at 3KBps is another issue) * Cleaned up some streaming lib structures
- Sep 25, 2005
* Allow reseeding on the console if the netDb knows less than 30 peers, rather than less than 10 (without internet connectivity, we keep the last 15 router references) * Reenable the x-i2p-gzip HTTP processing by default, flushing the stream more aggressively. * Show the status that used to be called "ERR-Reject" as "OK (NAT)" * Reduced the default maximum number of streaming lib resends of a packet (10 retransmits is a bit much with a reasonable RTO)
* Better i2paddresshelper handling in the I2PTunnel httpclient, plus a new conflict resolution page if the i2paddresshelper parameter differs from an existing name to destination mapping. 2005-09-25 jrandom * Fix a long standing streaming lib bug (in the inactivity detection code) * Improved handling of initial streaming lib packet retransmissions to kill the "lost first packet" bug (where a page shows up with the first few KB missing) * Add support for initial window sizes greater than 1 - useful for eepsites to transmit e.g. 4 packets full of data along with the initial ACK, thereby cutting down on the rtt latency. The congestion window size can and does still shrink down to 1 packet though. * Adjusted the streaming lib retransmission calculation algorithm to be more TCP-like.