- Oct 14, 2013
- Oct 13, 2013
- Oct 12, 2013
zzz authored
- Make I2PSocketFull.close() nonblocking; it will now cause any user-side writes blocked in I/O (Connection.packetSendChoke()) to throw an exception (tickets #629, #1041) - Don't ignore InterruptedExceptions; throw InterruptedIOException - Back out static disconnect exception - MessageInputStream locking fixes - Cleanups I2PSnark: - Close socket before closing output stream to avoid blocking in Peer.disconnect(), and prevent Peer.disconnect() loop
- Oct 09, 2013
zzz authored
- Combine getPeers and announce into a single method, as we must announce to the closest from the getPeers, not the closest from the kbuckets - Stop getPeers when nothing closer is found
zab2 authored
zab2 authored
zab2 authored
zzz authored
- Increase dest lookup and search timeouts - Increase max search depth - Loop tracker client faster when in magnet mode - Loop tracker client faster if DHT announce fails - Don't return an empty peers list if we only know about the requestor - volatiles, log tweaks - Major fixes of getPeers() to follow
- Oct 08, 2013
- Oct 07, 2013
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
(unlikely as we don't show the "hide news" button for initial news) Also prevent string IOOBE
zzz authored
- Thread news fetcher so it doesn't clog the scheduler
zzz authored
- Make Destination and RouterIdentity keys and cert immutable - Add Destination cache
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
- Oct 06, 2013
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
to branch 'i2p.i2p' (head a1c2ba4663abc7470f427c6a14854707d58b486a) Prop from branch i2p.i2p.zzz.ecdsa: * Build: - Generate su3 file in release target - Add zzz's new RSA 4096 pubkey cert for updates - Fix checkcerts.sh * Console: Move advanced setting to HelperBase * DSAEngine changes: - Implement raw sign/verify for other SigTypes - Add sign/verify methods using Java keys * ECDSA Support: - Add ECConstants which looks for named curves and falls back to explicitly defining the curves - Add support for ECDSA to SigType, DSAEngine and KeyGenerator - Attempt to add BC as a Provider - genSpec: fallback to BC provider * EepGet: - Fix non-proxied PartialEepGet - Prevent non-proxied eepget for an I2P host * KeyGenerator changes: - Generate key pairs for all supported SigTypes - KeyPairGen: Catch ProviderException, fallback to BC provider - Add KeyGenerator main() tests * KeyRing and DirKeyRing added: simple backend for storing X.509 certs * KeyStoreUtil added: - Consolidate KeyStore code from SSLEepGet, I2CPSSLSocketFactory, SSLClientListenerRunner, and RouterConsoleRunner into new KeyStoreUtil and CertUtil classes in net.i2p.crypto (ticket #744) - Change default to RSA 2048 (ticket #1017) - Set file modes on written keys - Overwrite check in createKeys() - New getCert(), getKey() - Extend keygen max wait - Read back private key to verify after keygen - Validate cert after reading from file - Validate CN in cert - Specify cert signature algorithm when generating keys * NativeBigInteger: Tweak to prevent early context instantiation * RSA support added: constants, parameters, sig types, support in DSAEngine, KeyGenerator, SigUtil * SHA1Hash: Add no-arg constructor * SigType changes: - Add parameters (curve specs) to SigTypes - Add getHashInstance() - Add RSA, fix ECDSA - Renumber, rename, comment out types that are too short. * SigUtil added: - Converters from Java formats (ASN.1, X.509, PKCS#8) to I2P formats for Signatures and SigningKeys - Move ASN.1 converter from DSAEngine to SigUtil, generalize for variable length, add support for longer sequences, add more sanity checks, add more exceptions - Move I2P-to-Java DSA key conversion from DSAEngine to SigUtil - Add Java-to-I2P DSA key conversion - Add Java key import - New split() and combine() methods * SSLEepGet: Move all certificates to certificates/ssl, in preparation for other certificate uses by SU3File * SU3File changes: - Support all SigTypes - Implement keygen - Readahead to get sigtype on verify, as we need the hash type - Enum for content type - Add unknown content type, make default - Fix NPE if private key not found or sign fails - Store generated keys in keystore, and get private key from keystore for signing, in Java format - Use Java keys to sign and verify so we don't lose the key parameters in the conversion to I2P keys - Type checking of Java private key vs. type when signing - Use certs instead of public keys for verification - Fix arg processing - Improve validate-without-extract - New extract command - Change static fields to avoid early context init - Reduce PRNG buffer size for faster signing * Update: Preliminary work for su3 router updates: - New ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3 UpdateType - Add support for torrent and HTTP - Refactor UpdateRunners to return actual UpdateType - Deal with signed/su3 conflicts - Verify and extract su3 files. - Stub out support for clearnet su3 updating - New config for proxying news, separate from proxying update - PartialEepGet and SSLEepGet tweaks to support clearnet update - Remove proxy, key, and url config from /configupdate - More URI checks in UpdateRunner - Add https support for news fetch - Add su3 mime type - Reset found version in update loop so we don't fetch from the next host too. - Prevent NPE on version after SSL fetch
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
zzz authored
- Check proxy setting before calling runner for method
zzz authored
- Reset found version in update loop so we don't fetch from the next host too. - Prevent NPE on version after SSL fetch - Fix su3 version check * EepGet: - Fix non-proxied PartialEepGet - Prevent non-proxied eepget for an I2P host - Fail if no hostname in URL
zzz authored