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  • LoveIsGrief's avatar
    Fix docker build · e64e12b3
    LoveIsGrief authored
    ant needed to be updated to >1.9, but the old image used an old alpine
     with the max version of ant being 1.8.
    The build is split into 2 phases to reduce the size of the image.
    A builder makes the installer and installs it in one image.
    The installed files are copied over to the actual result image.
    Fix docker build
    LoveIsGrief authored
    ant needed to be updated to >1.9, but the old image used an old alpine
     with the max version of ant being 1.8.
    The build is split into 2 phases to reduce the size of the image.
    A builder makes the installer and installs it in one image.
    The installed files are copied over to the actual result image.
Dockerfile 1.56 KiB
# Use a multi-stage build to reduce the size of the resulting image
# We need alpine >v3 in order to install an apache-ant > 1.9
FROM alpine:3 as builder
ENV I2P_PREFIX="/opt/i2p"

WORKDIR /tmp/build
COPY . ./

# Build installer
RUN apk --no-cache add build-base gettext tar bzip2 apache-ant openjdk8 expect
RUN echo "noExe=true" >> build.properties
RUN ant installer-linux
RUN mkdir -p /opt
RUN mv i2pinstall*.jar /tmp/i2pinstall.jar

# Install i2p using the installer into I2P_PREFIX
RUN expect -f ./Docker.expt
RUN rm -fr man docs *.bat *.command *.app

# Second stage only using the installer from the last stage
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# We can't use alpine here as the java service wrapper is built with glibc
# alpine uses musl
FROM openjdk:11.0-jre-slim

ARG I2P_UID=1000
ENV I2P_PREFIX="/opt/i2p"

# "install" i2p by copying over installed files
COPY --from=builder /opt/i2p ${I2P_PREFIX}

# Setup user and fix permissions in
RUN adduser --system --uid ${I2P_UID} --home /user ${I2P_USER} \
    && chown -R ${I2P_USER} /user \
    && chown -R ${I2P_USER} ${I2P_PREFIX} \
    && chmod -R u+rwx ${I2P_PREFIX}

EXPOSE 7654 7656 7657 7658 4444 6668 8998 7659 7660 4445 15000-20000

USER i2p
ENTRYPOINT [ "/opt/i2p/i2psvc" ]
CMD [ "/opt/i2p/wrapper.config", "wrapper.pidfile=/var/tmp/i2p.pid", "wrapper.name=i2p", "wrapper.displayname=\"I2P Service\"" , "wrapper.statusfile=/var/tmp/i2p.status", "wrapper.java.statusfile=/var/tmp/i2p.java.status", "wrapper.logfile=/var/tmp/wrapper.log" ]