I2P Address: [http://git.idk.i2p]
the actual fix for the local eepsite problem (if getRemoteID was called *after* the remoteID was set, it would wait for 60s then fail. now we check for that) synchronization cleanup (never get two locks) logging
the actual fix for the local eepsite problem (if getRemoteID was called *after* the remoteID was set, it would wait for 60s then fail. now we check for that) synchronization cleanup (never get two locks) logging
Base32 Address: [http://7qeve4v2chmjdqlwpa3vl7aojf3nodbku7vepnjwrsxljzqipz6a.b32.i2p] Onion Address: [http://47ggr2fa3vnwfyhvgskzdmr3i32eijwymxohtxsls45dulmriwxszjad.onion]