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  • zzz's avatar
    Tunnels: Fix build request Bloom filter (ticket #1746) · c8197b81
    zzz authored
    Change from 60s DHS to 60m DBF
    Use reply key as filter key, not first part of
    encrypted data, to match the specs and hopefully reduce dups
    BuildMessageProcessor cleanups
    log and stat tweaks
    remove deprecated methods
    remove some timing measurements
    Tunnels: Fix build request Bloom filter (ticket #1746)
    zzz authored
    Change from 60s DHS to 60m DBF
    Use reply key as filter key, not first part of
    encrypted data, to match the specs and hopefully reduce dups
    BuildMessageProcessor cleanups
    log and stat tweaks
    remove deprecated methods
    remove some timing measurements
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.