zzz authored
- Write directly from writer threads, except for during establishment and when write doesn't complete; throw those to the pumper as usual - New NTCPCon writelock, readlock, and statlock (formerly all on NTCPCon.this) to prevent deadlocks - NTCPCon chan and key now volatile, remove synch to prevent deadlocks - All interestOps changes now lock on the key via setInterest() and clearInterest() since changes may now happen in multiple threads - Set _paddingConfig at initialization to avoid NPE Greatly reduces pumper loops and CPU As proposed by jogger Reviewed by zlatinb Ref: http://zzz.i2p/topics/3192
zzz authored- Write directly from writer threads, except for during establishment and when write doesn't complete; throw those to the pumper as usual - New NTCPCon writelock, readlock, and statlock (formerly all on NTCPCon.this) to prevent deadlocks - NTCPCon chan and key now volatile, remove synch to prevent deadlocks - All interestOps changes now lock on the key via setInterest() and clearInterest() since changes may now happen in multiple threads - Set _paddingConfig at initialization to avoid NPE Greatly reduces pumper loops and CPU As proposed by jogger Reviewed by zlatinb Ref: http://zzz.i2p/topics/3192
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