* Add a new stat logging component to optionally dump the raw stats to disk as they are generated, rather than rely upon the summarized data. By default, this is off, but the router property "stat.logFilters" can be set to a comma delimited list of stats (e.g. "client.sendAckTime") which will be written to the file "stats.log" (or whatever the property "stat.logFile" is set to). This can also log profile related stats, such as "dbResponseTime" or "tunnelTestResponseTime".
* Add a new stat logging component to optionally dump the raw stats to disk as they are generated, rather than rely upon the summarized data. By default, this is off, but the router property "stat.logFilters" can be set to a comma delimited list of stats (e.g. "client.sendAckTime") which will be written to the file "stats.log" (or whatever the property "stat.logFile" is set to). This can also log profile related stats, such as "dbResponseTime" or "tunnelTestResponseTime".
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.