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SSU2: More WIP

parent ae2b99b1
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package net.i2p.router.transport.udp;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import net.i2p.I2PAppContext;
import net.i2p.data.DataFormatException;
import net.i2p.data.DataHelper;
import net.i2p.data.i2np.I2NPMessage;
import net.i2p.data.i2np.I2NPMessageException;
import net.i2p.data.i2np.I2NPMessageImpl;
import net.i2p.data.router.RouterInfo;
* SSU2 Payload generation and parsing
* @since 0.9.54
class SSU2Payload {
public static final int BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE = 3;
private static final int BLOCK_DATETIME = 0;
private static final int BLOCK_OPTIONS = 1;
private static final int BLOCK_ROUTERINFO = 2;
private static final int BLOCK_I2NP = 3;
private static final int BLOCK_FIRSTFRAG = 4;
private static final int BLOCK_FOLLOWONFRAG = 5;
private static final int BLOCK_TERMINATION = 6;
private static final int BLOCK_RELAYREQ = 7;
private static final int BLOCK_RELAYRESP = 8;
private static final int BLOCK_RELAYINTRO = 9;
private static final int BLOCK_PEERTEST = 10;
private static final int BLOCK_NEXTNONCE = 11;
private static final int BLOCK_ACK = 12;
private static final int BLOCK_ADDRESS = 13;
private static final int BLOCK_INTROKEY= 14;
private static final int BLOCK_RELAYTAGREQ = 15;
private static final int BLOCK_RELAYTAG = 16;
private static final int BLOCK_NEWTOKEN = 17;
private static final int BLOCK_PATHCHALLENGE = 18;
private static final int BLOCK_PATHRESP = 19;
private static final int BLOCK_PADDING = 254;
* For all callbacks, recommend throwing exceptions only from the handshake.
* Exceptions will get thrown out of processPayload() and prevent
* processing of succeeding blocks.
public interface PayloadCallback {
public void gotDateTime(long time) throws DataFormatException;
public void gotI2NP(I2NPMessage msg) throws I2NPMessageException;
* @param expires 0 for frag greater than 1
* @param type 0 for frag greater than 1
public void gotFragment(byte[] data, long messageID, int type, long expires, int frag, boolean isLast) throws DataFormatException;
* @param ranges null if none
public void gotACK(long ackThru, int acks, byte[] ranges);
* @param isHandshake true only for message 3 part 2
public void gotOptions(byte[] options, boolean isHandshake) throws DataFormatException;
* @param ri will already be validated
* @param isHandshake true only for message 3 part 2
public void gotRI(RouterInfo ri, boolean isHandshake, boolean flood) throws DataFormatException;
* @param data is first gzipped and then fragmented
* @param isHandshake true only for message 3 part 2
public void gotRIFragment(byte[] data, boolean isHandshake, boolean flood, boolean isGzipped, int frag, int totalFrags);
public void gotAddress(byte[] ip, int port);
public void gotIntroKey(byte[] key);
public void gotRelayTagRequest();
public void gotRelayTag(long tag);
public void gotToken(long token, long expires);
* @param lastReceived in theory could wrap around to negative, but very unlikely
public void gotTermination(int reason, long lastReceived);
* For stats.
* @param paddingLength the number of padding bytes, not including the 3-byte block header
* @param frameLength the total size of the frame, including all blocks and block headers
public void gotPadding(int paddingLength, int frameLength);
public void gotUnknown(int type, int len);
* Incoming payload. Calls the callback for each received block.
* @return number of blocks processed
* @throws IOException on major errors
* @throws DataFormatException on parsing of individual blocks
* @throws I2NPMessageException on parsing of I2NP block
public static int processPayload(I2PAppContext ctx, PayloadCallback cb,
byte[] payload, int off, int length, boolean isHandshake)
throws IOException, DataFormatException, I2NPMessageException {
int blocks = 0;
boolean gotPadding = false;
boolean gotTermination = false;
int i = off;
final int end = off + length;
while (i < end) {
int type = payload[i++] & 0xff;
if (gotPadding)
throw new IOException("Illegal block after padding: " + type);
if (gotTermination && type != BLOCK_PADDING)
throw new IOException("Illegal block after termination: " + type);
if (isHandshake && blocks == 0 && type != BLOCK_DATETIME)
throw new IOException("Illegal first block in handshake: " + type);
int len = (int) DataHelper.fromLong(payload, i, 2);
i += 2;
if (i + len > end) {
throw new IOException("Block " + blocks + " type " + type + " length " + len +
" at offset " + (i - 3 - off) + " runs over frame of size " + length +
'\n' + net.i2p.util.HexDump.dump(payload, off, length));
switch (type) {
// don't modify i inside switch
if (len != 4)
throw new IOException("Bad length for DATETIME: " + len);
long time = DataHelper.fromLong(payload, i, 4) * 1000;
byte[] options = new byte[len];
System.arraycopy(payload, i, options, 0, len);
cb.gotOptions(options, isHandshake);
int flag = payload[i] & 0xff;
boolean flood = (flag & 0x01) != 0;
boolean gz = (flag & 0x02) != 0;
int frag = payload[i + 1] & 0xff;
int fnum = frag >> 4;
int ftot = frag & 0x0f;
if (ftot == 0)
throw new IOException("Bad fragment count for ROUTERINFO: " + ftot);
if (fnum == 0 && ftot == 1) {
RouterInfo alice = new RouterInfo();
ByteArrayInputStream bais;
if (gz) {
byte decompressed[] = DataHelper.decompress(payload, i + 2, len - 2);
bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(decompressed);
} else {
bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(payload, i + 2, len - 2);
alice.readBytes(bais, true);
cb.gotRI(alice, isHandshake, flood);
} else {
byte[] data = new byte[len - 2];
System.arraycopy(payload, i + 2, data, 0, len - 2);
cb.gotRIFragment(data, isHandshake, flood, gz, fnum, ftot);
case BLOCK_I2NP:
if (isHandshake)
throw new IOException("Illegal block in handshake: " + type);
I2NPMessage msg = I2NPMessageImpl.fromRawByteArrayNTCP2(ctx, payload, i, len, null);
if (isHandshake)
throw new IOException("Illegal block in handshake: " + type);
if (len < 9)
throw new IOException("Bad length for FIRSTFRAG: " + len);
int mtype = payload[i] & 0xff;
long id = DataHelper.fromLong(payload, i + 1, 4);
long exp = DataHelper.fromLong(payload, i + 5, 4) * 1000;
byte[] data = new byte[len - 9];
System.arraycopy(payload, i + 9, data, 0, len - 9);
cb.gotFragment(data, id, mtype, exp, 0, false);
if (isHandshake)
throw new IOException("Illegal block in handshake: " + type);
if (len < 5)
throw new IOException("Bad length for FOLLOWON: " + len);
int frag = (payload[i] & 0xff) >> 1;
boolean isLast = (payload[i] & 0x01) != 0;
long id = DataHelper.fromLong(payload, i + 1, 4);
byte[] data = new byte[len - 5];
System.arraycopy(payload, i + 5, data, 0, len - 5);
cb.gotFragment(data, id, 0, 0, frag, isLast);
case BLOCK_ACK: {
if (isHandshake)
throw new IOException("Illegal block in handshake: " + type);
if (len < 5 || (len % 2) != 1)
throw new IOException("Bad length for ACK: " + len);
long ack = DataHelper.fromLong(payload, i, 4);
int acnt = payload[i + 4] & 0xff;
int rcnt = len - 5;
byte[] ranges;
if (rcnt > 0) {
ranges = new byte[rcnt];
System.arraycopy(payload, i + 5, ranges, 0, rcnt);
} else {
ranges = null;
cb.gotACK(ack, acnt, ranges);
if (len != 6 && len != 18)
throw new IOException("Bad length for Address: " + len);
int port = (int) DataHelper.fromLong(payload, i, 2);
byte[] ip = new byte[len - 2];
System.arraycopy(payload, i + 2, ip, 0, len - 2);
cb.gotAddress(ip, port);
if (len < 4)
throw new IOException("Bad length for RELAYTAG: " + len);
long tag = DataHelper.fromLong(payload, i, 4);
if (len < 12)
throw new IOException("Bad length for NEWTOKEN: " + len);
long exp = DataHelper.fromLong(payload, i, 4) * 1000;
long token = DataHelper.fromLong8(payload, i + 4);
cb.gotToken(token, exp);
if (isHandshake)
throw new IOException("Illegal block in handshake: " + type);
if (len < 9)
throw new IOException("Bad length for TERMINATION: " + len);
long last = DataHelper.fromLong8(payload, i);
int rsn = payload[i + 8] & 0xff;
cb.gotTermination(rsn, last);
gotTermination = true;
gotPadding = true;
cb.gotPadding(len, length);
if (isHandshake)
throw new IOException("Illegal block in handshake: " + type);
cb.gotUnknown(type, len);
i += len;
if (isHandshake && blocks == 0)
throw new IOException("No blocks in handshake");
return blocks;
* @param payload writes to it starting at off
* @return the new offset
public static int writePayload(byte[] payload, int off, List<Block> blocks) {
for (Block block : blocks) {
off = block.write(payload, off);
return off;
* Base class for blocks to be transmitted.
* Not used for receive; we use callbacks instead.
public static abstract class Block {
private final int type;
public Block(int ttype) {
type = ttype;
/** @return new offset */
public int write(byte[] tgt, int off) {
tgt[off++] = (byte) type;
// we do it this way so we don't call getDataLength(),
// which may be inefficient
// off is where the length goes
int rv = writeData(tgt, off + 2);
DataHelper.toLong(tgt, off, 2, rv - (off + 2));
return rv;
* @return the size of the block, including the 3 byte header (type and size)
public int getTotalLength() {
return BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE + getDataLength();
* @return the size of the block, NOT including the 3 byte header (type and size)
public abstract int getDataLength();
/** @return new offset */
public abstract int writeData(byte[] tgt, int off);
public String toString() {
return "Payload block type " + type + " length " + getDataLength();
public static class RIBlock extends Block {
private final byte[] data;
private final int doff, dlen;
private final boolean f, gz;
private final int fr, frt;
* Whole thing
public RIBlock(byte[] ridata, boolean flood, boolean gzipped) {
this(ridata, 0, ridata.length, flood, gzipped, 0, 1);
* Fragment
public RIBlock(byte[] ridata, int off, int len, boolean flood, boolean gzipped, int frag, int total) {
data = ridata;
doff = off;
dlen = len;
f = flood;
gz = gzipped;
fr = frag;
frt = total;
public int getDataLength() {
return 2 + data.length;
public int writeData(byte[] tgt, int off) {
byte b = (byte) (f ? 1 : 0);
if (gz)
b |= 0x02;
tgt[off++] = b; // flag
b = (byte) ((fr << 4) | frt);
tgt[off++] = b; // frag
System.arraycopy(data, doff, tgt, off, dlen);
return off + dlen;
public static class I2NPBlock extends Block {
private final OutboundMessageState2 m;
public I2NPBlock(OutboundMessageState2 msg) {
m = msg;
public int getDataLength() {
// 9 byte header vs. 16
return m.getMessageSize();
public int writeData(byte[] tgt, int off) {
// fixme NTCP2 flavor
return off + m.writeFragment(tgt, off, 0);
* Same format as I2NPBlock
public static class FirstFragBlock extends Block {
private final OutboundMessageState2 m;
public FirstFragBlock(OutboundMessageState2 msg) {
m = msg;
public int getDataLength() {
// 9 byte header vs. 5
return m.fragmentSize(0); // + 4;
public int writeData(byte[] tgt, int off) {
// fixme NTCP2 flavor
return off + m.writeFragment(tgt, off, 0);
public static class FollowFragBlock extends Block {
private final OutboundMessageState2 m;
private final int f;
public FollowFragBlock(OutboundMessageState2 msg, int frag) {
if (frag <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
m = msg;
f = frag;
public int getDataLength() {
return m.fragmentSize(f) + 5;
public int writeData(byte[] tgt, int off) {
byte b = (byte) (f << 1);
if (f == m.getFragmentCount() - 1)
b |= (byte) 0x01;
tgt[off++] = b;
DataHelper.toLong(tgt, off, 4, m.getMessageId());
off += 4;
return off + m.writeFragment(tgt, off, 0);
public static class PaddingBlock extends Block {
private final int sz;
private final I2PAppContext ctx;
/** with zero-filled data */
public PaddingBlock(int size) {
this(null, size);
/** with random data */
public PaddingBlock(I2PAppContext context, int size) {
sz = size;
ctx = context;
public int getDataLength() {
return sz;
public int writeData(byte[] tgt, int off) {
if (ctx != null)
ctx.random().nextBytes(tgt, off, sz);
Arrays.fill(tgt, off, off + sz, (byte) 0);
return off + sz;
public static class DateTimeBlock extends Block {
private final long now;
public DateTimeBlock(I2PAppContext ctx) {
now = ctx.clock().now();
public int getDataLength() {
return 4;
public int writeData(byte[] tgt, int off) {
DataHelper.toLong(tgt, off, 4, now / 1000);
return off + 4;
public static class OptionsBlock extends Block {
private final byte[] opts;
public OptionsBlock(byte[] options) {
opts = options;
public int getDataLength() {
return opts.length;
public int writeData(byte[] tgt, int off) {
System.arraycopy(opts, 0, tgt, off, opts.length);
return off + opts.length;
public static class TerminationBlock extends Block {
private final byte rsn;
private final long rcvd;
public TerminationBlock(int reason, long lastReceived) {
rsn = (byte) reason;
rcvd = lastReceived;
public int getDataLength() {
return 9;
public int writeData(byte[] tgt, int off) {
DataHelper.toLong8(tgt, off, rcvd);
tgt[off + 8] = rsn;
return off + 9;
public static class AckBlock extends Block {
private final long t;
private final int a;
private final byte[] r;
private final int rc;
* @param ranges nack/ack/nack/ack
* @param rangeCount ranges length / 2
public AckBlock(long thru, int acnt, byte[] ranges, int rangeCount) {
if (rangeCount > 255)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (acnt > 255)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
t = thru;
a = acnt;
r = ranges;
rc = rangeCount;
public int getDataLength() {
return 5 + (rc * 2);
public int writeData(byte[] tgt, int off) {
DataHelper.toLong(tgt, off, 4, t);
off += 4;
tgt[off++] = (byte) a;
System.arraycopy(r, 0, tgt, off, rc * 2);
return off + (rc * 2);
public static class AddressBlock extends Block {
private final byte[] i;
private final int p;
public AddressBlock(byte[] ip, int port) {
i = ip;
p = port;
public int getDataLength() {
return 2 + i.length;
public int writeData(byte[] tgt, int off) {
DataHelper.toLong(tgt, off, 2, p);
off += 2;
System.arraycopy(i, 0, tgt, off, i.length);
return off + i.length;
public static class RelayTagRequestBlock extends Block {
public RelayTagRequestBlock() {
public int getDataLength() {
return 0;
public int writeData(byte[] tgt, int off) {
return off;
public static class RelayTagBlock extends Block {
private final long t;
public RelayTagBlock(long tag) {
t = tag;
public int getDataLength() {
return 4;
public int writeData(byte[] tgt, int off) {
DataHelper.toLong(tgt, off, 4, t);
return off + 4;
public static class NewTokenBlock extends Block {
private final long t, e;
public NewTokenBlock(long token, long expires) {
t = token;
e = expires / 1000;
public int getDataLength() {
return 12;
public int writeData(byte[] tgt, int off) {
DataHelper.toLong(tgt, off, 4, e);
off += 4;
DataHelper.toLong8(tgt, off, t);
return off + 8;
......@@ -56,16 +56,16 @@ final class SSU2Util {
/** 3 byte block header + 9 byte I2NP header = 12 */
// public static final int FULL_I2NP_HEADER_SIZE = SSU2Payload.BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE + 9;
public static final int FULL_I2NP_HEADER_SIZE = SSU2Payload.BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE + 9;
/** 3 byte block header + 9 byte I2NP header = 12 */
// public static final int FIRST_FRAGMENT_HEADER_SIZE = SSU2Payload.BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE + 9;
public static final int FIRST_FRAGMENT_HEADER_SIZE = SSU2Payload.BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE + 9;
/** 3 byte block header + 4 byte msg ID + 1 byte fragment info = 8 */
// public static final int FOLLOWON_FRAGMENT_HEADER_SIZE = SSU2Payload.BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE + 5;
public static final int FOLLOWON_FRAGMENT_HEADER_SIZE = SSU2Payload.BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE + 5;
/** 16 byte block header + 2 + 12 = 30 */
// public static final int DATA_HEADER_SIZE = SHORT_HEADER_SIZE + 2 + FULL_I2NP_HEADER_SIZE;
* The message types, 0-10, as bytes
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