* Add a framed average peer clock skew calculator * Add config property "router.clockOffsetSanityCheck" to determine if NTP-suggested clock offsets get sanity checked (default "true") * Reject NTP-suggested clock offsets if they'd increase peer clock skew by more than 5 seconds, or make it more than 20 seconds total * Decrease log level in getMedianPeerClockSkew()
* Add a framed average peer clock skew calculator * Add config property "router.clockOffsetSanityCheck" to determine if NTP-suggested clock offsets get sanity checked (default "true") * Reject NTP-suggested clock offsets if they'd increase peer clock skew by more than 5 seconds, or make it more than 20 seconds total * Decrease log level in getMedianPeerClockSkew()
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.