Revert the last check-in and correct my earlier addition of Czech.
The Czech language is CZ but the Czech country is CZ.
- LICENSE.txt 0 additions, 1 deletionLICENSE.txt
- apps/routerconsole/java/src/net/i2p/router/web/ 1 addition, 1 deletion...erconsole/java/src/net/i2p/router/web/
- apps/routerconsole/jsp/index.jsp 1 addition, 1 deletionapps/routerconsole/jsp/index.jsp
- build.xml 2 additions, 2 deletionsbuild.xml
- history.txt 0 additions, 3 deletionshistory.txt
- installer/resources/icons/flags/cs.png 0 additions, 0 deletionsinstaller/resources/icons/flags/cs.png

| W: | H:
| W: | H: