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Commit 498280b5 authored by zzz's avatar zzz
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Ubuntu: Launchpad build fixes

- Set BITS in rules to target architecture bits
- Remove dh --with quilt as dh clean will unpatch with quilt
parent 6b8cb544
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#!/usr/bin/make -f
# Quoting Policy version, 2011-04-07 section 4.9:
# /start quote
# For some packages, notably ones where the same source tree is compiled in
# different ways to produce two binary packages, the build target does not make
# much sense. For these packages it is good enough to provide two (or more)
# targets (build-a and build-b or whatever) for each of the ways of building the
# package, and a build target that does nothing. The binary target will have to
# build the package in each of the possible ways and make the binary package out
# of each.
# ...
# When a package has a configuration and build routine which takes a long time,
# or when the makefiles are poorly designed, or when build needs to run clean
# first, it is a good idea to touch build when the build process is complete.
# This will ensure that if debian/rules build is run again it will not rebuild
# the whole program.
# /end quote
# Since that fits building I2P very well, we override the build target.
@echo 'The build target is disabled. Use the appropriate binary target.'
# I2P's version will be displayed in the router console as "$I2PVERSION-$EXTRAPREFIX$DEBIANVERSION", eg. 0.8.12-0-deb1
#export EXTRAPREFIX := deb
export JAVA_HOME I2P
export DEBIANVERSION := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog |awk -F' ' '/^Version:/{print $$2}' |sed 's/.*-\([.0-9A-Za-z~+]\{1,\}\)$$/\1/')
# required for jbigi/jcpuid build
export BITS := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_BITS)
#export DEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU)
dh $@ --with systemd
clean: createcopyright
-[ -r $(CURDIR)/debian/routerversion.java.bak ] && mv -f $(CURDIR)/debian/routerversion.java.bak $(ROUTERVERSION)
ant distclean
find $(CURDIR)/core \( -name '*\.so' -o -name '*\.o' \) -exec rm -f {} \;
rm -rf $(CURDIR)/core/c/jcpuid/lib/
rm -f $(CURDIR)/installer/lib/wrapper/all/wrapper.jar
rm -rf $(CURDIR)/debian/python-i2p
rm -f $(CURDIR)/override.properties
# We purposely do not set I2P to start at boot.
# This matches the behavior of the initscript
# and the setting RUN_DAEMON=false in /etc/default/i2p
binary-indep: build-indep
mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/installer/lib/wrapper/all
ln -sf /usr/share/java/wrapper.jar $(CURDIR)/installer/lib/wrapper/all/wrapper.jar
if [ ! -e $(CURDIR)/debian/routerversion.java.bak ]; then \
cp $(ROUTERVERSION) $(CURDIR)/debian/routerversion.java.bak; \
ifeq "$(findstring deb,$(shell grep 'deb' $(ROUTERVERSION)))" ""
sed -e "s/\(.*EXTRA\ =\ \)[^ ]*\"\(.*\)\"/\1\"\2-$$EXTRAPREFIX$$DEBIANVERSION\"/" < $(ROUTERVERSION) > $(ROUTERVERSION).tmp
@echo "Already found deb in version, not doing anything"
@# build options
@/bin/echo -e "javac.version=1.7" > $(CURDIR)/override.properties
@/bin/echo -e "javac.compilerargs=-bootclasspath $(JAVA_HOME)/jre/lib/rt.jar:$(JAVA_HOME)/jre/lib/jce.jar" >> $(CURDIR)/override.properties
@/bin/echo -e "javac.compilerargs7=-bootclasspath $(JAVA_HOME)/jre/lib/rt.jar:$(JAVA_HOME)/jre/lib/jce.jar" >> $(CURDIR)/override.properties
@/bin/echo -e "build.built-by=debian" >> $(CURDIR)/override.properties
@# debian and ubuntu: everywhere
@/bin/echo -e "with-geoip-database=true" >> $(CURDIR)/override.properties
@# ubuntu: not in precise
@# debian: in wheezy jessie stretch sid
@/bin/echo -e "with-libjetty8-java=true" >> $(CURDIR)/override.properties
mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib
ln -sf /usr/share/java/jetty8-continuation.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/jetty-continuation.jar
ln -sf /usr/share/java/jetty8-deploy.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/jetty-deploy.jar
ln -sf /usr/share/java/jetty8-http.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/jetty-http.jar
ln -sf /usr/share/java/jetty8-io.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/jetty-io.jar
ln -sf /usr/share/java/jetty8-rewrite.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/jetty-rewrite-handler.jar
ln -sf /usr/share/java/jetty8-security.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/jetty-security.jar
ln -sf /usr/share/java/jetty8-servlet.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/jetty-servlet.jar
ln -sf /usr/share/java/jetty8-servlets.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/jetty-servlets.jar
ln -sf /usr/share/java/jetty8-start.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/jetty-start.jar
ln -sf /usr/share/java/jetty8-util.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/jetty-util.jar
ln -sf /usr/share/java/jetty8-webapp.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/jetty-webapp.jar
ln -sf /usr/share/java/jetty8-xml.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/jetty-xml.jar
ln -sf /usr/share/java/jetty8-server.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/org.mortbay.jetty.jar
ln -sf /usr/share/java/jetty8-jmx.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/org.mortbay.jmx.jar
@# following two are from libservlet3.0-java which is a dependency of libjetty8-java
ln -sf /usr/share/java/servlet-api-3.0.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/javax.servlet.jar
ln -sf /usr/share/java/jsp-api-2.2.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/jsp-api.jar
@# ubuntu: only in precise trusty vivid
@# debian: only in wheezy
@#@/bin/echo -e "with-libtomcat6-java=true" >> $(CURDIR)/override.properties
@#mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib
@#ln -sf /usr/share/java/jasper.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/jasper-runtime.jar
@#ln -sf /usr/share/java/tomcat-coyote.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/tomcat-coyote.jar
@#ln -sf /usr/share/java/tomcat-juli.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/commons-logging.jar
@#ln -sf /usr/share/java/jasper-el.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/jasper-el.jar
@# following is from libservlet2.5-java which is a dependency of libtomcat6-java
@#ln -sf /usr/share/java/el-api-2.1.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/commons-el.jar
@# debian and ubuntu: everywhere
@#/bin/echo -e "with-libtomcat7-java=true" >> $(CURDIR)/override.properties
@#mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib
@#ln -sf /usr/share/java/tomcat-jasper.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/jasper-runtime.jar
@#ln -sf /usr/share/java/tomcat-api.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/tomcat-api.jar
@#ln -sf /usr/share/java/tomcat-util.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/tomcat-util.jar
@#ln -sf /usr/share/java/tomcat-coyote.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/tomcat-coyote.jar
@#ln -sf /usr/share/java/tomcat-juli.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/commons-logging.jar
@#ln -sf /usr/share/java/tomcat-jasper-el.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/jasper-el.jar
@# following is from libservlet3.0-java which is a dependency of libtomcat7-java
@#ln -sf /usr/share/java/el-api-2.2.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/jetty/jettylib/commons-el.jar
@# debian and ubuntu: everywhere
@/bin/echo -e "with-glassfish-javaee=true" >> $(CURDIR)/override.properties
ln -sf /usr/share/java/glassfish-javaee.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/susidns/src/lib/jstl.jar
ln -sf /usr/share/java/glassfish-appserv-jstl.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/susidns/src/lib/standard.jar
@# debian and ubuntu: everywhere
@#/bin/echo -e "with-libjakarta-taglibs-standard-java=true" >> $(CURDIR)/override.properties
@#ln -sf /usr/share/java/standard.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/susidns/src/lib/standard.jar
@# debian and ubuntu: everywhere
@#/bin/echo -e "with-libjstl1.1-java=true" >> $(CURDIR)/override.properties
@#ln -sf /usr/share/java/jstl1.1.jar $(CURDIR)/apps/susidns/src/lib/jstl.jar
@# debian and ubuntu: everywhere
@/bin/echo -e "with-gettext-base=true" >> $(CURDIR)/override.properties
@mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/core/java/build
ln -sf /usr/share/java/libintl.jar $(CURDIR)/core/java/build/libintl.jar
@# debian and ubuntu: everywhere
@/bin/echo -e "with-libgetopt-java=true" >> $(CURDIR)/override.properties
@mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/core/java/build
ln -sf /usr/share/java/gnu-getopt.jar $(CURDIR)/core/java/build/gnu-getopt.jar
@# 2 MB of dependencies vs. 20 KB of copied source
@# Requires 4.4 or higher.
@# Debian: Not in wheezy/jessie
@# Ubuntu: Only in wily and later
@#/bin/echo -e "with-libhttpclient-java=true" >> $(CURDIR)/override.properties
@#mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/core/java/build
@#ln -sf /usr/share/java/httpclient.jar $(CURDIR)/core/java/build/httpclient.jar
@#ln -sf /usr/share/java/httpcore.jar $(CURDIR)/core/java/build/httpcore.jar
TZ=UTC JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF8 ant preppkg-unix javadoc
echo router.updateDisabled=true > $(I2P)/router.config
mv $(I2P)/runplain.sh $(I2P)/i2prouter-nowrapper
binary-arch: build-arch
# build jbigi
cd $(CURDIR)/core/c/jbigi && ./build_jbigi.sh dynamic
# build jcpuid
cd $(CURDIR)/core/c/jcpuid && ./build.sh
binary: binary-arch binary-indep
@echo " *** Creating debian/copyright*** "
@rm -f $(CURDIR)/debian/copyright
@/bin/echo -e "This package was Debianized by kytv <killyourtv@i2pmail.org>" >> $(CURDIR)/debian/copyright
@/bin/echo -e "Sun, 23 Jan 2011 20:26:51 +0000" >> $(CURDIR)/debian/copyright
@/bin/echo -e "\nIt was downloaded from https://geti2p.net" >> $(CURDIR)/debian/copyright
@/bin/echo -e "\nI2P is tracked upstream using the Monotone VCS" >> $(CURDIR)/debian/copyright
@/bin/echo -e "Complete information on fetching the source with monotone can be found" >> $(CURDIR)/debian/copyright
@/bin/echo -e "at https://geti2p.net/newdevelopers#getting-the-i2p-code\n\n\n" >> $(CURDIR)/debian/copyright
@/bin/cat $(CURDIR)/LICENSE.txt >> $(CURDIR)/debian/copyright
@/bin/echo -e "\n\n The debian packaging has been released into the public domain." >> $(CURDIR)/debian/copyright
dh_compress -X.xsl -X.xml
dh_install --list-missing
dh_apparmor --profile-name=system_i2p -pi2p
dh_apparmor --profile-name=usr.bin.i2prouter -pi2p
dh_installchangelogs history.txt
dh_installdocs -pi2p -plibjbigi-jni --link-doc=i2p-router
dh_installdocs --remaining-packages
dh_shlibdeps -llibjbigi-jni debian/libjbigi-jni/usr/lib/jni/*.so
# dh_installinit -r
dh_builddeb -- -Zxz
uscan --verbose --rename --destdir $(CURDIR)/.. --watchfile debian/watch --force-download
...@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ export DEB_BUILD_HARDENING=1 ...@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ export DEB_BUILD_HARDENING=1
#export EXTRAPREFIX := deb #export EXTRAPREFIX := deb
export JAVA_HOME I2P export JAVA_HOME I2P
export DEBIANVERSION := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog |awk -F' ' '/^Version:/{print $$2}' |sed 's/.*-\([.0-9A-Za-z~+]\{1,\}\)$$/\1/') export DEBIANVERSION := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog |awk -F' ' '/^Version:/{print $$2}' |sed 's/.*-\([.0-9A-Za-z~+]\{1,\}\)$$/\1/')
# required for jbigi/jcpuid build
export BITS := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_BITS)
#export DEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU) #export DEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU)
%: %:
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