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Commit b1beb46c authored by zzz's avatar zzz
Browse files

propagate from branch 'i2p.i2p.i2p-' (head adbe93ae091c4ca78306ef94968a0c1d788e2c01)

            to branch 'i2p.i2p' (head f541ec6c1ca7ffae49e31ee75559695d64152fa1)
parents 5998f5c9 6606c83c
No related branches found
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project basedir="." default="all" name="jetty">
<property name="jetty.sha1" value="021164f84da7304bd1ff07c268b45aa3e0b13322" />
<property name="jetty.md5" value="a61adc832be6baf2678935506743cfc3" />
<property name="jetty.url" value="http://mesh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/jetty/jetty-5.1.12.zip" />
<property name="jetty.filename" value="jetty-5.1.12.zip" />
<target name="all" depends="build" />
<target name="fetchJettylib" >
<available property="jetty.zip.available" file="jetty-5.1.12.zip" type="file" />
<target name="ensureJettylib" >
<available property="jetty.zip.available" file="${jetty.filename}" type="file" />
<available property="jetty.zip.extracted" file="jettylib" type="dir" />
<ant target="doFetchJettylib" />
<ant target="doExtractJettylib" />
<ant target="fetchJettylib" />
<ant target="verifyJettylib" />
<ant target="extractJettylib" />
<target name="doFetchJettylib" unless="jetty.zip.available" >
<echo message="The libraries contained within the fetched file are from Jetty's 5.1.12" />
<echo message="distribution (http://jetty.mortbay.org/). These are not " />
<echo message="necessary for using I2P, but are used by some applications on top of I2P," />
<echo message="such as the routerconsole." />
<get src="http://mesh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/jetty/jetty-5.1.12.zip" verbose="true" dest="jetty-5.1.12.zip" />
<target name="fetchJettylib" unless="jetty.zip.available" >
<echo message="It seems that you don't have '${jetty.filename}' deployed." />
<echo message="The build script can download this file for you automatically," />
<echo message="or alternatively you can obtain it manually from:" />
<echo message="${jetty.url}" />
<echo message="" />
<echo message="The libraries contained in the fetched file provide the Jetty web server" />
<echo message="(http://jetty.mortbay.org/). They are not absolutely necessary" />
<echo message="but strongly recommended, since they are used by some applications" />
<echo message="on top of I2P, like the router console." />
<echo message="" />
<echo message="Even if you deploy the Jetty archive manually, the build script will" />
<echo message="still attempt to verify its checksums, which must be:" />
<echo message="SHA1 ${jetty.sha1}" />
<echo message="MD5 ${jetty.md5}" />
<echo message="" />
<input message="Download Jetty archive automatically?" validargs="y,n" addproperty="jetty.download" />
<fail message="Aborting as requested. Please deploy the Jetty archive manually." >
<equals arg1="${jetty.download}" arg2="n"/>
<get src="${jetty.url}" verbose="true" dest="${jetty.filename}" />
<target name="doExtractJettylib" unless="jetty.zip.extracted" >
<ant target="doExtract" />
<target name="verifyJettylib" >
<condition property="jetty.zip.verified" >
<checksum file="${jetty.filename}" algorithm="SHA" property="${jetty.sha1}" />
<checksum file="${jetty.filename}" algorithm="MD5" property="${jetty.md5}" />
<fail message="Jetty archive does not match its checksums!" >
<istrue value="${jetty.zip.verified}" />
<target name="doExtract">
<unzip src="jetty-5.1.12.zip" dest="." />
<target name="extractJettylib" unless="jetty.zip.extracted" >
<unzip src="${jetty.filename}" dest="." />
<mkdir dir="jettylib" />
<copy todir="jettylib">
<fileset dir="jetty-5.1.12/lib">
......@@ -30,7 +69,7 @@
<fileset dir="jetty-5.1.12/ext">
<include name="ant.jar" />
<include name="commons-el.jar" />
<include name="commons-logging.jar" />
<include name="commons-logging.jar" />
<include name="jasper-compiler.jar" />
<include name="jasper-runtime.jar" />
<include name="javax.servlet.jar" />
......@@ -40,7 +79,8 @@
<delete dir="jetty-5.1.12" />
<target name="build" depends="fetchJettylib" />
<target name="build" depends="ensureJettylib" />
<target name="builddep" />
<target name="compile" />
<target name="jar" />
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
<copy file="router/java/build/router.jar" todir="build/" />
<target name="buildWEB">
<ant dir="apps/jetty" target="fetchJettylib" />
<ant dir="apps/jetty" target="ensureJettylib" />
<ant dir="apps/routerconsole/java" target="build" />
<copy file="apps/routerconsole/java/build/routerconsole.jar" todir="build/" />
<copy file="apps/routerconsole/java/build/routerconsole.war" todir="build/" />
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Release checklist
Sync with mtn.i2p2.i2p
Start with a clean checkout mtn -d i2p.mtn co --branch=i2p.i2p
Double-check trust list
Deploy the Jetty archive, a clean checkout lacks it
Change revision in:
......@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ Change revision in:
Build and tag:
ant dist
mtn ci
mtn tag i2p-0.6.1.xx h:
mtn tag h: i2p-0.6.1.xx
Sync with mtn.i2p2.i2p
Create a signed update file with:
......@@ -33,12 +34,23 @@ Make the source tarball:
tar cjf i2psource-0.6.1.xx.tar.bz2 --exclude i2p-0.6.1.xx/_MTN i2p-0.6.1.xx
mv i2p-0.6.1.xx.tar.bz2 i2p.i2p
More signatures:
sha1sum i2pinstall.exe i2p.tar.bz2 i2psource-0.6.1.xx.tar.bz2 i2pupdate.zip
gpg -b i2pinstall.exe
gpg -b i2p.tar.bz2
gpg -b i2p-0.6.1.xx.tar.bz2
gpg -b i2pupdate.zip
Until the build script gets this ability, you need to rename some files:
mv i2pinstall.exe i2pinstall-0.6.1.xx.exe
mv i2p.tar.bz2 i2pheadless-0.6.1.xx.tar.bz2
mv i2pupdate.zip i2pupdate-0.6.1.xx.zip
you probably don't need to rename i2pupdate.sud
Generate hashes:
sha1sum i2p*0.6.1.xx.*
sha1sum i2pupdate.sud
now GPG-sign an announcement with the hashes
Generate PGP signatures:
gpg -b i2pinstall-0.6.1.xx.exe
gpg -b i2pheadless-0.6.1.xx.tar.bz2
gpg -b i2psource-0.6.1.xx.tar.bz2
gpg -b i2pupdate-0.6.1.xx.zip
gpg -b i2pupdate.sud
Distribute files to download locations and to www.i2p2.i2p
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ package net.i2p;
public class CoreVersion {
public final static String ID = "$Revision: 1.72 $ $Date: 2007-08-23 19:33:31 $";
public final static String VERSION = "";
public final static String VERSION = "";
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println("I2P Core version: " + VERSION);
2008-03-08 zzz
* ClientPeerSelector: Implement strict ordering of peers,
based on XOR distance from a random hash
separately generated for each tunnel pool
2008-03-09 Complication
* Give the Jetty build file ability to ask permission
before downloading the Jetty archive from the web,
and to verify its SHA1 + MD5 hashes. Adjust the main build file
in accordance with this change.
* Improve the release checklist.
* 2008-03-09 released
2008-03-07 zzz
* Naming: Optimize lookups for a destkey
* ProfileOrganizer, TunnelPoolSettings, ClientPeerSelector:
- Prevent peers with matching IPs from joining same tunnel.
Match 0-4 bytes of IP (0=off, 1=most restrictive, 4=least).
Default is 2 (disallow routers in same /16).
Set with router.defaultPool.IPRestriction=x
- Comment out unused RebuildPeriod pool setting
- Add random key to pool in preparation for XOR peer ordering
* SusiMail: Add 'Create Account' link
* TunnelDispatcher: Change a common wtf error to a warn
2008-03-05 zzz
* Naming: Make HostsTxt the sole default NamingService
(was Meta = PetName + HostsTxt)
* Naming: Add two new experimental NamingServices, EepGet and Exec,
not enabled by default -
see source comments in core/java/src/net/i2p/client/naming
for configuration instructions
* i2psnark: Don't do a naming lookup for Base64 destkeys
* i2psnark: Add a StartAll button
* Stats: Add code to disable most stats to save memory.
Set on configstats.jsp or set stat.full=false to disable the stats.
(true by default for now)
* Update news and version numbers
2008-03-01 zzz
* Fix netdb.knownLeaseSets count reported by floodfill routers
<i2p.news date="$Date: 2008-02-10 15:00:00 $">
<i2p.release version="" date="2008/02/10" minVersion="0.6"
<i2p.news date="$Date: 2008-03-09 15:00:00 $">
<i2p.release version="" date="2008/03/09" minVersion="0.6"
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<author name="I2P" email="http://forum.i2p.net"/>
<i2p.news date="$Date: 2008-02-10 15:00:00 $">
<i2p.release version="" date="2008/02/10" minVersion="0.6"
<i2p.news date="$Date: 2008-03-09 15:00:00 $">
<i2p.release version="" date="2008/03/09" minVersion="0.6"
......@@ -9,6 +9,19 @@
publiclogs="http://www.i2p.net/meeting141" />
2008-03-09: <b> Released</b>
The release contains a new, more efficient
tunnel build algorithm, and fixes participating tunnel counts.
These changes should help network capacity, so please
upgrade when you get a chance.
This release also increases the default inbound bandwidth limit to 32KBps.
You may wish to adjust your limits on
<a href="config.jsp">config.jsp</a>.
2008-02-29: <b>Upcoming Release</b>
......@@ -25,24 +38,9 @@ If you already have three Update URLs, you do not have to do anything.
2008-02-10: <b> released</b>
The transitional release will make the I2P
release process independent of jrandom and *.i2p.net servers,
introducing two new update verification keys, adding support
for distributed update hosting inside I2P, and changing many URLs.
It introduces version 2 of the SAM protocol,
along with substantial improvements to the address book,
I2PSnark and ircproxy. Unless you have already done that,
read about the update procedure below.
2008-02-05: <b>Upcoming Release</b>
2008-02-05: <b>Upgrading from and Earlier Releases</b>
And, since i2p's lead developer
Since i2p's lead developer
<a href="http://dreamtheaterfan.i2p/jrandom-awol.html">has gone AWOL</a>,
we do not have his update signing key or write access to
<a href="http://www.i2p/">www.i2p</a> or
......@@ -51,13 +49,12 @@ Complication and zzz have generated new signing keys, and they and Amiga are pro
update file hosting. These changes must be configured in your router to take effect.
Make the following configuration changes and your router will automatically install
the upcoming release when it becomes available.
The release will include SAM v2, new jump server links, and addressbook, IRC proxy, and i2psnark improvements.
the latest release.
We recommend the automated process as it will verify the key of the signed update file.
If you do not make these changes,
you will still be able to manually download the new i2pupdate.zip file from locations to
be announced.
you may manually download the i2pupdate.zip file from
<a href="http://www.i2p2.i2p/download.html">www.i2p2.i2p/download</a>.
<a href="configupdate.jsp">configupdate.jsp</a>:
......@@ -84,18 +81,13 @@ Add the following line:
Click "Apply"
You are now ready to automatically receive the update when it becomes available,
You are now ready to automatically receive the release update file,
either by setting your update policy to "download and install" or by clicking on the
"update available" link when it appears.
If you would like to verify the trusted update keys, they are also
<a href="http://stats.i2p/i2p/signingkeys.html">posted and signed here</a>.
The new release will be announced here, on
<a href="http://forum.i2p/">the forums</a>, on IRC, and on Syndie.
New users may install from the
<a href="http://www.i2p2.de/download">www.i2p2.de download page</a>.
Thank you for your support during this transition. For help please contact us on #i2p.
Amiga, Complication, welterde, zzz
......@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ import net.i2p.CoreVersion;
public class RouterVersion {
public final static String ID = "$Revision: 1.548 $ $Date: 2008-02-10 15:00:00 $";
public final static String VERSION = "";
public final static long BUILD = 3204;
public final static String VERSION = "";
public final static long BUILD = 1;
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println("I2P Router version: " + VERSION + "-" + BUILD);
System.out.println("Router ID: " + RouterVersion.ID);
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